Friday, April 22, 2016

Despair to Peace

Despair to Peace

Do you ever feel rather lost and alone?
Family and friends living lives of their own,
That no one knows what you're going through,
Whether real or imagined, it seems real to you?

Life can be hard with it bruises and blows,
And you've tried hard not to let them show.
But there's hope if you're feeling down in this way
For God gave you a gift you can receive today.

God said He would never leave you alone.
So He sent His Son, Jesus, from His heavenly throne,
To come here and provide salvation for your soul
And take the fragments of your life and make you whole.

There's only one way to go from despair to peace
And that's by asking Jesus into your heart for release
From the guilt of your sins you've committed against Him,
So the gift of His Spirit can freely come in.

God's gift of salvation can mend any heart,
And your outlook on life will have a fresh start.
He'll wrap you in warmth and in His arms you'll know
His love is forever, and He will never let you go.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I See Spring!

I See Spring!

"With picture faded on the wall
oh, who could understand it all?

For yesterday began the spring
when we could dance and we could sing.

But faded now, our lively songs
with grasses dead and flowers gone.
Today I stand somewhat dismayed.
and of tomorrow, am afraid.

My wrinkled face now bears a frown.
I find the whole world up-side-down.

From government to businesses,
the world is busy, all abuzz.

The love of money, Satan's hook.
What's with the envy? Take a look!

In all the world, who understands?
Does love for money stain our hands?
Some day in Heaven, happily,
I'll sing God's praises out with glee!

Who cares of clothes or car I drive?
I am with Him and am alive!

Today, I see deception's sting,
but of tomorrow, I see spring!

With picture faded on the wall
oh, who would understand it all?
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless  !
The best and most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.
Be kind to all you meet you may not see them again

One Drop of Blood

One Drop of Blood

The weight of my burden
It is no longer there
I left it at the cross
It is not mine to bear.

Just one drop of blood
Forgave all my sin
Lord you gave it all
Life could then begin.

I want to feel the oil
Running down my face
I want to feel your mercy
I want to feel your grace.

You satisfy my thirst
My empty heart is gone
I give it all to you
My strength to carry on.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, April 18, 2016

Faith Like That

Faith Like That

Faith to move great would that be
To speak and they're plucked up and cast in the sea
To pray and a cripple is instantly healed
Or a puzzling dream...have it's meaning revealed
To lift someone up from despair where they sat
Please...give me faith like that...

To speak to the wind and then watch it be still
Take two little fish and a multitude fill
When there is a need...turn the water to wine
Or give unto others...all that is mine
To lead one to God who has sank in the mire
Oh...this kind of faith I desire...

When someone is prayer makes them whole
Or to feel the presence of God in my soul
To speak a command and the demons all flee
Or to open the doors and the prisoners go free
To offer my life for the gospel to spread
Or to lay on my hands and God raises the dead

Lord...all of these things are for us to receive
Oh...just please give us faith to believe...
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !