Friday, December 6, 2013

A Christmas Charity Choice

A Christmas Charity Choice

Ann was no stranger to wealth.
She even owned a Rolls-Royce.
Every Christmas, Ann had to make
The Christmas charity choice.

Ann discussed it with Sam, her hubby
A month before Christmas was here.
"Sam, I really want to do something
Unusual for our charity this year."

"Exactly what do you mean?" he asked.
"Choose some worthy cause," my Dear.
"Sam, I prayed and made a decision
To help some homeless ones this year."

"I will act like a homeless person
And hang out with them somewhere,
And maybe I'll find special needs
Among some homeless people there."

Sam began to grin and laugh aloud.
Then he began to shake his head.
"That's too dngerous, Ann, you know.
You could very well end up dead."

Ann found some faded old clothes.
Then she tried to dress like a bum.
She prayed and found a homeless group,
Who were sharing a bottle of rum.

They shunned her as she appoached.
She was not part of their clan,
But she stayed with them anyway
And observed each woman and man.

Soon an old truck rolled to a stop.
There exited a lady and a man.
They handed a sandwich to everyone.
"God bless you," said Betty and Dan.

When they left, Ann found a letter.
It fell from the truck to the ground.
It was an eviction notice. Said Ann,
"My charity choice I have found!"

Ann wasted no time that very day,
For such speedy plans she laid.
She found them and wrote a check.
"With a sandwich, your bills are paid!"

Betty and Dan were not homeless yet,
But because they did God's will,
God honored this with Ann's gift.
They are helping the homeless still. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
My Prayer  List
Jan Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell
David  and Hali Bagwell
Scott  and Elizabeth Bagwell and Daughter Emily
Judy Hamlin , Brother Paul and mother
 Struart and  Amy Giles and family
Billy and Mary Phillips
Julie Garron Morris and son
Elizabeth Drummond
Zac and Amanda Cunningham
Joe Hammett
Rowland Shaw and Family
Charles and Frankie  Wilson
 Patsy Wood 
Jimmy Holladay
Derek and Kara Bayne
Herb and Meredith Protzman

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Is Coming.

Christmas Is Coming.

Christmas is coming
And Apples getting fat
Lots of lovely gadgets
Landing on your mat
You may have an I Phone
An I Pad or a Mac
But there is an alternative
That won't leave you in lack.

Jesus is the answer
He comes to you intact
No need of apps or downloads
He is complete, in fact
You'll have no need of gadgets
He'll give you all you need
Just focus on His peace and love
You'll be forever freed. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Her Old Rocker

Her Old Rocker

I quietly sat in her rocker,
a squeaky and rickety chair.
With paint almost gone, it had weathered,
but no, I did not even care.

The folks in the yard were all browsing.
The yard sale was going quite well.
As people were browsing the items,
a man came and asked if I'd sell.

He asked if I'd sell her old rocker.
He asked me what I'd sell it for.
He gave a most generous offer,
then said he could pay a bit more.

I answered, "Her chair's not for sale.
My grandmother used it alot.
She held me as we both rocked gently
right here in this very same spot.

I turned back the years to my childhood.
It seemed it was just yesterday.
Through planting and summer and harvest,
she whispered in music this way,

"I love you just like Jesus loves you.
I'll hold you as long as I live.
And if you have faith in me darling,
I promise to always forgive."

The man smiled sincerely and stated,
"I can't afford one quite like that.
Your rocker there surely is priceless."
He left with a tip of his hat.

I smiled yet my eyes became dampened,
as visions of grandma came back.
She sat in this very same rocker,
when she had her last heart attack.

In Heaven she has a new rocker,
without all the paint worn away.
She holds a young child without mother
and whispers the very same way...

"She loves you just like Jesus loves you.
Regretting her choice, she'd relive.
But pray that she's trusting the Father,
He's faithful and sure to forgive."

I quietly sat in her rocker,
a squeaky and rickety chair.
With paint almost gone, it had weathered,
but no, I did not even care. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless
My Grand mother Elizebeth Bagwell  has been  gone  40 years now  .
I still miss you !

Monday, December 2, 2013

Have you ever really wondered?

Have you ever really wondered?

Have you ever really wondered,
stopped your busyness and pondered
and taken the time to work out
what Christmas is really all about?

Why all the Christmas decorations,
the hard work and preparations?
Why do we give all the presents
if it is only a pretence?

Come, let us go on a Journey
and ask God to help us to see
that in Bethlehem far away
God came to earth on Christmas day.

Hear the angels sing from heaven
“Peace on earth and good will to men”
Join shepherds looking down in awe
as God in the manger they saw.

For this wondrous child born on earth
Who came to us through virgin birth
is Jesus Christ the Risen Lord
and Everlasting Son of God.

It was an incredible plan
to be born on earth as a man.
The Immortal, God Only Wise
became a babe to pay sins price.

Now we have found the real reason
why we celebrate this season.
Through this event in history
God showed His love for you and me.

For that Child in Bethlehem born
has heralded a brand new dawn.
God Himself had come to the earth
to redeem us all through new birth.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !