Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gardeners of God

Gardeners of God
The seeds we sow are made to grow
In acts and deeds we do
And what we harvest ,in return ,
Is what our efforts grew .
So ,if we sow God’s seeds of love –
Throughout our years of time –
The crops we harest ,every day,
Will always be divine .

It is ,for us ,to sow His cares
Indeed of every kind
And live the Christian way of life –
In body , heart and mind –
The joys he wills to be
To gardeners of his love and care –
And Christianity
Jan Bagwell

Friday, July 24, 2009

Church being Church

Church being a CHURCH!
Martha Stroud Vaughan experience tonight at her church! A MUST READ!
Worship rehearsal was truly rehearsal for eternity. 125+ choir members went to sing in the yard of a precious member for whom hospice has been called in. She was able to be out on the porch where we sang some worship songs and prayed with her. It was a sweet and awesome time. All accapella and the harmonies were lifting to the heavens under the canopy of wet glistening trees. What a wonderful blessing.

Wow, that was an incredible God story! A Church truly being a CHURCH! Thank you for sharing Aunt Martha!

This came from my son which is Pastor David Bagwell Of Bethel Southern Baptist Church , Oatway , SC , Thanks son , I read this , Praised God , read it again , and begin Thank Him , and then start praising him some more . It my hope that everybody that read this gets blessed as much as I have been.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Everybody Everywhere needs Somebody Sometime

Everybody Everywhere Needs Somebody Sometime
Everybody ,everywhere ,no matter what the station ,
Has moments of deep loneliness and quiet desperation ,
For this lost and lonely feeling is inherent in mankind-
It is just the spirit speaking as God tries again to find
An opening in the worldly wall man build s against God’s touch ,
For he feels so self-sufficient that he does not need God much ,
So he vainly goes on struggling to find some explanation
For these disturbing , lonely moods of inner isolation .
But the answer keeps eluding him for in his selfish , finite mind
He does not even recognize that he cannot ever find
The reason for life’s emptiness unless he learns to share
The problems and the burdens that surround him everywhere .
But when his eyes are opened and he looks with love on others
He begins to see not strangers but understanding brothers .
So open up your hardened hearts and let God enter in-
He only wants to help you a new life to begin
And every day’s a good day to lose yourself in others
And anytime a good time to see mankind as brothers ,
And this can only happen when you realize it’s true
That everyone needs someone and that someone is you !!!
By Jan Bagwell 7/23/09

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In the shadow of His Love

In The Shadow of His Love
I’ve sought out worldly pleasures in every likely place ,
But found my life’s fulfillment in the comfort of His grace

I’ve searched for varied riches
That I’d been dreaming of ,
But found supreme security
In the shadow of His love .

I’ve looked for loyal friendship
To share down through the years,
Then found in my friend , Jesus ,
The strenth to face life’s tears.
Jan Bagwell

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Sure Way To A Happy Day

A Sure Way to A Happy Day

Happinness is something we create in mind ,
It’s not something we search for and seldom find ,
IT’S JUST waking up and beginning the day
By counting our blessing and kneeling to pray ,
It’s giving up thoughts that breed discontent
And accepting what comes as a grift heaven-sent,
It’s giving up wishing for things we have not
And making the best of whatever we’ve got ,
It’s knowing that life is determined for us ,
And pursuing our tasks without fret ,fune , or fuss ,
For it’s by completing what God gives us to do
That we find real contentment and happiness ,too .

Monday, July 20, 2009

To sleep


Of all the thoughts of God that are
Borne inward unto souls a far ,
Along the Psalmist’s music deep ,
Now tell me if that any is ,
For gift or grace , surpassing this –
“He givth His beloved ,sleep “?

“Sleep soft , beloved !” we sometimes say ,
but have no tune to charm away
Sad dreams that through the eyelids creep:
But never doleful dream again
Shall break the happy slumber ,when
“He giveth His beloved ,sleep .”

O earth so full of dreary noises !
O men , with wailing in your voices !
O strife , O curse ,that o’er it fall !
God makes a silence through you all ,
And “ giveth His beloved ,sleep .”

And friends , dear friends ,when it shall be
That this low breath is gone from me ,
And round my bier ye come to weep ,
Let one ,most loving of you all,
Say ,”Not a tear must o’er him fall !
“He giveth His beloved , sleep .”
Jan Bagwell

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Courage To Live

Couraage To Live :

To those who have tried and seemingly have failed ,
Reach out ,dear Lord , and comfort them today ;
For those whose hope has dimmed ,whose faith has paled,
Lift up some lighted heavenly torch , I pray .
They are so frightened ,Lord ;reach out a hand .
They are so hurt and helpless ; be their friend .
Baffled and blind ,they do not understand –
They think this dark and tangled road the end .

Oh ,touch to flame their hope that has burned low ,
And strike with fire faith,s ashes that are dead .
Let them walk proudly once again ,and go
Seeking the sure and steadfast light ahead .
Help them to move among their fellow men
With courage to live ,courage to try again .
Jan Bagwell