Wednesday, August 2, 2017

In Jesus' Hands

In Jesus' Hands

In Jesus’ hands, two fish and loaves
Became enough to feed the droves.
He welcomed need and always will,
For by his hands we have our fill.

In Jesus’ hands, the sick were healed
And Satan’s horde could only yield.
The lame could walk and blind could see
Just think what He could do in me.

In Jesus’ hands, the simple folk
Became the ones through which he spoke;
Mere fishermen then preached the word,
When Holy Spirit fire stirred.

In Jesus’ hands, a crowd of lost
Became a church on Pentecost,
And then were sent when stones were hurled
To take good news throughout the world.

In Jesus’ hands, the gifts I bring
Are blessed when given to my king.
I know my effort isn’t much
But little blossoms with his touch.

In Jesus’ hands, the lost find hope
And find in Him the strength to cope.
His hands will reach what we can’t touch
And in our hearts will do so much.

In Jesus’ hands, I find my rest
Where I can see his wisdom best;
Surrendered to his will and plans,
I place my all in Jesus’ hands.

Monday, July 31, 2017

God I turn to you

God I turn to you

God, I turn to you in my time of need.
I've, strayed my path and now your help I ask.
I'll, do what you say, so I may proceed.
No matter, how difficult of a task.
For his Love, my journey I won't concede.
Hoping, that in God's glory I may bask.
In the end, when it's all been said and done.
God's help, assures my journey will be won.
Psalm 85:10-12

"Mercy and truth are met together; 
righteousness and peace have kissed 
each other. Truth shall spring out of 
the earth; and righteousness shall look 
down from heaven."

Sunday, July 30, 2017

My spiritual guide

My spiritual guide

God's, the one who's fueling my Headfire,

For he, is the one who gifted me life.

When times, are rough he finds ways to inspire.

God, helps me to eliminate my strife.

God, casts away all of my doubts and fears.

Engulfing me, in his warming embrace.

Wiping away, my flood of shameful tears.

Filling, my whole heart full of love and grace.

Guiding, my soul through the daily melee.

Along, my journey to earn salvation.

The Devils, army of demons layway.

As God leads me away from damnation.

God's been my spiritual guide since birth

I'll cherish his guidance for all its worth