Thursday, October 31, 2019

You Before Me

You Before Me

The love song of the Savior is "you before me"
To the extent of His choice to die on a tree
For the sins of all people, oh how can this be
A love that's so sweet, exceeding eternity.

What love is displayed as earth clutches His knees
Bowed down in the garden, to the Father He pleads
A way out if desired, all angels would lead
But Christ weeps at a heaven without you and me.

Eternity past witnessed complete harmony
Only now to be broken in Gethsemane
Oh why, Son of David, for this ungrateful breed
Would you bear guilt, so heavy, to set captives free?

If only a fraction of the cost we could see
Sin crushing the life of our Omnipotent King
Even greater the fact that He bled willingly
Might then sin be vile to God's worst enemies?

But this is the love that exceeds eternity
When Christ laid down His life singing "you before me"
Oh God You are forever exalted as He
Who prized us more than His own life, let us sing!

The Wonders Of Heaven

The Wonders Of Heaven

The Bible tells us that heaven
Is the place where believers will go
When their life's work has ended
And they leave this world below.

Heaven has walls made of jasper,
Gates of pearl and streets of gold.
We can read of the wonders of heaven,
But the half has never been told.

There'll be no darkness in heaven,
For in Heaven there'll be no night.
Lamps or candles will not be needed,
For Christ Jesus is the shining Light.

There'll be no sickness or pain there,
And all our tears will be wiped away.
Our ears and eyes will be perfect,
And there will be no tooth decay,

Of all the many wonders of Heaven,
The greatest wonder I long to see
Is the face of Jesus, my dear Savior
Who shed His precious blood for me.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Prayers are Answered Still

Prayers are Answered Still

Day by day she sits and waits
For a miracle she prays
Tears cascade and stain the page
Of the notebook she holds.

She touches his lifeless hand
Praying for the strength to stand
This life and fateful demand
And for what still unfolds.

Death threatens to leave a hole
Sobs shake her entire soul
She now has lost all control
She holds the urge to scream

She misses him so much
Misses his kiss and his touch
A glimpse of hope she does clutch
Not possible it will seem.

She kisses his troubled brow
Trying again to remember how
But it has escaped her now
The feeling in his arms.

Her tears fall upon his face
"Grant him, please Your healing grace
Meet us here in this lonely place,
Please silence these alarms."

"Nothing in life could prepare
The feeling of such despair.
God in Heaven, do you care?
I long for my best friend

"If you could grant me one more day
To tell all I have to say
Please God hear me as I pray
Give life to me again."

"End this heartache, end this pain
Send to us your healing rain
For my broken heart is slain
My faith is being tried."

"If your plan is here or there,
Please dear God hear my prayer
Grant an end to this despair
Oh God I will abide,

"Help this anger and this fear.
What is your plan for me here?
What to do is so unclear,
Please hold me to your side."

Still day by day she will wait
With just mustard grain of faith
For life to hand her its fate
Of what may be in store.

As she wipes her sorrow away
And she ends another day
Alone at night she'll stay
Just like the day before.

Then as night turns into day
God directs some light her way
Proof He hears her when she prays
A sparkle in his eyes!

Her lips once again are kissed
And words she has long since missed
In praise she does not resist
Thanks for prayer's replies!

Though the path may still be long
She has faith to remain strong
Her heart's resolved in love's song
As they continue up a hill.

She again kisses his brow
It is not so furrowed now
She thanks God for showing how
Prayers are answered still.

14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
1 John 5:14-15 (NKJV)

Monday, October 28, 2019

When The Days

Jan Bagwell
When The Days
When the days are cold
Remember God's hold
When the days are slow
Just follow God's flow
When the days are dark
Let God's Light shine bright
When the days are low
Rise to greater heights
When the days are long
Know where you belong
When the days are tough
In the Lord be strong

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Live In Remembrance

Live In Remembrance

So many just plan for tomorrow.
So many just live for today.
Yet I long to live in remembrance
to yesterday's mem'ries this way...

My father, in garage, would be working.
My mother, in kitchen, would bake.
Then I would take turns being with them,
and tried not to make a mistake.
I'd hold the light steady for father
while he reached down under the hood.
The cookie dough mom had me stirring,
from finger to tongue was so good.

They'd take me to church ev'ry Sunday.
I learned all the Bible had taught.
I learned that my soul needed saving
a soul that was already bought.
And Jesus had blessed me so dearly
with parents I didn't deserve.
I learned of their love and devotion
a love that I'd often observe.

Though father did not show emotion
and hugging was not ever done,
He would, at times, play some horseshoes
and never had I ever won.
Now one night while watching home movies,
I saw a lone tear on his eye.
I knew his emotions ran deeper
and in him was greater supply.

My mother was very kind-hearted.
She loved everyone that she met.
And when someone hurt her unfairly,
I never had seen her upset.
Yes, everyone loved my dear mother
and that's how a dear flower grows.
She passed away still helping children
and buried, the finest of rose.

My memories fade with the sunset,
as emptiness sets in again.
My life seems so terribly barren
as loneliness grips me within.
But some things I'll not be forgetting:
two faces that I'll always see,
two lives that I'll always remember,
two parents who loved thankless me.

So many just plan for tomorrow.
So many just live for today.
Yet I long to live in remembrance
to yesterday's mem'ries this way...