Friday, September 30, 2016

On Eagle's Wings

On Eagle's Wings

Rising oh so high
I hear the angels sing
The softest feathers comfort me
Nestled on the eagle's wing.

A peace that I have never known
When to the heavens, I see
My Father smiling down so sweet
As He reaches out for me.

The eagle sets me gently down
In my Father's arms, I cry
His tears will wash away my pain
His heart brings forth a sigh.

The eagle looks to his Master
Then gracefully flies away
Another soul waits unbeknown
To meet the Lord this day.

Rising oh so high
Through the clouds, a thunder
My heart cries out to be with Him
How long must I wait and wonder?

The eagle has become my friend
He tips his wings to say:
"I am watching over you"
Then blessed me on my way.

When it is time, he'll come
But not to say hello
Swooping down, he lifts me up
To my Savior I will go.

Rising up on eagle's wings
No longer weary shall I roam
Soaring, soaring through the sky
The eagle takes me home…
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Beautiful Exchange

A Beautiful Exchange

The cry of the Cross
Through bloodshed and pain
God's mercy triumphant
My wretchedness exchanged.

Rivers of God's grace
Cleansing my soul
Freed from condemnation
Creating me whole

All my sin and guilt
Cast upon the tree
Absolutely dealt with
Provision made for me.

God wrath wholly satisfied
At the final heartbeat
Total acceptance
The sacrifice complete.

Through the blood of Jesus
My righteousness proclaimed
Torrential outpouring
My liberty now claimed

My Heart now beats with passion
Ancient days now strange
A glorious new beginning
In this Beautiful Exchange.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost, consuming fire,
Burn in me the Lord's desire.
Let this mind be in me too
That was and is in You.

Holy Ghost, a mighty wind,
Refresh the weeping soul that's sinned.
Jesus' blood has paid for all
Repenting from the fall.

Holy Ghost, in living streams
Fill my life and hopes and dreams,
I in You and You in me
For all eternity.

Holy Ghost, eternal peace,
See a soul that needs release.
Descend upon me like a dove
And soak me in God's love.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Heaven Holds Many of Mine

Heaven Holds Many of Mine

Life can surely be exquisite
If you breathe, breathe Him in
Peace, peace unfathomable comes
No room, no room for sin.

Surrendering every single thought
The Holy Spirit will draw near
Then fill you so completely
Conquering every imagined fear.

But one, a fear of mortals
That brings a heartfelt sigh
When God comes to claim one
Tears fall down as we cry.

The most pondered question comes
Why did my loved one have to die?
Knowing Heaven opens the door
Still, there is the thought, why?

Heaven holds many of mine
Thoughts of them fill my head
But I know, I know I am going
For this is what God said.

"I will never forsake you"
To Christians He gives a sign
Let Me come inside your heart
Then forever you are Mine.

Heaven holds many of mine
Someday my loved ones I'll see
For His promise is eternal life
With Him exalted and free.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
1st Thessalonians 4:13
"But I do not want you to be ignorant brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus."

Monday, September 26, 2016

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

Disappointment Doesn't Equal Discouragement

 Everybody lives with disappointments that come their way
But you choose your own reactions each and every day
Discouragement can easily take a hold on you
Or you can rise to the challenge, knowing God will see you through

Faced with the knowledge of a horrible fate for his country
Instead of anger and hurt, Habbakuk held on to His faith in the Almighty
He wrote a hymn of worship and rejoiced in His Lord above
Rejoiced in God's strength and the knowledge of His love

God supports all of us in exactly the same way
He is always with us; And He's exactly the same God today
Don't let burdens and challenges consume your life
Trust in God and continually praise Him in through your struggles and strife

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !