Friday, December 27, 2013

Pressing On For God

Pressing On For God

The sands of time are sinking fast.
Another year has come at last.
God has brought us through so much.
His great love, our lives doth touch.

We hear the media give its bad news.
It seems that righteousness doth lose.
It seems sometimes that sin doth reign.
It seems that the world has gone insane.

Our God still reigns upon His throne,
And He can lead and guide His own.
Even as the ages and years doth roll,
Our Heavenly Father stays in control.

Let's trust Him and cast away all fear
As we press on for our God this year.
We can find the faith that we need.
Let's always pray! His Word, let's read! 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
I just like to say,

"Thank You So Much.

We remember the men, who went off to war,
We remember today, what they all fought for.
We remember kids growing up with no dads.
For they laid down their lives, giving all they had.

Homes that will never, ever be the same again,
For the 'ravages of war' to almost every home came.
We remember the women, they were such brave hearts,
For 'freedom' and country', they played a great part.

We remember it all so clearly today,
For that kind of mem'ry will not fade away.
Today we remember, and we all say 'thank you,'
For the brav'ry, the sacrifice, and all you went through.

We remember the ones who lived to come home
Crippled and broken, mind, spirit and bone.
We owe you so much, we can never repay
For we can never give back, what the wars took away.

To those brave souls, who now are fighting for right,
We hold up your names, keep them ever in sight.
We pray for you all whether you're near or far,
That God will watch o'er you wherever you are.

Bring you safely home again, to loving arms
To family and friends, and no more sound of guns.
And to those who died while defending our lands,
We salute you all, with both our hearts and our hands,"

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Will Jesus Return This Year?

Will Jesus Return This Year?

Another year has come and gone.
The Christians are still here,
Waiting for Christ to return.
Will He come back this year?

Will Jesus find us working
To get others into His fold?
Are we all making sure that
His salvation story is told?

We are waiting and listening
For that great trumpet sound.
We get excited thinking about
Our feet just leaving the ground!

Maybe it will be this year
That we'll meet Him in the air.
He'll take His children home
To live with our Savior there.

"Come up hither, my children!"
Maybe Jesus Christ will say.
Hopefully it will be this year!
We look forward to that day! 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless ! 
Please remember     David Bagwell , Frankie Wilson  in prayer !!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



It has come! He is here! He is here!
Our Savior has come to us so near!
Born in a stable and lain in the manger
King Herod lurking, Oh what danger!

Magi heard of the baby from afar
Came to worship Him led by the star
Just as had been prophesied in days of old
Gifts for Him of frankincense, myrrh, and gold

Shepherds watched their flocks by night
Angels appeared to them from the Light
Your King has been born in Bethlehem this day
Make your way to worship Him and pray

As the Magi made their way to see the King
Where were the others with their gifts to bring?
As the shepherds made their way across the land
Did the others not see what was close at hand?

King Herod filled with jealousy and greed
Could not abide another King; God's very seed
In Jesus' day there were those who worshiped God's child
Other's were indifferent and some hated Him all the while

It sounds like the country in which I live
Many think Christmas is just a time for gifts to give
Never think of the Savior who came to save us all
Never think of the tiny baby who took the fall

Some hate Him with no plausible reason
They want to take His name out of the season
Happy holidays they say as they take your money
Just as Easter is now all about the bunny

How can you hate a man who lived a sinless perfect life
The one who can take from you all your struggles and strife
How can you hate the man who died for no reason except love
The only one who can open the door to heaven above

I pray that others can see the love He has for all society
That hardened hearts can soften as I make this plea
That nonbelievers can come to worship the tiny baby
Who came to earth for non other than you and me 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Carols Of Christ

Carols of Christ

Though I enjoy some of the jingle bell music we hear in the Christmas season,
My favorites are those carols that tell the world of the true season's reason.
The ones that put Christ in Christmas and year after year they keep Him there,
For the devil tries to take Him out and there are many who have joined his lair.

Some tell of the miracle God performed when Jesus came on Christmas morn,
For this would be the one and only time that to a virgin a child would be born.
Telling us that He was born in a lowly stable, for there was no room at the inn,
Then of wise men who came bringing gifts to the special baby that lay within.

There are carols telling about angles in heaven praising this new born King,
When they joined together and lifted up their voices to honor Him as they sing.
Others proclaim Christ to be the Savior that the old prophets had written of,
Who someday would willingly give His life for our sins, doing so through love.

If not for these old carols, some would never hear what Chrisymas is all about,
Because all too often when Christmas is celebrated, Christ has been left out.
Then my prayer is that they are still being sung as Jesus appears in the sky,
Reminding us, He's the reason for the season and it was for us He chose to die. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
 Thank  you  , Father  God  for  Jesus  my  Savior ,
Thank  you  ,  Father God  for loving me  , 
Thank you  , Father God  for giving me  a Holy Mother , that show me the way . 
Thank you , Father God  for my Sons , Scott and David  and their's Wifes , Elizabeth and Hati Bagwell ,and grand daughter Emily .
Happy Birthday JESUS !!! 
Father God you given me more than I ever deserved . 
I just like  say ," I Prasie you " 

Silent Night

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight.
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia,
Christ the Savior is born!
Christ the Savior is born.
Silent night, holy night!
Son of God love's pure light.
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth.
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth

Monday, December 23, 2013

Rejoice This Christmas Day

Rejoice This Christmas Day

Unto us a Son was given,
~rejoice this Christmas day~
a gift from God to you and I
the Truth, the Light, the Way.

To the world a Savior's born,
~rejoice this Christmas day~
He fills the soul's hunger pain
the Bread, the Life, the Way.

To every heart bound in sin,
~rejoice this Christmas day~
the gift of grace will set you free
the Christ, the Lord, the Way.

To thirsty souls everywhere,
~rejoice this Christmas day~
and drink from the Fountain of Life
the Grace, the Mercy, the Way.

To all those who are heavy-laden,
~rejoice this Christmas day~
for He is the Prince of our Peace
the Door, the Lamb, the Way.

Rejoice on this Christmas day,
your Lord and Savior is here
rejoice, I say again rejoice
let His birth bring your heart cheer.
Luke 2:11
King James Version

"For unto you is born this day in the
city of David a Saviour, which is
Christ the Lord"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless