Friday, November 25, 2016



Life is a blessing given to us
From the day of our own birth
And through the hands of God Himself
He gives us all self-worth.

We all have the choice to choose what's right
'Cause he gave us all free will
For if you choose the things of this world
You will surely roll down hill.

You will land in a hole that you can't get out
No matter how hard you try
And no one will be able to help you out
No matter how loud you cry.

There is only one way out of this hole
On a path that is very thin
You must surrender your life to Jesus Christ
Then He'll forgive you for all your sin.

He will set your feet on solid ground
He will help you walk up hill
He will show you how to choose what's right
Then He'll show you His own will.

When we keep our eyes on Jesus
God's only begotten Son
Everything comes in second
For the Lord is number one.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Joyful, Thankful Heart

A Joyful, Thankful Heart

Lord, a joyful, thankful heart,
I bring to Thanksgiving's table
a soul that is forever grateful
for all that, You are able.

You make my plate complete,
when from Your Word I reap
the full bounty of Your grace
and in Your kindness I do steep.

You fill me with such peace,
and Your tender mercies overflow
Your love fills me to the brim
and Your compassion for me I know.

You supply all my needs,
and bless me with even more
You fulfill my every dream
with promises of life - evermore.

Lord, a joyful, thankful heart,
I bring to You - not just for today
a soul full of hope and gratitude 
for all You've done along the way!
Jan bagwell 
God Bless
Colossians 3:15

"And let the peace of God rule in your
hearts, to the which also ye are called 
in one body; and be ye thankful."

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Plate of Grace

A Plate of Grace

Come this Thanksgiving . . .
there will be no turkey with dressing
there will only be a plate of gratitude
served with God's many blessings.

As a substitute for candied yams,
we are going to feast on His kindness
and taste the sweetness of His favor
as we reflect on His loving guidance.

There will be no rolls and butter,
instead, we'll eat of the Bread of Life
and with gratitude we'll give our thanks
that we no longer live in hopeless strife.

In the place of creamy mashed potatoes,
there will be praise piled just as high
and we will sing to Him our adoration
instead of eating pumpkin pie.

The only beverage we will drink,
will be from the one True Vine
and with sanctification on our lips
Jesus' sacrifice will be as sweet as wine.

Come this Thanksgiving . . .
I'm not making a traditional dinner
I'll only be serving the grace of God . . .
to those I know ~ who are still a sinner!
2 Corinthians 12:9
King James Version

"And he said unto me, My grace is 
sufficient for thee: for my strength is 
made perfect in weakness. Most gladly 
therefore will I rather glory in my 
infirmities, that the power of Christ 
may rest upon me."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless