Friday, January 2, 2015

There is a message

There is a message

With every whisper of the leaves
With every blow of the breeze
There is a message
With every raindrop that falls
With every heart that stalls
There is a message
With every bird that sings
With the sound of streams
There is a message
With every step that you take
With every heart that you break
There is a message
With every tear that you cry
With every time you say goodbye
There is a message
With every day that passes by
With every tear I wipe from your eye
There is a message
With every time they yell crucify
With every one that saw me die
There is a message
With every hit of the nail
With every curse they would yell
There is a message
With every drop of blood I shed
With the marks upon my head
This is your message
With all your sins I do bear
With all my love I do care

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Shout The Good News!

Shout The Good News!

In silent fields lay tired sheep
Cared for by tired men,
Who searched dark skies for answers;
A reason to face day again.

Then from the Halls of Heaven
Bright Angels came into view:
"Be not afraid! God's own Son
Has been sent to you!"

Then myriads of angels sang
Praises to God above,
Who gave to all mankind below
The Son of His great love.

Why is it today, on weary earth,
Some leaders think it wrong,
That we, who love The Christ,
Can't share the Angel's song?

Shout out a "Merry Christmas!
Jesus is born! Hear the Angels sing."
And lift your eyes to gaze in awe
Upon Christ--our precious KING!
Jan bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy, Happy New Year!

Happy, Happy New Year!

"Happy New Year!" we say to each
And everyone around.
We wish you all within our reach
God's blessings to abound.

A time to reflect, a time to plan~
Yes, another year is here.
We try to improve in all we can
To have a better year.

The resolutions that we make
Will help with goals to set.
Self-inventory that we take
Will help our goals get met.

May we in this year to come
Take time to serve our God.
May we, a blessing be to some
Poor soul who walks this sod.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sunshine of Passion

Sunshine of Passion

The sunshine of passion cuts through this heart
Once blind to love I sat in the dark
Only whispers of the wind prevailing
A heart I slowly kept from failing
this love pours from seams I've stitched
a moments beauty that I once ditched
the ashes of time have escaped through my hand
now the beauty of love I've come to understand

I feel the rays of time drift in the wind
and it's this feeling I get when I'm cleansed of sin
See I got this great God shining in heaven above
lil' sprinkles turn to showers, the forecast called for love
I know there's a God who controls the weather
but it's a feeling I describe one cannot measure
it's something I call the sunshine of passion
that fills with a great sense of satisfaction

It gives me a high that I try to describe
but I use words that flow with a pen I scribe
this could have been a sonnet but it's more than fourteen lines
I see the skylines bleed of love with the ages of time
it takes me back to the days before I knew Christ
back before I gave Him my heart and accepted His life
it's this something I write called the sunshine of passion
it's this verb called love that's been put into action

It's roses for anguished heart that cries
it's this beauty called love that never dies
it's this feeling of satisfaction that I get
of all the memories and tragedy one cannot forget
It's for times that I thought my heart would fail
while drifting on the wings of a flightless sail
It's this passion that drives my heart to excel
a love of a God that from heaven fell

fell upon a heart that remembers His fight
while bleeding on a cross long ago one night
that blessed me with a passion to pursue
this dream made into reality upon wings that flew
flew upon the wings of endless grace
while staring into the beauty of my God's face
never denying for one second my faith
but remembering this heartache you came to erase
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Happy New Year !

Monday, December 29, 2014

Living For Christ This Year

Living For Christ This Year

In our older years,
Time passes by so fast.
Another year flew by.
Another year has passed.

Time just marches on,
And so do our lives.
Days and hours fly by,
And another year arrives.

God has brought me through
Bad times and good ones too.
He has led me all the way.
To Him, I will stand true.

Just a word of advice
To the lively younger set:
Live this year for Christ.
This you'll never regret!

If the Lord chooses for me
To live here another year,
I'll live my life for Him,
My Lord and Savior so dear!
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !