Friday, September 21, 2018

A City God's Children Long to See

A City God's Children Long to See

God's children long to see God's New Jerusalem, 
a wonderful, glorious, and beautiful city.
They're going to this city, 
where they will never experience any pain, sickness, death, or pity.

A promised city that was foretold in God's word, 
that has shining streets of pure gold, 
and they in this city will forever live.
A city with many wonderful breath taking sights, 
that to them, Jesus will freely give.

They will live with Jesus in this beautiful city, 
a city where no one ever grows old.
A city that they will learn much more about, 
for the greatest stories of this city have yet to be told.

They believe the story in God's word about the New Jerusalem, 
in how John saw it coming down.
They believe it, because they believe in all of God's word, 
and they in this city, will one day be found.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Perfectly Made

Perfectly Made

God made you perfectly,
No mistakes or flaws.
With every curve and dimple,
He loves you like you are.

He made you so uniquely,
Precious in His sight.
When you see imperfection,
God sees the devine.

The way you see your beauty,
It's not how He defines.
It's rather what's inside you,
Where God says this resides.

A wonderful creation,
Crafted by God's hands.
Adored are you in His eyes,
For you belong to Him.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Anchored In Hope

Anchored In Hope

A life anchored in hope,
is one worth living
it brings about faith
praise and thanksgiving.

It’s a life full of trust,
in God for all things
it’s a life secure
under His faithful wings.

A life anchored in Jesus,
is one that is bound
it lives not in fear
for its mind is sound.

It’s a life with meaning,
purpose and direction
it’s a life striving
for godly perfection.

A life anchored in hope,
is one that’s submitted
its heart to Jesus . . .
is fully committed!
Hebrews 6:19

“Which hope we have as an
anchor of the soul,
both sure and stedfast,
and which entereth into
that within the veil;”

King James Version
Public Domain

Monday, September 17, 2018

World Wide Web

World Wide Web

Seeing humanity’s waning and ebb,
Satan is eagerly casting a web;
Scheming, devising a devilish plot -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . . 

Totally innocent, faultless design,
Some will believe it is wholly benign.
We should be wiser but sometimes we're not -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Boundless in knowledge and value for sure,
Much can be gained when intentions are pure;
Yet in his web we are finally caught -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Satan is crafty and ever so quick,
Patiently luring the curious click;
Watching our innocence coming to naught -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Trapped in his web of deception and greed,
Helpless, we feel like we'll never be freed;
Strong are the strands that his evil has wrought -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Heed now this warning and open your eyes,
Surfing his web of delusion and lies
Surely will alter perceptions and thought -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .

Wake from your slumber and virtual dreams,
Fully aware of the evil one’s schemes,
Flee now his evil the way you were taught -
Double-U-Double-U-Double-U-Dot. . . . .