Friday, March 4, 2011

The Road Of Life

The Road of life
One day as I was climbing up
The road of Life to Home ,
I met a stranger coming down
With countenance sad and alone .

I had no time to help him then ,
I feared it would mean a delay ;
With guilty heart I turned aside –
I dared not look his way .

To still my heart I hurried on ,
And then I heard a sigh ,
I turned and looked , and then I saw
A teardrop in his eye .

Forgetting time I spoke to him ,
To share with him my cup ,
“Dear friend , I fear you’re going down
when you should be going up.”

With piteous look he turned to me ,
“How can I turn around ?
for with this load upon my back
I can hardly make it down .”

The joyful news I gladly told
Of Christ who died for him
To take away the load he had
If he would let Him in

A gleam of hope came to his face ,
The tears began to flow ,
The load of sin dropped from his back ,
His face began to glow.

And now he travels the road of life –
Not down , but going up ;
To see the glow upon his face ;
Has more than filled my cup

O Lord , forgive the times I’ve passed
A stranger on life’s road ,
Not taking time to dry the tears ,
Nor helping lift the load .

And give me wisdom , Lord I pray ,
That comes down from Thy throne ,
That I might by Thy help and grace
Lead some poor wanderer Home .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please remember all our brothers and sisters on this blog

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Time

My Time
Generations have come and gone ,
Drank the cup of life , then fled !
Made their Eternal Record ,
Then joined the army of the dead !

They’re gone !Oh frightful words !
Where , where have they quietly fled ?
Gone from our sight and memory ,
The millions of forgotten dead !

Each chased his favorite phantom ,
In his own respective age ;
Or , in the light of Eternity ,
Carefully wrote life’s sacred page .

Time is the momentous hour ,
When Eternal character is formed;
When we divest ourselves of hope ,
Or ,like victors , are adorned .

Ages have rolled their rusty centuries
Along through the vista of Time ,
Til now has come the AWFUL HOUR ,
When it’s your turn to live and mine !

My Time ! O dreadful thought !
My time to act ! My moment to live !
Great God , in this stupendous hour ,
Infinite inspiration give !

Shall I , in this fearful hour ,
Break Sin’s fantastic spell ?
Or , with the wreckless millions ,
Will I BARTER Heaven for Hell?

On the volition of my will ,
I can reach the Realms of Light;
Or , I can forge Infernal chains
To bind me in Eternal Night !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
As these thoughts ran through my head , God assures me that when I ask him to save me , he did ! So from the day He saved me , til this day , I fill the acceptance of my Savior . And I know my Anchor holds . Praise God !! Amen

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Brick Wall

The Brick Wall

I'm a 15-year-old girl from Wisconsin. I am very interested in
learning languages and have studied German for two years. We
have friends in Germany through my dad's work, and they thought
it would be a good thing if I could stay with them for a few
weeks, to get a better feel for the language. So here I am.

The other day we were riding the bus to school, and we were in
a seat in the back. I guess I wasn't paying attention for a
while because suddenly I realized that we were either about to
go straight into what looked like a brick wall or take a very
sharp turn.

Without thinking I must have tightened my grip on the seat,
because I remember noticing that no one else seemed to be
worried the least bit about the turn.

We just kept getting closer to the wall of bricks and then...
we drove through it.

You see, it wasn't a solid wall, the street just kept going
in between two brick houses, and I just couldn't see that from
the back of the bus. I guess you could say I had a Anchor holds

I realized that this same bus driver has probably gone this way
over a hundred times before, as had all of the other passengers
on the bus. As the newcomer, I had to trust that those with
experience knew what they were doing. Even when it looks like
you are headed into a wall of bricks, you have to trust the
driver to get you safely to your final destination.
Thank you Sandra Walls for this letter .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
You know the problems you see in front of you , are just something the devil put there , to put fear in your heart . Remember God will make a way out for you .
Prayer Request
Prayer Request

We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families. They are fighting it out in Afghanistan & they have lost 12 marines in 4 days.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

From a Friend

From a Friend
My dear and much beloved Friend
My best regards to you I send ,
And from a heart sincere and true
All happiness I’m wishing you .

May you be free from all distress
And meet with real and true success ,
May no misfortune come to you ,
May all your friends prove kind and true .

But should your earthly friends depart
Remember still there is one heart
That beats for you with tender love ;
“Tis your eternal friend above .

May God , from whom all blessing flow,
His benefits on you bestow
And save and keep you , day by day ,
In His own good and pleasant way .

Let us in God put all our trust ,
And seek His blessed Kingdom first ,
To Him be true , and we shall meet
Some day upon the golden street .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Liza Henson , Mary Carpenter and her sister , Judy Pangborn and Betty Hill and my son David , And if you have a prayer request just send it to me ,and it will be add on.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Are You Grateful for all of Your Challenges

Are You Grateful for All of Your Challenges?

Author and professional speaker Zig Ziglar has said that he has
been grateful for all of his challenges, because without them,
he would not be the person who he is today.

When I read that, I thought to myself rather cynically, "That's
fine, Mr. Ziglar. But what about the rest of us who struggle
and struggle, with no end in sight? Sure, I would be happy to
put up with these challenges if I knew they would have a fairy-
tale ending like yours did!"

Please let me tell you my story . . .


I had been working for a company that had experienced a number
of reorganizations and managerial changes. I was so frustrated
in my position, I thought "Anything has to be better than this!"
And I left at the first opportunity.


I was wrong. Like so many "rebound relationships," I found this
new job was even worse than the first! I begged for an
opportunity to come back to my former company. They agreed to
give me an interview. At the same time, I had wanted to attend a
conference and I knew that this second company would not give me
the time off. Since I knew that I would likely be returning to
my company in just a matter of days, I quit.

The problem became, after I came back and interviewed, I didn't
get my old job back.

Now things were really challenging. No job. A daughter attending
a private university and a wife with a life-threatening disease.
Since I quit, I couldn't even apply for unemployment
compensation. I had no money, just a lot of sleepless nights.


I had a lunch with a someone I once worked with, told him my
predicament and casually mentioned that I was thinking of
starting my own business. He listened and asked, "How much money
do you need to get started?" I hadn't been asking for any money.

Not only did he save me from foreclosure, we have developed a
fabulous friendship that would not have occurred otherwise.
After all, not everything can be measured in dollars and cents.

Fast forward several years . . .

My friend is now working for a large multinational corporation
in town. I would like to work there also, but I figured in this
economy, they must get 1,000 applications for each new position.
Where would I even start to apply?

"It's very simple," my friend told me. "Here's all you need to
do . . ."

I then found out that my former boss from the first company I
mentioned above also works there. He put in a good word for me
with the hiring manager with whom I met with yesterday
afternoon. This could be for my "dream job."

Morals of my story:

Your prayers may not be answered today, this week, this month or
even this year.

They may be answered in ways you don't even expect.

Even if you were the one who made mistakes, God will put people
into your life to help you.

Keep moving forward.

Thank you Sharon Cantrell
Jan Bagwell
May God walk with you thru your dark places .