Thursday, December 21, 2017

In His Presents?

In His Presents?

Colorfully wrapped
Bangles and bows
Soft frosted blue
Some appear froze
Scattered with snowmen
Sliding on ice
Holly and berries
Mistletoe and spice
Santa's eight reindeer
Glide on a sleigh
Such colorful stories
Wrapping papers play
Glimmering and sparkling
Reflecting the lights
Piles of presents
Each child delights

Each child delights
And longs to tear in
To every festive package
And to what lies within
Piles of presents
Sit under the tree
What a tempting enticement
For every eye to see

But what about the presence of God
My friend?
How often do you unwrap it?
How much time do you spend?
Carefully wrapped
With mercy and grace
Undeserved favor
Shines on your face
Such colorful stories
Testimonies play
How many gifts
Have you given today?
Glimmering and sparkling
Reflecting His light
So pile on God's presence
Be a star in the night
What a tempting enticement
For every eye to see
When you're in God's presence
You shine brighter than the tree...
-The Message-

Esther 9:20 Mourning somersaulted into a holiday for parties, the sending and receiving of presents.

Ephesians 1:20 The church is Christ's body, in which He speaks and acts, by which He fills everything with His presence.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas Sonnet 2017

Christmas Sonnet 2017

We gaze, O God, at kids when they arrive.
We stare, amazed as tiny hands and feet
Emerge into the world where they will strive
And work and strain to make their lives complete.
We think of all the effort they’ll expend
To overcome the obstacles they face,
When what they really need’s a royal friend
Who’ll open wide for them the door to grace.
Today we celebrate the child who came
From Jesse’s root and David’s family,
According to the promise in your Word,
Who’ll govern justly in the Father’s name,
Securing grace, for which they’ll happily
Proclaim him as their everlasting Lord.

Monday, December 18, 2017



It has come! He is here! He is here!
Our Savior has come to us so near!
Born in a stable and lain in the manger
King Herod lurking, Oh what danger!

Magi heard of the baby from afar
Came to worship Him led by the star
Just as had been prophesied in days of old
Gifts for Him of frankincense, myrrh, and gold

Shepherds watched their flocks by night
Angels appeared to them from the Light
Your King has been born in Bethlehem this day
Make your way to worship Him and pray

As the Magi made their way to see the King
Where were the others with their gifts to bring?
As the shepherds made their way across the land
Did the others not see what was close at hand?

King Herod filled with jealousy and greed
Could not abide another King; God's very seed
In Jesus' day there were those who worshiped God's child
Other's were indifferent and some hated Him all the while

It sounds like the country in which I live
Many think Christmas is just a time for gifts to give
Never think of the Savior who came to save us all
Never think of the tiny baby who took the fall

Some hate Him with no plausible reason
They want to take His name out of the season
Happy holidays they say as they take your money
Just as Easter is now all about the bunny

How can you hate a man who lived a sinless perfect life
The one who can take from you all your struggles and strife
How can you hate the man who died for no reason except love
The only one who can open the door to heaven above

I pray that others can see the love He has for all society
That hardened hearts can soften as I make this plea
That nonbelievers can come to worship the tiny baby
Who came to earth for non other than you and me

Real Christmas Peace And Joy

Real Christmas Peace And Joy

Many have lost the meaning of Christmas
All across America, our dear nation.
They would like to leave Jesus Christ
Out of their Christmas celebration.

Commercialism says spend thousands,
And then you can have Christmas joy.
We feel like our dear precious child
Must have the latest, popular toy.

Everybody should love their children.
Giving them gifts is good and fine.
To know the true meaning of Christmas
Should be a goal for your kids and mine.

We don't have to compete with the world
To have a joyous Christmas season.
By putting Christ first in our Christmas,
We can celebrate for the right reason.

We can have peace and Christmas joy,
And it doesn't have to come from a store.
If we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts,
We can have inner peace forever more.