Thursday, February 23, 2012

Songs in the Night
There is never a day so dreary
But God can make it bright
And unto the soul who trusts Him
He giveth songs in the night .

There is never a path so hidden
But God will lead the way
If we seek for His Spirit’s guidance
And patiently wait and pray . “

“There is never a cross so heavy
But the nail-scarred hands are there
Outstretched in tender compassion
The burden to help us bear.

There is never a heart so broken
But the loving Lord can heal ,
For the heart that was pierced on Calvary
Doth still for His loved ones feel.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please for me

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We’ll All Be Together Again

We’ll All Be Together Again
When dear ones have left us to journey afar
O’er mountain or prairies or sea ,
Our thoughts travel oft where the loving ones are
And lonely we often must be .
But sweet is the thought of the home coming time
To women and children and men ;
It rings , like the bells , with a musical chime ;
We’ll all be together again !

When sickness and trouble break into our lives ,
When cares throng in manifold ways ,
When many a wearisome burden contrives
To mar the sweet peace of our days ,
When lives have been sundered by death’s cruel hand ,
When dear ones no more have our care
All happy and safe in the beautiful land ;
So safe , no more needing our prayer
Oh , blessed the thoughts of the meeting once more
Beyond all the sorrow and pain ;
Where nothing is wrong on the heavenly shore
And we’ll all be together again !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Good Bye , old buddy { Donnie Hendrix ] we will see you on the other side .