Friday, February 22, 2013

Judge Not

Judge Not

Rich man, poor man, beggerman, thief,
in life, they play their part,
Tis no matter what we may see,
Christ looks upon the heart.
He came not to condemn the world,
The ugly nor the fair,
The harlots who walk in darkness,
Nor men whose beds they share.
He finds no fault with the sinner,
For "All" He gave His life,
He loves us with all our faults,
Our problems, trials and strife.
Price tags on our lives are equal,
For Christ has made them all.
He paid the price with His own life
And lifts us when we fall.
Ah yes, my friend, be not surprised,
When life on earth is through,
And Heavens roll is called for us
Who's standing next to you.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't Stop Knocking

I was awakened from sleep one night.
by somebody knocking at the door.
Sleepily I turned on my light.
And put my feet on the floor.
Carefully I climbed down each stair
Rounded a corner - I was almost there.
But just before I opened the door.
The person gave up and knocked no more.

A man was praying to the Lord
For something he wanted so dear
But after a while he thought to himself.
'Maybe God doesn't care.'
Broken hearted he got off his knees.
Thinking 'God won't ever answer my pleas'
And just be fore God would have opened the door.
That man gave up and 'knocked' no more.

Don't stop knocking! Don't you quit!!
God WILL answer- when He sees fit.
And though you're discouraged just kneel down and pray.
God might answer today.

In the Bible we are told to cast on God our care.
If we pray in Jesus' name -God will answer our prayer.
Some times the answer he gives is --wait.
And sometimes it is --no.
But don't quit praying...don't give up!
Until the answer you know.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Find out who you are in Christ then you will know what to do !

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Telescope of Heaven

The telescope of heaven
Looks down on earth each day
Seeking for a man who will
Turn to God and pray
Will you be that one
Who will turn his heart aright
Seek the Lord while He may be found
Leave darkness enter light

His way is the highest
His thoughts above our own
We shall leave this earth below
And enter heaven's throne
Upon our time while waiting
The lost world needs Him too
We are to be the fishers of men
It's what He's called us too

His cross has left its imprint
On hearts who know the Lord
Never are we the same again
Who've trusted in His Word
The dynamic now of living
For we've been born again
His love keeps on giving
Seeking still lost men

Time is still a marching
Then comes eternity
We can make the difference
To set a captive free
No longer do we live our lives
As they are but our own
We have come unto the cross
And knelt before His throne

He is still the King of Kings
In earth and heaven above
Our purchased, prized possesion
Who shed His precious blood
Cast thy burden on the Lord
For He can set you free
The telescope of heaven
Is waiting now for thee

Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Time

My Time

My Time

Today will be a new day
In the name of God, that's what I say
I will not let people bring me down
I have to keep trying.

Never give up,
I will prevail,
God will protect me from all my fears, all my problems,
I decide what makes me happy.

Joy is my key,
Love is unleashed from within me,
Tears of pain and hurt are no more,
My life, my worries, I give to God,
He is the only one,
Who can give me absolute comfort and peace.

I will find great friends 
Positive, optimistic is my middle name,
Taking risks is my game,
Confusion and loss will be wiped away.

This is my year to rejuvenate myself,
To form and mold myself into someone I thought 
I'd never be,
Brave, risky, care free, stress less, loving, and sociable.

People will like and accept me for the person I'm truly meant to be,
God will make a way for me,
I will excel in all my in all parts of my life ,
I will learn to love more, laugh more, live more,
This is my day to shine, and I will not waste it.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please go this link and watch these people being Baptism at our church Sunday {neighborhood  

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mighty Oak

Mighty Oak

Stand tall oh mighty oak, for all the world to see,
your strength and undying beauty forever amazes me.
Though storm clouds hover above you,
your branches span the sky,
in search of the radiant sunlight you
count on to survive.
When the winds are high and restless and
you lose a limb or two,
it only makes you stronger, we
could learn so much from you.
Though generations have come and gone
and brought about such change,
quietly you've watched them all yet still
remained the same.
I only pray God give to me the strength he's
given you,
to face each day with hope, whether
skies are black or blue,
Life on earth is truly a gift
every moment we must treasure,
it's the simple things we take for granted
that become our ultimate pleasures.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thank you Father God for saving souls ! Please remember Billy and Mary Phillips , David Bagwell , Linda Kidd  and Brad Rogers !