Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy, Happy New Year!

Happy, Happy New Year!

"Happy New Year!" we say to each
And everyone around.
We wish you all within our reach
God's blessings to abound.

A time to reflect, a time to plan~
Yes, another year is here.
We try to improve in all we can
To have a better year.

The resolutions that we make
Will help with goals to set.
Self-inventory that we take
Will help our goals get met.

May we in this year to come
Take time to serve our God.
May we, a blessing be to some
Poor soul who walks this sod.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sunshine of Passion

Sunshine of Passion

The sunshine of passion cuts through this heart
Once blind to love I sat in the dark
Only whispers of the wind prevailing
A heart I slowly kept from failing
this love pours from seams I've stitched
a moments beauty that I once ditched
the ashes of time have escaped through my hand
now the beauty of love I've come to understand

I feel the rays of time drift in the wind
and it's this feeling I get when I'm cleansed of sin
See I got this great God shining in heaven above
lil' sprinkles turn to showers, the forecast called for love
I know there's a God who controls the weather
but it's a feeling I describe one cannot measure
it's something I call the sunshine of passion
that fills with a great sense of satisfaction

It gives me a high that I try to describe
but I use words that flow with a pen I scribe
this could have been a sonnet but it's more than fourteen lines
I see the skylines bleed of love with the ages of time
it takes me back to the days before I knew Christ
back before I gave Him my heart and accepted His life
it's this something I write called the sunshine of passion
it's this verb called love that's been put into action

It's roses for anguished heart that cries
it's this beauty called love that never dies
it's this feeling of satisfaction that I get
of all the memories and tragedy one cannot forget
It's for times that I thought my heart would fail
while drifting on the wings of a flightless sail
It's this passion that drives my heart to excel
a love of a God that from heaven fell

fell upon a heart that remembers His fight
while bleeding on a cross long ago one night
that blessed me with a passion to pursue
this dream made into reality upon wings that flew
flew upon the wings of endless grace
while staring into the beauty of my God's face
never denying for one second my faith
but remembering this heartache you came to erase
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Happy New Year !

Monday, December 29, 2014

Living For Christ This Year

Living For Christ This Year

In our older years,
Time passes by so fast.
Another year flew by.
Another year has passed.

Time just marches on,
And so do our lives.
Days and hours fly by,
And another year arrives.

God has brought me through
Bad times and good ones too.
He has led me all the way.
To Him, I will stand true.

Just a word of advice
To the lively younger set:
Live this year for Christ.
This you'll never regret!

If the Lord chooses for me
To live here another year,
I'll live my life for Him,
My Lord and Savior so dear!
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !

Saturday, December 27, 2014

God gave me this Scripture this morning

You know I have read thru this scripture a thousand times . But God open the door this morning where I really understand what he told us . I was praying this weekend  and this morning  . That I would be a better child  of  God . Help me to become all that you would have  me to be .Have I been all that God wanted me to be ? Have I been a good son , father to my  children , Grand father , friend to my friends . Have I took time to pray for  ones who need help . I thought I would like to be Enouch that walked so close and fellowship with God , that God just took him . Can you imagine Father God  enjoy your present so much , he just took you back to heaven with him.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Gen.5 Verses 21 to 24

[21] And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:
[22] And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
[23] And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:
[24] And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.


Friday, December 26, 2014

Doing Our Best This Year

Doing Our Best This Year

At the beginning of a new year,
Sometimes we tend to look back.
We think about our failures
And times we got "off track."

Some New Year's resolutions,
We think that we need to make.
We see the need to do better,
So some inventory, we take.

As Christians, we ask ourselves,
"Am I giving my best to God?
Am I serving Him all I can
As upon this earth I trod?"

Yes, we need to always resolve
To serve our God more and more,
We strive to serve Him better
Than we did the year before.

We know we are only human,
But for us, God's best He gave
When He sent His son to die
For our sinful souls to save.

This year we need to strive
To do our very best for Christ.
He gave His life to save us.
As a lamb, He was sacrificed. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless ! 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

God Sent A Special Present

God Sent A Special Present

He laid aside his glory, to be born as a babe.
This Holy God from heaven, in a cattle stall was laid.
No royal crown of splendor was placed upon his head,
He only had a manger of hay, to be his bed.

No birthday celebrations with food, and friends and toys,
Just some cattle lowing, welcomed this baby boy,
His parents knew this Baby, a special one would be
Fulfilling all God's promises, sin's Sacrifice was He.

Out on a lonely hillside, where shepherds tended sheep,
A choir of holy angels, their frightened eyes did see.
The sky was filled with splendor, angelic voices raised
Filling the night with praises for the gift of the Heavenly Babe.

Behold! We bring you tidings of peace, good will to men,
For unto you a Savior is born in Bethlehem.
He is a Gift from heaven, sent down from God above,
He came to bring salvation, and show the world God's love.

The shepherds came with wonder, and worshiped with great joy
This precious Holy Baby, Mary's brand new little boy.
Now this message has gone out so all the world may hear
God sent a special Present to all people everywhere.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Jesus, Is Coming Again

Jesus, Is Coming Again

Oh, you better watch out,
You better not lie.
You better not doubt,
I'm telling you why.

Jesus, is coming again.

He's making a plea,
He's got an escape plot.
He's gonna find out,
Who believes or not.

Jesus, is coming again.

He sees you when you've sinned,
He knows when you've confessed.
He knows when you've been guilty or not,
So believe in Him - for your own sake.

So, you better watch out,
You better not lie.
You better not doubt,
I,m telling you why.

Jesus, is coming again.

Little lost sheep,
Little Satan's charms.
And don't fall in his arms.

Jesus, is coming again.

Little Satan's toy's,
That follows and do.
Lusty, greedy,
And gluttonous too.

Jesus, is coming again.

Those who play in Satan's band,
Will have a fiery festivity.
They're gonna play his sinful gig,
In the depth of hell's captivity.

Oh, you better watch out,
You better not lie.
You better not doubt,
I'm telling you why.

Jesus, is coming,
Jesus, is coming,
Jesus, is coming,
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Merry Christmas , I was just having fun with a old Christmas song , hope you enjoy it .

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It's Christmas Day

It's Christmas Day

It's Christmas day,
Santa and sleigh.
He's left some toys for the kids to play.
Yours and mine,
Our families join
To eat minced pies and drink mulled wine.
Each takes a seat,
Eats turkey meat,
Then Christmas pud, makes meal complete.
We rest till three,
Drink cup of tea,
Turn on the box, Her Majesty.
Beneath the tree,
A gift for me
And each one in the family.
Without a care,
Kids paper tear,
Each wants to see just what's in there.
Granddad he's got socks,
Pink tie that shocks
Large handkerchiefs in fancy box.
For dear old Nan,
Some spray in can.
Asks, 'Will the smell attract young man.'
Now evening meal,
Cheap crackers reveal,
Plastic tat, paper hat, no appeal.
A time for play and then away.
Oh! did I say it's Christ's birthday.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2014

My Gift

My Gift

Santa and presents
Decorations galore
Is this what I sent
My only Son for?

Shopping and bargains
Recipes to share
If this is His Birthday
Then why isn't He there?

Gift wrapping, gift giving
Secret Santa exchange
Yet, no one accepting His gift is
...quite strange.

Happy Holidays, Merry X-mas
Keep it short, don't offend
How can you say you love Him
Yet, you compromise such a Friend?

The true meaning of Christmas
Doesn't lie in these things
It lies in Christ Jesus
And the joy that He brings

It lies in knowing
Had it not been for His birth
Could you be redeemed
From your sins on this earth?

So in all of your "festivities"
In all the things you do
Never forget My Son
He was "My Gift" to you!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Christmas TIme

Christmas TIme

Christmas Time

Yes, Christmas is the time,
Where little boys and girls.
Will finally receive,
Long sought for special toys.

A time when moms,
Bake cakes and pies.
When folks will gather,
Of renewing family ties.

And ones who rarely smile,
Have grins upon their face.
Those who always hurry by,
Have greetings in there place,

They don't even comprehend,
They say, "tis the season",
GO on their merry way,
And never know the reason.

I wonder why that is,
Why all that "peace on earth"
It started in a stable,
With a virgin giving birth.

It's a love I can't explain,
I will not even try.
That God would send his son,
Born - just to die.

But isn't it ironical,
though Him no honor pay,
The world spends its millions
To Celebrate His day!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Give the Gift of Jesus

Give the Gift of Jesus

This Christmas . . .

I'm decorating my heart,
with the wrappings of His love.
Tying a ribbon around my soul,
with His blessings from above.

I going to avoid all the malls,
and stop not at a single store.
The only present I will give,
is the One that will restore.

I'm giving the gift of forgiveness,
sending cards about His grace.
I'm letting the glory of His birth,
beam across my thankful face.

I'm opening up my home,
for everyone to come and see.
The light of His beauty,
so to celebrate His birth with me.

I'm serving a dish of Christmas joy,
and offering up God's good cheer.
We will feast upon His holiness,
and rejoice that our Savior's here.

I'm baking Him up a special cake,
singing to Him a birthday song.
And a slice of His love and mercy,
I'll give out for all to take along.

I'm giving the offering of Jesus,
at naught at cost to me.
I'm sending out the message,
there is One gift that is truly free!

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

When You Think of Christmas Gifts

When You Think of Christmas Gifts

Our Savior wasn't received as a King
On that very first Christmas morn.
No elegant robes, only homemade clothes
The infant’s body adorned.

No fame, no trumpet, no grand speech,
No hint that He the world would teach.
No one noble anointed his head.
He lay in a manger instead of a bed.

The FULLNESS of God resided within
The infant Christ born without sin.
Filled with Glory, Truth, and Light
Born that lost sinners might receive sight.

Born to die that mankind might live;
Born to pardon and forgive.
Born to bear the sin and shame,
Dying my death, carrying my blame.

He ascended the hill bearing the cross,
Nails pierced flesh, all hope now lost.
Enduring the pain, each breath diminished,
He cried out to God, and then it was finished.

Laid in the grave, His flesh now dead;
Wrapped in a shroud from toe to head,
He conquered death, and after three days
Rose from the dead and abandoned the grave.

He lives today and forevermore,
Salvation’s lost hope has been restored.
Eternal life, purpose and joy
Triumphs over death destroyed.

Christ alone gives eternal life,
Hope for heaven and absence from strife.
Salvation heals our sin-stained soul,
Assures us of heaven and life that’s whole.

When you think of Christmas gifts this year
Think of Him whose life so dear
Was given to bring salvation true
That the promise of heaven might include you.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jesus, The Greatest Christmas Light

Jesus, The Greatest Christmas Light

This Light came down from heaven, while His beam surrounded all of those who had witness His appearing.
The Light who told all people about the Kingdom of God, while knowing many of them were not hearing.

This Light has always been, just as the Father of lights had no beginning.
The Light of heaven came down to save all of mankind, for all of mankind was sinning.

This Light was also hung on a tree for the entire world to see,
The Light that came so freely, so that He could save you and me.

This Light was put out for three days, while people thought it would never shine again.
The Light had an inner power, a power greater than any other power, a power with no end.

This Light shines brighter now than ever before, and it will never go dim again.
The Light that came so freely, to save you and me from our sins.

This Light is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who has no end.
The Light that shines before all mankind, while convicting them of their sin.

This Light will shine through all people, all people who allow Him to come into their hearts.
The Light, who is waiting for His Father to say to Him, today, Your journey for Your bride starts.

This Light will leave heaven to come get us, so He can take us to heaven for all eternity.
The Light that died to save us all, while setting us all completely free.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Brightest Light

The Brightest Light

Community, they were as one,
the trimmings on the tree,
but boasted, of their beauty, all,
as each could plainly see.
The Christmas lights were arguing,
the red ones and the blue,
but then the green lights got involved,
the orange and yellow too.

Their vain ambitions drew the eye,
as others looked at them.
They craved it all and each had thought,
"I'm such a precious gem."
So all the lights and ornaments
with all the tinsel too,
continued with their arguments
on who was 'besting' who.

Then shaking all, a booming voice
was heard from very top
and it had brought the bickering
to prompt and sudden stop.
Yes, way atop the Christmas tree
and higher than the rest,
this star had boasted he, by far,
was brightest and the best.

Crescendo'ed then, because of this
intimidating sight,
applause arose for brilliant star,
indeed, the brightest light.
Contented they had seemed to be,
to look to such a thing,
but then the lowest, weakest light
saw something int'resting...

She yelled up through the branches, "Please!
Oh, this we must discuss!"
She said, "From here, I plainly see
a 'stand' is holding us."
Black pupils drooped in every eye
as low as they could go,
but all the rest were just too high
to see so far below.

And star, the farthest from the floor,
just couldn't see from there,
so up on top of his own world
he glanced out in a glare,
"Are some of you believing her?
Why think you're going to fall?
Who shines the greatest in this room?
Trust me. I'm over all!"

So then, in unison they sang,
in perfect harmony,
"We don't believe in anything
if it, we cannot see."
That saddened, then, the lowest light.
Again she tried to shout,
but all she did was flicker some
and then, at last, burned out.

The 'stand' was doing all he could,
with all his muscled might,
but finally he lost his grip
to keep that tree upright.
So timbered it, the tree and all.
It fell so hard and far.
And all was shattered into bits
with bright and mighty star.

The moral of this story is:
Seek truth and do not fight.
Let others see you differently
within your little light.
Be humble. Do not crave mere fame
when shining on this earth -
but glory, rather, give to God
and Jesus' precious birth.

Merry Christmas!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Gift

Christmas Gift

I thought long and hard
About a gift to bring
I don't really have much,
And I can't really sing

Christmas has always been hard
As we never had very much
Being together was about it
But we seem to be out of touch

I typically find myself
Lost during the holidays
For so many years it has
Been just another day

So I think this year
I will try something new
I want to take a look back
Something I rarely seem to do

Remembering the good times
That I had as a child
A time when on that old couch
My family sat and piled

I think about my sister and I
Trying to figure out
What MeeMaw's numbering system
Was really all about

Going outside with the cousins
To throw around the ball
May be the thing
That I miss most of all

It's been such a long time
Since we all sat as one
Talking about life
Joking and picking fun

Looking back now is hard
But not in vain
As I have a new family
To help ease the pain

New memories to be made
With each one of you
A family under God
To help me through

All of you here tonight
Reminisce of times gone by
Brothers and sisters is Christ
We celebrate our Lord most high

Forget about the gifts
And the things we wish for
The Christmas message
Is about so much more

It's about the unwavering love
That we all have tonight
For the one and only Son
Who's light shines so bright

I thought long and hard
About a gift to bring
But the best gift was already given
The birth of Jesus our Savior, our King.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Symbols Of The Christmas Candy Cane

Symbols Of The Christmas Candy Cane

Four symbols of the candy cane
are told at Christmas time
to remind us of our Savior.
Here they are in rhyme:

The Christmas candy cane we eat,
or hang upon our tree,
tells a story about Christ and
what He means to you and me.

Two color stripes are on the cane.
One’s white… the other red.
Red is for the precious blood
that for us all, He shed.

White is for the pureness
of Him born on Christmas day.
Think of His name, “Jesus”,
when you see it as a “J”.

And when we turn it back around
a staff does yet remain,
to remind us He’s our Shepherd.
…All this in a candy cane.
Jan Bagwell 
God  Bless !
Merry Christmas !

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas, A Part of Christ's Story

Christmas, A Part of Christ's Story

To me, Christmas has great meaning.
It is really a part of Christ's story.
He came to this earth to die for us
From His beautiful home in Glory.

I wonder how His own Father felt
When it was time for Him to depart.
When in His love, He sent Jesus,
Did great sadness fill His heart?

God, in His love, sent His only Son.
For our sins, He was crucified.
This was the reason for His coming.
For the sins of mankind, He died.

Christ's story then continues.
In three days, He arose from the dead.
He then had victory over death
Just like to His disciples he said.

Jesus is now at God's right hand,
Interceding for us up in Glory.
If we call on Him to save our souls,
We can be a part of Christ's story.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Merry Christmas  my friends !

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Chocolate For Christmas

Chocolate For Christmas

Over in a third world country,
A missionary served God well.
The story of salvation's plan
To many people, she did tell.

She especially loved to teach
Those little children so dear.
She had a burden for the lost,
And she had a great mission here.

One of the little girls got saved.
She witnessed to her brother one day.
He asked, "How can I really know
That Jesus hears me when I pray?"

He said, "One day I tasted chocolate,
And I would like to have some more.
I will pray to Jesus and ask Him
For chocolate like I had before."

This little boy then prayed to Jesus
For some delicious chocolate to eat.
His sister knew chocolate was rare,
So inside she really felt defeat.

In America, in a Sunday School,
Joyfully every lad and every lass
Were busy gathering Christmas gifts
To send to that missionary's class.

One little boy brought a chocolate bar.
He brought a big king-sized one.
The teacher was reluctant to send it,
For chocolate will melt in the sun.

They carefully packed the chocolate
In the very middle of that crate.
Then they sent those Christmas gifts.
They didn't want them to be late.

Christmas came, and all the gifts
Were gladly given to every child.
The little brother opened his gift,
And with joy, he really went wild.

"Look, Sister! Jesus does hear
When I get on my knees and pray.
I have a big piece of chocolate
For my special Christmas gift today!"

Little brother went to the teacher.
He humbly got on his knees to pray.
He asked Jesus Christ to save him.
He received Jesus that very day.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Christmas Charity Choice

A Christmas Charity Choice

Ann was no stranger to wealth.
She even owned a Rolls-Royce.
Every Christmas, Ann had to make
The Christmas charity choice.

Nita discussed it with Roger, her hubby
A month before Christmas was here.
"Roger, I really want to do something
Unusual for our charity this year."

"Exactly what do you mean?" he asked.
"Choose some worthy cause," my Dear.
"Roger, I prayed and made a decision
To help some homeless ones this year."

"I will act like a homeless person
And hang out with them somewhere,
And maybe I'll find special needs
Among some homeless people there."

Roger began to grin and laugh aloud.
Then he began to shake his head.
"That's too dangerous, Nita, you know.
You could very well end up dead."

Nita found some faded old clothes.
Then she tried to dress like a bum.
She prayed and found a homeless group,
Who were sharing a bottle of rum.

They shunned her as she approached.
She was not part of their clan,
But she stayed with them anyway
And observed each woman and man.

Soon an old truck rolled to a stop.
There exited a lady and a man.
They handed a sandwich to everyone.
"God bless you," said Betty and Dan.

When they left, Nita found a letter.
It fell from the truck to the ground.
It was an eviction notice. Said Nita,
"My charity choice I have found!"

Nita wasted no time that very day,
For such speedy plans she laid.
She found them and wrote a check.
"With a sandwich, your bills are paid!"

Betty and Dan were not homeless yet,
But because they did God's will,
God honored this with Nita's gift.
They are helping the homeless still.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Thank you .
Betty and Dan Griffin
And yes , I do know the names of  the rich people ,
Roger Milliken , born Oct. 24 , 1915  died Dec.30 2010

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"The Main Event"

"The Main Event"

It's not about a Christmas tree
Or lights that shimmer so�
It's all about the Main Event
That happened long ago!

It's not about Black Friday
Or the dollars that we save�
It's all about a Baby Boy
The gift to us God gave!

It's not about the presents
That give our spirits a lift�
It's all about the Father
Who sent the perfect gift!!!

It's not about receiving things
With monetary worth�
It's all about an infant
Who brings hope to all the Earth!

It's not about St. Nicholas
Or the good deeds that we do�
It's all about The Promised One
Who came to Earth anew!

It's not about adorning trees
With trinkets on each limb�
It's all about His strong desire
For us to worship Him!

It's not about the carolers
Or the melodies that they sing...
It's all about the One who saves,
Who's Christ the Lord and King!

It's not about long Shopping lines
Or filling up our carts�
It's all about us asking Him
To live within our hearts!

It's not about December
Or "Secret Santa" with a friend�
It's all about the Holy One
Who to Heaven did ascend!

It's not about the credit cards
Or bills that we incur�
It's all about the debt He paid
Our salvation to ensure!

It's not about the parties
Or fancy clothes and shoes�
It's all about an Angel
Who brought to us, Good News!!!

It's not about the snow machines
Or holiday flags unfurled�
It's all about a child who came
To save a troubled world!!!

It's not about vacations
Or the twinkling lights above�
It's all about the Father
And His Agape love!
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
My second  Grand  Daughter  was  born this past weekend .  As  I
look  at my new born  Grand daughter  being held by her dad ,  Thank you
Father God  for a deeper understanding  of Jesus  birth  . You  must have been
so  proud . Thank you for the Christmas Child , that was yours .  Thank you  for
Emily  and  Halia  , David  and Hali , and Scott and Elizabeth , my mother , Hazel
Bagwell  , I am a blessed man

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Almighty God became a Baby.

The Almighty God became a Baby.

In eternity’s past a plan was agreed
and here on earth in began to proceed.
Mighty God a baby! How can this be?
Come let us explore this great mystery.

Before the moments of time had begun
at the great council of the Triune One
a mighty plan to save the race of man
was agreed upon before life began.

God incomprehensibly given room
was then conceived within a virgin’s womb.
Fully God and man this great mystery,
a Baby was born so remarkably.

In Bethlehem His earthly life began
He who measured the cosmos with a span.
Mighty God, clothed in human frailty
lay there in a manger for all to see.

Songs of praises resounded from heaven
"Peace on the earth and good will to all men"
Shepherds gaze at the wondrous Babe in awe
As God in Bethlehem's manger they saw.

This awesome event in earth's history
was part of God's great plan for you and me.
The only way He could save us from sin
was to come to earth and His life begin

For this wondrous child in Bethlehem born
has heralded the birth of a new dawn.
God had become a Babe and came to earth
so we could enter heaven by new birth.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
1 Peter : 3:7
“giving  honor unto the wife , as unto the weaker vessel , and as being heirs together of  the grace of  life.”
Luke 2: 16  And  they came with haste and found Mary , and  Joseph , and babe lying in a manager,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Spare Tire

The Spare Tire

In time of chaos, grief and pain
If you don’t know, which way to turn
When human efforts, can not suffice
And the road to take, is hard to discern

In desperation, I sought the One -
The Architect of the universe
I found Him to be, just a prayer away
No problem He, could not disperse

But later when, the storm had calmed
And once again, I was "on-my-way"
A feeling of guilt, I sensed within
Did I only seek Him, - while in dismay

Is He not more, than the "spare tire"
That's only used, when in distress
Then tucked away, - out of site
Only to await, a time of stress

A crutch, a co-pilot, and spare tire
He's all of these, - - but much more !
The Rock, the Anchor, in day or night
Not just a standby, outside the door

One thing I've learned, through the years
If He is foremost in our plans
The "spare tire" will be needed less
When all is committed, in His hands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Brightest Light

The Brightest Light

Community, they were as one,
the trimmings on the tree,
but boasted, of their beauty, all,
as each could plainly see.
The Christmas lights were arguing,
the red ones and the blue,
but then the green lights got involved,
the orange and yellow too.

Their vain ambitions drew the eye,
as others looked at them.
They craved it all and each had thought,
"I'm such a precious gem."
So all the lights and ornaments
with all the tinsel too,
continued with their arguments
on who was 'besting' who.

Then shaking all, a booming voice
was heard from very top
and it had brought the bickering
to prompt and sudden stop.
Yes, way atop the Christmas tree
and higher than the rest,
this star had boasted he, by far,
was brightest and the best.

Crescendo'ed then, because of this
intimidating sight,
applause arose for brilliant star,
indeed, the brightest light.
Contented they had seemed to be,
to look to such a thing,
but then the lowest, weakest light
saw something int'resting...

She yelled up through the branches, "Please!
Oh, this we must discuss!"
She said, "From here, I plainly see
a 'stand' is holding us."
Black pupils drooped in every eye
as low as they could go,
but all the rest were just too high
to see so far below.

And star, the farthest from the floor,
just couldn't see from there,
so up on top of his own world
he glanced out in a glare,
"Are some of you believing her?
Why think you're going to fall?
Who shines the greatest in this room?
Trust me. I'm over all!"

So then, in unison they sang,
in perfect harmony,
"We don't believe in anything
if it, we cannot see."
That saddened, then, the lowest light.
Again she tried to shout,
but all she did was flicker some
and then, at last, burned out.

The 'stand' was doing all he could,
with all his muscled might,
but finally he lost his grip
to keep that tree upright.
So timbered it, the tree and all.
It fell so hard and far.
And all was shattered into bits
with bright and mighty star.

The moral of this story is:
Seek truth and do not fight.
Let others see you differently
within your little light.
Be humble. Do not crave mere fame
when shining on this earth -
but glory, rather, give to God
and Jesus' precious birth.

Merry Christmas!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
A daughter was born to David and Hali Bagwell  { My Grand Daughter } Halia Grace Bagwell was born 5:53 pm  7lbs 4oz  length 19 3/4 ins we are Blessed and very  Thankful .

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tears From Heaven

Tears From Heaven

I believe that the Lord does sorrow
And sheds His tears upon the earth
When we hurt or avoid our brother
The jar of tears is filled with both
The jar of tears, it overflows
With God’s cherished pain and unfailing love
“Why do you crush my heart, my child?
Accept each one for what they’re worth.”
Tears of lost voices
Tears of shame
Tears of compassion
A deep pool in the heart again
Flowing endlessly, this river of life
Never to run dry, never to flood
And in its path is health and salvation
All mixed with fragrance, peace and God’s love

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Let Me Keep a Thankful Heart

Let Me Keep a Thankful Heart

I've loved and lost, I've loved and won
I've had my moments in the sun
I've danced upon the morning dew
I've had my share of rain-clouds too
Good days and bad, they come, they depart
Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've had some sugar in life's cup of tea
Sweet love and leisure as my company
But I've had some lemons, oh, I've been hurt
Knocked by life's demons, my face in the dirt
But Lord, through it all You never depart
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've been the bird in the cloudless sky
I've been the broken butterfly
My cup of joy has been full, over-flowing
It's also been shattered, empty, alone
Lord, Your compassion mends every part
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart

I've known a hug, a cuddle and kiss
I've heard the music of life's sweeter bliss
I've cried the tears of the broken too
Disappointments and fears, I've had a few
But the bitter reveals the sweet inner part
So Lord, let me keep a thankful heart
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Have a Blessed  Thankgiving !

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Beautiful Story

A Beautiful Story

Softly as a pure, white dove,
The snowflakes gently fell,
A little lamb was given us,
On that crisp, winter morn.
And as He grew, new life was found,
Found deep within the earth,
Petals beautifully did spring forth,
And not a blemish spoiled.
Fresh sounds of song rolled off the leaves,
Of fragrance laced with heaven,
And that dear lamb, God’s chosen One,
Was led toward that tree.
The tree of death, the tree of life,
And today this is given thee,
To die with Christ, be born again,
Never again be led astray.
The wondrous Shepherd of mankind,
With grace whispers your name,
Come forth, come forth,
From darkness holding, life begins with Me.
Take My hand and walk beside Me,
Bring your heart to pastures green,
Living waters will cleanse, restore you,
Open the gate that is nailed with My pain,
Your shame is taken,
My love is given,
Silent knocking on your heart no more.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I feel  tears flowing Heaven

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The empty shoebox

The empty shoebox

The empty shoebox had fallen upon the ground
waiting there unnoticed and hoping to be found.
Lost and forgotten, gathering dust and alone
it was lying there upside down and all unknown.

Then a little girl came and saw it resting there
and she wanted to fill it with some things to share.
She took it home so that she could have a good look
and find some toys and some lovely clothes and a book.

She then finished the box tying a pretty bow.
Full of goodies and toys, it was ready to go.
She prayed that whoever received it would be blessed
and then she took it to the church to join the rest.

Just before Christmas Day her parcel had arrived
at the home of a girl who was feeling deprived.
As the girl opened the box with feelings of joy
the true love of Christmas she began to enjoy.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Nothing's Too Hard For God

Sometimes I get so befuddled,
That I don't know where to turn.
Cares of this life weigh me down
With the troubles they concern.

I must always remind myself
I have access to a higher power.
I don't need to worry and fret.
God is with me every hour.

God is with me in the sunshine
And when the dark shadows fall.
I am His blood-bought child,
And upon Him I can always call.

He can solve all my problems.
For Him, nothing is too hard.
God always knows what I need.
He is never caught off guard.

Yes, when I feel downhearted
With some trifling, worldly care,
I must take this burden to God,
And then I must leave it there.
Jam Bagwell
God Bless !

Friday, November 21, 2014

Life's Changes

Life's Changes

When our hopes and dreams are shattered
And they seem to be out of range
It's the ability to know what we need
In our lives to make a change.

We must find out what's important
Not what we want, but what we need
Our lives should be filled with love and joy
Not anger, lust or greed.

So fill your life with things that are new
And get rid of the bad and the old
'cause it's always hard to take criticism
Or to do what we are told.

But the change is deep within us
If we look we just might find
The key that unlocks the door to change
So we won't be left behind.

So when you let God change your life
Your life will start to change you
And when it is all said and done
Your life's changes will be new.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Life is short  make  good  choices

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Mentor

The Mentor

He was just a country preacher
In a country church so small,
But each member loved him dearly,
And he dearly loved them all.

"Preacher Ken," they called him.
His truck they called "Old Red."
That rattle trap was so old,
They once declared it dead.

Preacher Ken visited members
On each Saturday afternoon.
Little Ben would finish lunch
And say, "Preacher's coming soon!"

On Saturday, the preacher's visit
Was Ben's highlight of the week.
He loved to see that red truck come
With his preacher so mild and meek.

Little Ben was just only five,
But he heard Preacher's sermons too,
And he'd say when Preacher visited,
"One day, I'll preach like you."

Ben never missed a church service.
He got saved when he was only ten
Because Preacher Ken was faithful,
And he tried each soul to win.

Preacher Ken taught Ben the Bible,
And when Ben was just eighteen,
Preacher Ken developed cancer
And became really sick and lean.

Before he died, he gave to Ben
His Bible and his old truck too.
Ben had already started preaching
In a style that was not new.

It seemed that Preacher's mantle
Had fallen upon dear young Ben,
For when Preacher went to Heaven,
Ben's portion of power doubled then.

They never forgot Preacher Ken,
Who preached God's mercy and grace,
And they were ever so thankful
For young Ben who took his place
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

As  you live your life  will you  be remember for what 
you said or what you did ? Everybody  can talk  a good
game . If  you born again , go out and  win others .

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Courage On A Shirt

Courage On A Shirt

Thank You Brother Jan Bagwell for sending a fresh, refreshing, at
times challenging and uplifting message to my mailbox every
morning. I subscribed a year ago and have always enjoyed
reading the inspirations, which I often send to my colleagues
now and then.

In 1999 I was a teller in a local bank in our city, Kampala in
Uganda. I had an experience one Saturday that makes me shiver
with fright even up to now.

