Saturday, September 17, 2016

A Dream

A Dream

A dream has died a sudden death;
A purpose wasted without breath.
No path upon my heart can tread
For now my hopes and dreams are dead.

But wait, is that a beat I hear?
Afraid to hope, deceit I fear.
But wait, a pounding heart I feel;
My dream's alive, if only real.

A spark of hope along the way
To get me through another day.
My Lord, My God, more blessings spill;
My broken, empty heart to fill.

I bow my knees and say a prayer
And thank the Lord for grace and care.
He fills me up to overflow
So All his goodness you may know.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Galatians 6:9

And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we
faint not.

Friday, September 16, 2016



With God by my side and in my mind, the world's problems are smaller,
Causing my thoughts to be somewhat purer, for pure is their Installer.
God can surely change the world, beginning in the heart and in the mind,
Whenever a person gives their life to him and leaves the old one behind.

The world's stress is powerful and deadly without the right helping hand,
Many have tried it in the past and have found themselves on sinking sand.
Some who were considered to be brilliant in the eyes of their fellow man,
Yet they too succumbed as the pressure was greater than they could stand.

I'm certain that God has never left me and am satisfied that He never will,
Although there are times I stumble and fail, I know that He loves me still.
He knows that for as long as I'm in the flesh, there are mistakes I'll make,
Then Jesus tells Him that this is one that on the cross, his place I did take.

This world's problems will continue to grow and cause stress, if you allow,
The only way to prevent this is by going to God and let Him show you how.
With your thoughts centered around Him, that stress load becomes lighter,
When He is walking by your side, the journey through life will be brighter.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

How Do You Know God Loves Us?

Just the other day I heard a little boy ask
How do you know God loves us, as his mom's hand he clasped
His mommy said, have you seen the pretty setting sun
And the bright orange glow as a new day has begun

Look at moonbeams dancing across the pond
And the shooting stars out in the dark beyond
See the flowers that clothe the world
All of God's beauty that is unfurled

Look at your puppy who playfully yips and barks
Listen to the song of the meadow larks
Watch gentle snowflakes as through the air they fly
And see a color filled rainbow across the sky

Feel mommy's loving arms hold you tight
Hear me whisper, I love you with all my might
See your daddy and little sister at play
And see the closeness of our family as we kneel to pray

God gave us His creations from up above
Through His awesome glory and His amazing love
Everything on this earth He created out of love for you and me
Our families and friends, a gentle touch, kind words and all the beauty that we see!

It all says I love you so very very much
Every hug and encouragement you hear is part of God's touch
You never ever have to doubt God's love for you
For everywhere you look, His love comes shining through!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Future of Hope

A Future of Hope

In solitude and time of prayer
I cried to the Lord in quiet despair
My feelings hurt and emotions raw
If only I could see what the Lord saw
He whispered gently to my soul
Don't let discouragement take you from the fold
You receive my blessings day by day
And some days just don't go your way
But I have special plans for you
For a life of peace and joy too
You have a future full of hope
I am here to help you cope
Seek me daily I'm listening for you
Search for me with your heart so true
I will lead you back to a safe place
Where we can talk face to face
There's no mountain too steep
Nor any valley that's so deep
That God can't lead you from where you roam
Back to His peace and comfort and safety of home
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Eternal Spring

Eternal Spring

At last, at last the winter's past,
The sun is liquid gold,
In waiting hearts its utmost parts
Are no longer cold,
Gone, the wind so oft unkind,
Replaced by Heaven's breeze,
And aching joints, sweet spring anoints
And Heaven's laughter frees…..

….and he'll run outside with his arms flung wide
In that eternal spring,
For there is no shadow in Heaven's meadow,
No pain or suffering,
Where all is new 'midst Heaven's dew
And the Son forever shines,
No winter's cold, no growing old
Around His throne divine

Forever spring where God is King
And where He reigns supreme,
The old life past; made new at last
In meadows lush and green,
No toil or strife where the Tree of Life
Blooms with endless yield,
Where Lord, with Thee someday we'll be
In Spring's eternal field
Jan Bagwell
God Bless 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Just Driving Down the Street

Just Driving Down the Street

Today, driving down the street
And noticed a person...

Her gait? Slow
She was a little overweight
Her eyes looked down, below
Her smile? Crooked not straight

She? Like all the millions
Unnoticed! Untouched! Unredeemed!
But where are the stallions?
And why are there so many not queens?

And he was a bit odd
Awkward in any group situation
His social graces flawed
Being common not of stately coronation

He? Like all the millions
Unnoticed! Untouched! Unredeemed!
But where are the stallions?
And why are there so many not queens?

But there is one above
Who made all, even those not esteemed
And He looks down with kindly love
For it is the meek, the ungainly, the first redeemed

So what is your judgement, oh man!
And why look down on these so mean
For He has made them and only He can
Place in eternity above, over and between!

And so today I was driving down the street
And whom should I come across
And whom should I meet?
But a Queen and her Stallion!
And I just smiled at all my fortune
To meet one of the King's medallion
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psalm 17:14, 15
"...and I, in righteousness, I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness."