Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Seekers


One asked a sign from God ;and day by day
The sun arose in pearl ,in scarlet set ,
Each night the stars appeared in bright array ,
Each morn the thirsting grass with dew was wet .
The corn failed not its harvest ,nor the vine .
And yet he saw no sign .

One longed to hear a prophet ;and he strayed
Through crowded streets ,and by the open sea .
He saw men send their ships for distant trade ,
And build for generations yet to be .
He saw the farmer sow his acres wide ,
But went unsatisfied .

One prayed a sight of heaven ;and erewhile
He saw a workman at his noontime rest .
He saw one dare for honor ,and the smile
Of one who held a babe upon her breast;
At dusk two lovers walking hand in hand ;
But did not understand .
Jan Bagwell

Friday, July 17, 2009

The love is endless

,The love is endless,the journey is short

Love, live, and give with all your heart.

The answer is there.

Don’t doubt, even if you stumble and fall,

Get up, and learn from your failures and misfortunes.

Life is not easy, but is a gift and blessing,

Give love and forgiveness as thought you were rich.

Hold on to God as if you were poor,

But share him with everyone who needs his counsel.

And as twilight grows near,

Know that you have loved, forgiven, repented, and enjoyed every moment you’re given.

Then you will know a peace offered by the way you have lived.

As night falls, and lie down to rest, I say my prayer to see the light.

Thank you Lord, for the journey, forgive me, love me and keep me.

I give it all to you Lord.

It has and always been yours Lord, thank you for sharing your grace.

Thank you Bill Tinsley

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Rustle of a wings

The Rustle of a Wing

Life is a narrow vale
Between the barren peaks
Of two eternities ,

We strive in vain to look beyond the heights
We cry aloud and the only answer
Is the echo of our wailing cry.
From the unreplying dead
There comes no answer .

But in the night of death
Hope sees a star ,
And listening love
Can hear the rustle of a wing .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

In the garden of the Lord


The word of God came unto to me ,
Sitting alone among the multitudes;
And my blind eyes were touched with light .
And there was laid upon my lips a flame of fire .

I laugh and shout ,for life is good ,
Though my feet are set in silent ways .
In merry mood I leave the crowd
To walk in my garden . Ever as I walk
I gather fruits and flowers in my hands .
And with joyful heart I bless the sun
That kindles all the place with radiant life .
I run with playful winds that blow the scent

Of rose and jessamine in eddying whirls .
At last I come where tall lilies grow ,
Lifting their faces like white saints to God .
While the lilies pray ,I kneel upon the ground ;
I have strayed into the holy temple of the Lord .
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Faith and Hope

When gathering clouds around I view ,
And days are dark ,and friends are few
On him I lean ,who ,not in vain ,
Experienced every human pain ;
He sees my wants ,allays my fears,
And counts and treasures up my tears.

If aught should tempt my soul to stray
From heavenly virtue’s narrow way –
To fly the good I would pursue ,
Or do the sin I would not do –
Still he ,who felt tempa tation’s power
Shall guard me in that dangerous hour .

When sorrowing ov’er some stone ,I blend ,
Which covers all that was a friend ,
And from his voice ,his hand ,his smile ,
Divides me ,for a little while ,
My Saviour sees the tears I shed ,
For Jesus wept o’er Lazarus dead .

And ,if when I have safely passed
Through every conflict but the last –
Still,still unchanging ,watch beside
My painful bed – for thou hast died ;
Then point to realms of cloudless day ,
And wipe my latest tear away .
Jan Bagwell

Monday, July 13, 2009

In the Sand

In The Sand

A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert.
During some point of the journey, they had an argument and one
friend slapped the other one in the face.

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything,
he wrote in the sand:


They kept on walking, until they found an oasis where they
decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck
in the mire and started drowning, but his friend saved him.

After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:


The friend, who had slapped and saved his best friend, asked
him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write
on a stone, why?"

The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should
write it down in sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase
it away, but when someone does something good for us, we must
engrave it in stone, where no wind can ever erase it."


~Author Unknown~

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Wave

The Waves

One moment you have shortage. . .
The next you have excess. . .

One day you have nothing to do. . .
The next you don't have time to get it all done. . .

One day the refrigerator is empty and you are hungry. . .
The next you have a half eaten meal in front of you and you are
stuffed. . .

One month you've got money to spare and you wonder what to buy
The next you've got a bounced check. . .

One moment you are full of energy and can't go to sleep. . .
The next you are drained and can't get up. . .

One day you are the center of attention. . .
The next you wonder if anyone knows you are alive. . .

It's the waves of life.
They carry us up and down and all around.

Money, friends, your body, your relationships, your job, and the
rest of the list, they all vary. They all go in waves.

It took me a while to really understand the statement,
"The Kingdom of Heaven is Within."

No commercial can show you that.

Commercials make you believe it's in the jazzy new car or the
big screen TV. Yes, those things can thrill you for a moment,
but it's only a wave. After a little while, the thrill is gone.

I have always recognized that if money and things brought happiness,
then all rich people with things would be happy.

It ain't so.

We easily see how poverty can cause unhappiness, but we are
deluded into believing that money solves all things.

Life is full of stuff. I wouldn't trade my life with anyone,
it's one of the most blessed that I know, but it's still full of
stuff. One thing after another, one challenge after another,
one situation after another, day by day, never-ending . . .

It's the waves and there is no stopping them from the outside.

You can only calm the inside, so that like a submarine, you ride
deep beneath the waves.

Though a storm is raging, you are at peace.

Most are tossed and turned by waves.
Some like the sub, ride deep beneath the daily storms in peace.
Some simply surf the waves and have a lot of fun.
Some drown.

You can't stop the waves; it's the nature of the ocean of life.

You can only choose which method you will use to handle them.

You can be tossed like most.
You can drown like many.
You can surf and have fun while you can, but even a surfer gets
tired and there's nowhere to sleep on a surfboard.

To ride comfortably beneath the waves requires a ship containing
breath that is not our own.

That ship. . .

. . . is not crowded.

Peace - Be Still