Friday, January 17, 2014

Flower Bud

Flower Bud

The child is very precious. She smiles and so enjoys
to play with sticks and little stones, because she has no toys.
She lives inside a little hut of thatch, palm leaves and mud.
Appreciates, she does, so much a little flower bud.

She tries to educate herself. She cannot spell or read.
She questions other villagers determined to succeed.
Her time is not eventful and no schedule she must keep.
Each day is like the other ones until she goes to sleep.

The sounds at night are scary so she spends much time in prayer.
In Africa, it's not the same. There's terror everywhere.
The rebels have machetes and they do what they will.
Disgusting things and ugly things, they terrorize and kill.

And then one day it happened. They came with knives and guns.
And many had machetes, killed fathers, mothers, sons.
They even killed the little girls. How many, she's not sure.
They tortured, killed her parents while they were holding her.

She screamed and cried and screamed some more. They threw her to the ground.
but then this girl escaped them all with rebels all around.
She did survive two bullet wounds (left ankle and right side),
but many, many, many more cried painfully and died.

Now only God protected her in coma for two weeks,
so she can tell the rest of us life's answers that we seek.
We often do not listen though, for ignorance is bliss,
but we are so mistaken. What matters most is this:

Please choose the day you change your wish to live a life of ease
to focus on our Lord's command to help the "least of these".
Do not forget, that for us, Jesus spilled his blood.
So change your days and help another precious 'flower bud'. 
Jan bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, January 16, 2014



In the cool of the night
There's no body in sight
As you sing a quiet song
Another night all alone

You walk thru the mall
See couples enthralled
Holding hands as they walk
Gazing deep as they talk

By the store window you stand
An answer you demand
In a soul searching tone
"Why am I alone?"

At night no one cuddles along by your side
An empty passenger seat stares at you as you ride
Your favorite movie is playing on cable
One meal stands alone at your dinner table

Again you ask to what seems empty air
Why there's no one to listen, no one to share
My dreams and my hopes
As I'm climbing the ropes

Even in victory
It's still just me
Who stands in the light
No partner in sight

Why must I walk in complete solitude?
Why must the master be so rude?
Is it too much to ask?
Is that too hard a task?

To have someone with whom to share
Someone about whom I really care
Someone to mingle my life
Someone to ease the strife

You stand in the window thinking it's only me
A ship by itself in the midst of the sea

Open your eyes and gaze hard in the glass
See what's really true about now and the past

If you ride all alone and no one is there
How do you explain the car that you missed by a hair
You felt something pull you in the nick of time
For the tragedy on the news could have been thine

Or the time that you were up against the wall
And didn't know how you'd make it at all
Up all night you didn't know what to do
But at the very last moment came the breakthrough

Remember the thing that scared you so bad
Terrible thoughts of what you had
Then the report that reached your ear
No need to worry for all was clear

And the little voice that gave you advice
The voice that was right more than once or twice
It urges you on and sometimes says stop
Slow down be careful, around that corner's a flop

Gaze in the window
See what eyes cannot
Look hard, see the shadows
Look hard at the plot

A brush of wind around you clings
Unseen but felt, those are angels' wings

The movement seen from the corner of your eye
Angels that catch each tear that you cry

If you knew the truth you’d wonder out loud
How could I have been lonely in the midst of this crowd?
For God has sent you a host of protectors
Directors, objectors, connectors, inspectors.

As you leave the window to continue your stroll
Invisible hands are there for you to hold

How could you have ever been so wrong
To think that God would leave you alone.

It’s not that you were ever alone at all
Your eyes open as you move down the mall
You were never one in the sea
You simply couldn't see reality.

If you knew the loving and caring that surrounds
If you knew the warmth and softness that abounds

If you knew the truth about what really is
You’d see the hands that catch all of your tears.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



I praise you Lord for the things you do
For you're with me every day
I praise you for the love you give
As you show me how to pray.

I praise you for the gift you gave
Through your suffering and sacrifice
I praise you for all the things you did
For the Love you give is nice.

I praise you for the blood you shed
As you cleansed me of my sin
You changed my life from what it was
You redeemed me from within.

I love you Lord with all my soul
Let me be faithful in all my ways
So I can enter your gates with thanksgiving
And, your courts with all my praise.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Heaven Is On My Mind

Heaven Is On My Mind

Someday I'll shed this mortal flesh
And fly away to my Heavenly home,
Leaving behind this old world,
And in sin no more will I roam.

The closer I get to that goal,
I think of Heaven more and more.
How will it be when I arrive
Upon that celestial, golden shore?

Yes, the gates are made of pearl,
And the streets are made of gold,
But also God's Word tells us
That the half has never been told.

Will my loved ones meet me there
When I arrive on that glad day,
Or will my Savior greet me first
When I arrive at my home to stay?

Will I have to wait in line
To see my dear Savior's face,
Or will I see Him just shortly
On my arrival in that place?

Am I too Heavenly minded
To be of any earthly good?
I must be about God's business
And work the way I should.

Still, I am so very anxious
To see my dear Savior's face.
I want to thank Him for His love
And for His matchless grace.
 Jan Bagwell
God Bless

The Neighborhood Church
Church Plant in Easley SC is looking for a Worship Leader
Do you have an interest in leading cutting edge and passionate worship to the Lord? Do you play an instrument? Do you love equipping others and developing other worship leaders and teams? If so, than this is the ministry for you. This is a great opportunity to be on the ground floor of a church plant in a fast growing community. This will be a multi-ethnic church so all races, genders, and ages are encouraged to call/email for more information.
If you are interested or know someone who may please pass this information along. Thank you.
call: 864.616.6722

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Prayer For Strength

My Prayer For Strength

O wise Heavenly Father and Lord,
I need Thy strength every hour.
Please give me wisdom from above.
Fill me with the Spirit's power.

Give me strength beyond measure.
Help me through sore trials too.
As I trust in Your loving care,
I claim You as a Friend so true.

I am weak, and You are so strong,
But Your grace is sufficient for me.
My thoughts are not Your thoughts,
So help me spiritually-minded be.

Please use me for Your service,
For I am a willing servant for You.
I need Your guidance every hour,
For Your divine will I want to do. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !