Friday, March 25, 2016

God is Seeking for Men

God is Seeking for Men

God is seeking for men in this world’s last hour ,
For men who can love-and anointed with power
Will stand in the gap ,and make up the hedge
That many in darkness of sin may be led
To Christ the Redeemer who only  can save
From the power of evil , despair and the grave  .

God is seeking for men who can sorrow and feel
For the souls He created , whom no one can heal :
The poor , broken bodies , the sin-darkened souls
With  none to deliver and none to make whole ;
The dear little children who cry in the night ,
Who long for a Saviour to bring the Light .

God called for a weapon to punish the lands
To put to the sword the work of His hands ,
And bring revelation on sin through His Word ,
That the nations far off may yet know the Lord .
But though they were punished by war’s cruel hate .
So soon they forgot their most terrible fate .

And every man wanders his own selfish way
Enjoying his pleasure and failing to pray
For the power of the Spirit that makes feeble man
An instrument , mighty to save , in the land .
O , where are the mighty , the holy and just ,
To whom God can proffer such high , noble trust ?

Where , O where are the few to stand in the hedge
To fill up the gap by a resolute pledge ,
To carry the message of power to the weak ,
The hungry ,the sick  ,the forlorn and the meek ?
My brother , my sister , won’t you be the one
To tell the glad tiding of God’s only Son ?

Think not of tomorrow and what you may lose –
A throne and a crown is for those who will choose
To follow the Lamb anywhere He  may go :
Rescuing souls out of darkness and woe ;
Leading the lost in God’s infinite plan –
Won’t you tell Him today ,”Lord , I’ll be that man.”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

That Beautiful Land Called Heaven

   That Beautiful Land  Called Heaven

I read of a land more fair than this,
    It’s free from sin and shame ,
It is a land of perfect bliss ,
    Where none are sick or lame .
It is a land forever free
     From disappointed sad ;
Where all the saints in love agree
     In things that make them glad .
It is a land where strife will end ,
     Where greed and pride will cease ,
Where all will join in heart and hand
     In universal peace ,
It is a land of true success ,
     Where all are doing well ,
Where all rejoice and praise the Lord ,
     Who saved their souls from hell.
It is a land of no regrets
      That cast their shadows round .
It is a bright and happy land .
       In which no clouds are found .
The unkind word will never sting
       Within this land above ,
For all will speak like Christ their King ,
      The King of peace and love .
Here broken hearts will all be healed ,
      And friends will part no more .
Eternal joys are here revealed
     On those celestial shores .
Through countless ages onward roll ,
     Its pleasures never cease .
Then let the Christ into your soul,
     And share His eternal peace .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

He Arose

   He Arose

Very early in the morning
   Before the break of day ,
The morning star shone on the tomb ,
   Where our dear Saviour lay .

The earth was clothed with darkness;
   The shadows had not fled ,
The city slumbered on that morn –
    They thought that He was dead .

It still was dark when arose
   And stopped forth from the grave  ,
The victor over sin , and death
   With power your soul to save .

So shall it be when He returns
    And calls His own to rise ;
While this old world is sleeping still ,
We’ll meet Him in the skies .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Christ For All Seasons

      Christ For All Seasons

Winter would be cold and drab
Without God’s love to know ,
He keeps a glow of sunshine
In your heart , where ever you go .

And spring is unpredictable ,
It may be cold or fair ,
But Jesus’ love is constant ,
You can find it everywhere .

In summer when it’s parched and hot ,
The sun can take its toll ,
Yet you can find a spring
Of living water for your soul .

In fall when leaves have fallen
Everything is stark and bare  ,
But the riches of God’s word
Is within reach for you to share .

Our Father never leaves us ,
We can always find Him near ,
With His presence there is comfort
Any season of the year .    
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Crushed Rose

       A Crushed Rose

O, beautiful rose , please tell me ,
For I would like to know ,
Why I must crush your petals
That the sweet perfume may flow ,
O , life that  is clothed in beauty
Perhaps like that wonderful rose
You will need to be crushed by  suffering
If the radiance of  your life must glow
A life that is crushed by sorrow
Can feel for another’s grief ,
And send out that fragrance of love
That will bring some heart relief ,
O , do not repine at your testing
When called to pass under the rod ;
For your life the sweeter will be
If blessed by the hand of God
Then let us rejoice when He sendeth
Some sorrow or hardship that tries
And be glad to be crushed as a rose leaf
That a sweeter perfume may arise.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !!

A Sure Way to a Happy Day

A Sure Way to a Happy Day

Happiness is something we create in our mind ,
It’s not something we search for and so seldom find ,
It’s just waking up and beginning the day
by counting our blessings and kneeling to pray ,
It’s giving up thoughts that breed discontent
And accepting what comes as a gift heaven-sent ,
It’s giving up wishing for things we have not
And making the best of whatever we’ve got ,
It’s knowing that life is determined for us ,
And pursing our tasks without fret , fume , or fuss ,
For it’s by completing what God gives us to do
That we find real contentment and happiness too
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The only ones among you who will be really happy are
Those who will have sought and found how to serve .