I shared a house with a friend who also worked in a separate
bank as a teller too. Two weeks earlier a young orphan girl my
housemate was supporting by providing school tuition fees sent
him a beautiful black T-shirt with an inscription at the front
with the words "El Shaddai."  On the back was a scripture
passage, the words on the back said, "Do not be afraid, take
courage and you will see what your God will do for you today".
We used to share clothing, as most single men who live together
are wont to do.

On this particular Saturday morning while I was preparing to go
to work, (we used to work half day on Saturdays) I felt a very
strong urge to put on this T-shirt. However I realized my
housie had used it the previous day and it smelled of sweat.

I picked something else, but there was this overriding urge to
put on the dirty shirt instead. I complied, picked the shirt,
sprayed it with a deodorant to make it smell better and promptly
dressed in it and was off to work.

It was approaching midday, and thus it was time to balance up
the day's transactions and end the day. As I prepared my
payments and cash receipt vouchers, and counted the cash balance
to hand over to my supervisor I realized I was short by
5,000,000 Uganda shillings. (Equivalent to US$ 3,500 then)

I was obviously perplexed, for it had not been a very busy day,
and I had simply not had any major transaction that could have
led to an overpayment of such a magnitude.

I checked the cash and the vouchers once again and still could
not trace the source of the difference. Panic began to set in,
and I began to see myself possibly being arrested and detained
for the loss. My monthly salary then was only Uganda Shillings
235,000. (Approximately US$ 164).

I reported the imbalance to my supervisor who promptly notified
the branch manager, a tough no nonsense Asian gentleman. He
simply told me one sentence; "John, return the money", and with
that sentence I knew my fate never needed a prophet to predict
and foresee, it was certain I was in big trouble.

I began weeping inside me, crying to God to rescue me. That was
a sum I could never pay back even if I went the whole year
working without pay.

But meanwhile another battle was going on in my spirit. The
strong fear developing was being fuelled by a silent but pushy
voice saying it is doom for me, forever. A voice began telling
me I could never pay that money to my employer even if I worked
for a lifetime, since I still also needed to pay rent, feed
myself and pay fare to and from work. "Why not just kill
yourself tonight!"  And with the mention of that sentence so
much fear and anxiety developed, I soon began to believe it, as
desperation began to set in.

I for lack of explanation, again went back to scrutinize the
vouches and cheques one by one, being careful not to miss out on
any clue that could provide an explanation. Does anyone still
remember what I had at the back of my T-shirt?  Neither did I
remember at this point in time.

I then came upon this cash deposit voucher which indicated that
I had received 7,200,000 in the 5,000 shillings denomination. I
immediately saw the source of the discrepancy, since I didn't
have a full bundle of 5,000,000 shillings in 5,000 notes
denomination. Actually a 2 had been written in a manner to show
that it was a 7. In receiving the cash I received 2,200,000,
but in the totals it had been added as a 7.

I immediately called the person who had made that deposit and
told him there was a problem with the money they had deposited.
They denied and claimed the entries on their vouchers were
correct, and besides I had already endorsed and appended a stamp
as "received".

In desperation I called the MD of the company (It was a big
business company that dealt in import and export business) and
explained to him what had happened. He told me he would be in
the bank after a short while.

After a two hour wait, during the course of which all my
colleagues had wound up their work and left for home the Boss
(MD) arrived. He went to my manager's office and asked, "Where
is this cashier?"  I was called in, he promptly handed me
5,000,000 Shillings and said, "Young man you are a lucky man. I
think you have a God". I could not believe my ears, nor my eyes;
I just began weeping un-controllably.

On inquiry as to what had really happened he explained thus:
"After you called me, I decided to go to the company office and
made an impromptu inspection of the lockers of each of the
cashiers. And in one of them I found this money for which they
could give no explanation. It takes a miracle for such a thing
to happen."

Meanwhile I had to write the banks end of day books of accounts
closing the transactions of the day. Standing right behind me
was the bank manager, the Chief Accountant and the Head Auditor.

They were all reading the message on my T-shirt, amused the
Chief Accountant asked me, "John, do you know what is written
behind your shirt?"  That was when I remembered, I wept for Joy,
at the Lords deliverance.

Were these a chain of well arranged and coordinated coincidences
happening to a helpless employee?
You choose what to make of it.

But friends, this is Our God at work; He is our Present Help in
Times of trouble. Praise be to His Name.

Written by 
John Kisaka,
 Kampala, Uganda~
Thank you for allowing  me to forward your  letter  . It was so uplifting to me !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Hear Our Prayer Father God, hear our prayer, keep us in thy loving care if we should wander off too far lead us back with the Morning Star. As we go about our busy day, be our guide ~ light our way if we happen to lose our direction lead us back with Your correction. Let us seek Your instruction, help us over each obstruction if we should falter or hesitate lead us back to our Shepherd's gate. Father God, hear our prayer, protect us from the wolves out there if we should follow ~ even one lead us back to Your beloved Son! Jan Bagwell God Bless ! Psalm 32:8 KJV “I WILL instruct thee and teach t

Hear Our Prayer

Father God, hear our prayer,
keep us in thy loving care
if we should wander off too far
lead us back with the Morning Star.

As we go about our busy day,
be our guide ~ light our way
if we happen to lose our direction
lead us back with Your correction.

Let us seek Your instruction,
help us over each obstruction
if we should falter or hesitate
lead us back to our Shepherd's gate.

Father God, hear our prayer,
protect us from the wolves out there
if we should follow ~ even one
lead us back to Your beloved Son!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Psalm 32:8
“I WILL  instruct thee and teach thee in
the way which  thou shalt go : I will
guide thee with mine eye .”

Friday, November 14, 2014

"A Humble Prayer"

"A Humble Prayer"

Heavenly Father, God above;
You are to me Agape love!
In Your gentle, loving care,
You listen to my every prayer.
My needs today are but a few;
And I bow my head to ask of You.

Bless the path my feet shall trod;
Counsel me in Thy ways, Oh God.
Guide me through each life endeavor;
I praise Your holy name, forever!
Make strong, my mind, body and soul;
Protect me from the Evil Foe!
Forgive me of iniquity;
Make me what I ought to be.
When at times, I lose my way;
Draw me near, Lord when I stray.
Let my faith, the gift from You;
Grow stronger in Your Word, so true.
Grant me wisdom above all measure;
And knowledge from Your hidden treasure.
Enable me to do Your Will,
So that, in You, my life's fulfilled!
Delight in me when I stop to pray;
Keep me safe by night and day.
Be my voice, my hands, my feet;
Make Your work in me complete.
Stir me up to seek Your face;
I bask in Your amazing grace.
My voice is raised  To You I sing
Praises to You, Lord and King!

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Savior
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Indeed, He Hears

Indeed, He Hears

My prayer is that I'll not grow weary of praying for those on my list,
That I will lift them up daily, making sure that not even one is missed.
For at times it appears my prayers are in vain, but I know it's not true,
Thing is Lord, You are working in areas that could be only known to You.

Lord I'm sure there have been many believer's prayers that You've heard,
Who became discouraged when what they'd expected never occurred.
Yet Lord, some of those prayers from back then, are answered today,
Through time, You moved mountains that were standing in the way.

When on earth, Jesus prayed, setting an example for all mankind,
That as we go to The Father, there's complete trust in Him we'll find.
He knows our needs as He knows our hearts and all that is stored there,
Therefore we should be mindful of this as we go to Him in prayer.

Today, every time I pray, I believe that God will answer them all,
It'll be as He sees best, with perfect timing, when He hears my call.
For I know that He's never made a mistake and I know He never will,
Then since His Son became my Savior, my cup He's continued to fill. `
Jan Bagwell\
God Bless !

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In The Early Hours

In The Early Hours

In the early hours . . .
before the day is born
while the moon still shines
before it is a new morn.

While the stars still twinkle,
before the daylight dawns
while a chill is still in the air
before dew forms on the lawns.

While our minds are calm,
and our hearts are at peace
while our thoughts are warm
and our anxieties have release.

That is when we should rise,
and meet with God in prayer
sending Him our heartfelt praise
and our burdens for Him to bear.

God wants to meet with you,
in the early morning hour
so He can give you strength
and fill you with His power.

In the early hours . . .
before the day is born
look up and praise the Lord
before every new morn.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; 
in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.

Remember  God made you a perfect being , knowing right from wrong.
Only you can mess it up !

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Jesus Knows Your Pain

Jesus Knows Your Pain

Jesus knows your pain,
He understands your grief
He knows that only His love
can bring your heart relief.

He recognizes your sorrow,
He sees the spiteful sting
and the grace He has for you
in your life, He wants to bring.

He's aware of your rejection,
He hears others put you down
and His favor and His mercy
will be your victory crown.

He identifies with your hurt,
the tenderness of your ache
and He will bring you comfort
that no man could ever break.

For He too ~ was rejected,
His life others gladly discarded
and He knows the agony inflected
when your cry is disregarded.

Jesus knows your pain,
He wants to give you relief
so He died to put an end to
your sorrow and your grief. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Isaiah   53 :3
 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows,
 and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces
 he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

Within each of us,
the Holy Spirit lives
and His awesome power
in our life's He wants to give.

But, we must feel the fire,
the burning of desire
to call upon His strength
so His might we'll acquire.

Once we have received,
this supernatural gift
our souls will belong to Him
and we'll no longer drift.

For, He'll anchor us in His love,
in all things, we'll have peace
and His unexplainable joy
in our life's will never cease.

We'll have patience for everyone,
to others we'll be kind
His gentleness and goodness
will fill our hearts and minds.

People will see that our faith,
is kind and full of justice
for our meekness will shine
as they learn to trust us.

Within each of us,
the Holy Spirit lives
and all of His fruits . . .
the Holy Spirit wants to give!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Galatians  5: 22-23
King James Version
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love ,
joy , peace , long suffering , gentleness ,
goodness , faith , Meekness , temperance ,
against such there is no law .”                                        

Friday, November 7, 2014

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
When we do not know what to say.
Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
When we do not know what to say. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, November 6, 2014

We Have A Choice

We Have A Choice

My friends and I just hung around
in places one might find profound
on maples, oaks and other trees
because, you see, we were mere leaves.

The autumn winds, oh how they blew.
They made us dance and wiggle too.
Deception's lie rode in the wind
had made us 'want' and we had sinned.

The bees were buzzing in their hive.
It wasn't fair they were alive.
It wasn't fair that we weren't free
for we were stuck on this ol' tree.

But then my friends had found, one day,
just how to ride a special way.
They laughed and giggled by and by
upon the wind. How they could fly!

So gaily and so selfishly,
they joked around so carelessly.
Exciting times, it seemed they had.
They thought it funny they were bad.

My friends had left me one by one,
but wicked winds are never done.
"Come join the party we will throw."
They taunted me and screamed, "Let go!"

The windy, frigid swirling air
had tortured me. It didn't care.
Except for me, the tree was bare
and I was so alone up there.

Oh yes, temptation had its grip -
but I held on despite the whip
of winds that howled around the limbs.
For I had faith and gospel hymns.

I prayed and prayed to God above,
for He had shown me so much love.
My friends had fallen, didn't know
they now were buried under snow.

The moral of the story here?
Don't be deceived by friend or peer.
Just listen to God's still, small voice.
He gave His Son. We have a choice.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Enemy of Peace

The Enemy of Peace

The enemy of true peace,
wants to rob you of . . .
the stillness that you have
in the arbor of God’s love.

He wants to steal your joy,
take your happiness away
from God’s tranquil waters . . .
he wants to lead you astray.

He will cast large shadows,
on quiet, pastures green
he’ll say anything to destroy
all that is calm and serene.

His lies are big and bold,
attacking heart and head
until your very soul . . .
is full of fear and dread.

The enemy of our peace,
has many lies to tell . . .
but, we who trust in the Lord
on them ~ will not dwell!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Isaiah 26:3
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on thee
because he trusteth in thee.”

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Life's Choices

Life's Choices

Adam and Eve had a choice.
They could obey God or disobey.
They ate the forbidden fruit,
For Satan tempted Eve one day.

Cain and Abel made choices
About the blood sacrifice.
Abel chose to obey the Lord.
Cain didn't and paid the price.

"But as for me and my house,
We'll serve God," Joshua said.
He made a choice and commitment,
He proclaimed it to those he led.

God gives everyone a choice.
We can accept or reject His Son.
He provided the way of salvation.
God's plan is the only one.

God gives believers a choice
After we receive the Savior.
We can choose to serve Him,
So we can live in His favor.

Let us choose to love the Lord
With all our power and might.
Let us choose to serve the Lord
And stand up for what is right.
In  Joshue 24 : 15 , Joshua  proclaimed to the Israelities ,
 “ But as for my house we will serve the Lord .“
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Circle of friends

Circle of friends

Oh,joy can be profound
Though foes be around
In the circle of friends
Life beautifully blends

It's so nice to be real
To know one understands how you feel
In the circle of friends
There's no need to pretend

Cheering us in times of tears
Helping us through heart-felt prayers
Through life's curves and bends
Friends help us comprehend

That we are needed and loved
Uniquely by our Father above
Through triumphs,through tears
Friends will always stay near

Oh,what joy,what joy!
Their company we really enjoy
Precious ones so dear
Lending us listening ears

Beaming their seraphic smile
Heaven enfolds us a while
Enjoying their warm embrace
We're wrapped in sweet grace

Their love helps us glow
And forget our sorrows
In the circle of friends
Broken hearts will mend

Oh,lost peace is found
At their lovely sound
Sweet,melodious voices
Encouraging right choices

Angels though in disguise
Giving us timely advice
Oh,the rare treasures God sends
In the circle of friends 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Pray for My friend  Billy Phillips  he  still dealing with his knee surgery he in a lot pain . 
My daughter in law Hali Bagwell , she is waiting on the birth of  her and Daivid child .

Friday, October 31, 2014

Jesus Knows Your Pain Jesus knows your pain,

Jesus Knows Your Pain

Jesus knows your pain,
He understands your grief
He knows that only His love
can bring your heart relief.

He recognizes your sorrow,
He sees the spiteful sting
and the grace He has for you
in your life, He wants to bring.

He's aware of your rejection,
He hears others put you down
and His favor and His mercy
will be your victory crown.

He identifies with your hurt,
the tenderness of your ache
and He will bring you comfort
that no man could ever break.

For He too ~ was rejected,
His life others gladly discarded
and He knows the agony inflected
when your cry is disregarded.

Jesus knows your pain,
He wants to give you relief
so He died to put an end to
your sorrow and your grief.
Isaiah 53: 3
“He is despised and rejected of men ;
a man of  sorrows’ , and  acquainted with,
grief : and we hid  as it were our faces
from him : he was despised , and  we
esteemed him  not “
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Do Not Worry

Do Not Worry

Do not worry,
it’s easy for us to say
but for the most part . . .
it’s not the chosen way.

For, we worry over things,
we cannot control
over the ones we can . . .
worry, still takes its toll.

Do not worry,
if we do, we don’t trust
that God is truly able . . .
to take care of us.

For, when we worry,
it only makes us doubt
the things impossible . . .
God can even work out.

Do not worry,
do not be dismayed
give God your weakness . . .
for His strength today!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Praise God  always and be  thankful !!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Heart of Peace

A Heart of Peace

In a world full of pain and hurt
Perilous times to disconcert
Wars and crime in the street
Pestilence per chance to meet

Fear is filling many a heart
Threatening to tear this world a part
Panic over these turbulent times
Many have lost their peace of mind

But I am content in this day
For God is with me all the way
He is forever in control
I know the future; He does hold

God gives me my heart of peace
He is my daily sweet release
No matter the perils all around
With Him I'm rooted on solid ground.
Jan Bagwell
God bless !

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Remember, Read My Heart

Remember, Read My Heart

My Child, when sorrow covers you,
when every hope departs,
though faith may seem to be afar,
remember, read My Heart.

When you feel lost and all alone,
and suffer fear’s dread darts,
temptation will say I have gone,
but you can read My Heart.

For in your time of deepest need
you must this promise hold.
I love you more than words can say
more than can e’er be told.

I carry you within my breast.
Each hurt you bear, I feel.
And though all else may turn to dust,
My care for you is real.

So weather faithfully the storms
that tear and dash apart
each remnant of your earthly life.
Remember, read My Heart.

Fret not to understand the why
of losses you must bear.
For there will come a Time, you’ll see,
when I make all things fair.

Now rest your head upon my arm,
and we will bear the pain.
Though dark the night and steep the way,
I with you will remain.

Don’t trust the weakness of dim sight
for I the course will chart.
And when you fear you are alone,
remember, read My Heart.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
“How priceless is your unfailing love !
Both high and low among men  find refuge in
The shadow of your wings .”
Psalm 35:7

Monday, October 27, 2014

The end of the show

The end of the show

Time speeds ahead, when time used to stand still
and I can't catch time when I'm running uphill
and I can't make up time that I threw away
The only time I have is this moment, this day
I've got time to die or I've got time to grow
because when the music's the end of the show

I have to remember that yesterday's gone
and I can't forget I might not see another dawn
but it seems to me, and this is just the way it seems
that if I'm happy right now, then I'm living my dreams
and why shouldn't I shine, why shouldn't I glow
because when the curtain's the end of the show

All my little babies, on earth no one gets put above you
I will love you forever, and forever I will love you
This life is but a moment and you only get one shot
but don't think for a moment that it's all that you've got
It doesn't matter where you're at in life, but where you're gonna go
because when the lights go's the end of the show
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The Work of the Believer

The world's definition of success differs greatly from God's. Take the role of a pastor, for example--it would be easy to accept accolades for church growth, as many people equate high attendance numbers with a minister's effectiveness. But the Lord desires that we obey Him with humility. Whether we draw a crowd or not, success is measured by obedience.

This looks different for each believer. Some Christians have very visible jobs, so their efforts are public and obvious. Others serve Christ in quiet, less noticeable ways.

God bestows upon His followers gifts tailored to each one's ordained assignments. The Holy Spirit reveals our calling, and we're to give our best effort. Of course, no matter what the task may be, the result will be worthless unless the Father breathes life into it. In other words, we are entrusted with God-appointed work. He assigns the duty, provides the skills, and causes growth. The Lord deserves all of the glory. We are blessed simply to be a part of His plan.

As mere vessels that God uses, we should be thankful for anything He accomplishes through us. And by giving Him all the credit, we need never feel defeated with disappointment. Rather, in spite of how things may appear, we trust Him to achieve His good purpose.

Honor is misplaced unless it goes directly to the One who creates, sanctifies, and sustains. God created you for specific tasks to further His kingdom. He wants to use your life--and will allow you to watch His powerful hand at work. Listen for His leading, and praise Him for all He accomplishes.