Friday, July 18, 2014

Heaven Awaits

Heaven Awaits

I've traveled this long road of life.
I've seen happiness; I've seen strife.
I've served God from place to place,
Telling the story, saved by grace.

Many miles I have traveled here,
Some sad, some filled with cheer,
But my weary soul will feel its best
When one day it enters Heaven's rest.

I must serve the Lord here below
Until He says, "It's time to go."
I must go about, trying to do good,
Pleasing God the way I should.

Going home will really be great,
But I should work here while I wait.
Still I am yearning more and more
To make my trip to that golden shore.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Remember the Truth will always be right
Please pray for My sister Nadine Stvan and Mary Phillips

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Inspiration Received

The One inspiring me is The One
Who set me free,
Removing the sin blinders from
my eyes that I might see.
The truth that sin had covered
for far too long,
Rescuing me from it's hold into a
new life with new a song.

Jesus, The One inspiring me then,
continues to inspire,
For today, serving my Savior is
my greatest desire.
With love The Prince of Peace has
for a world full of rage,
He alone can turn it around to put
it on a different page.

Occasionally temptation moves, in
an attempt to turn my head,
Trying to distract my mind from the
path that it's being led.
Doubt begins to erase encouragement
I had in the beginning,
With thoughts of, is there any good
I do in souls I'm winning.

Now greater is He in me than he that
is in the world I live,
As this message fills my soul, I'll
give as God allows me to give.
Knowing that He inspires me to serve
and will guide me all the way,
Whether it's by pen or by speech, I
trust Him for the words to say.
Jan Bagwell
 God  Bless !
Please be in prayer  for  my sister Nadine Stvans  and  Mary Phillps

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hope , Faith and Love

We live tomorrow
the dreams of today
Our hopes of the future
gives us faith along the way

Love is the river
of this wakened state
Its never out of time
its never too late

It gives us life
as it flows through our lives
It tears through confusion
loneliness and strife

Love cuts a clear path
through the test of time
You can see where it has been
and watch it unwind

Free as a river
that you can't control
You can't even say
where it might flow

Hope is a power
that cant be taken away
It can pull you through
even the toughest of days

Hope can keep you going
when everything else fails
It keeps you company
on the loneliest of trails

Faith is ever daring
in the face of defeat
It can bring you courage
that nothing can beat

Faith is never doubting
in yourself or your beliefs
Holding on to what you know
when content is just a dream

Faith can give you strength
to face what the future brings
Combined with hope and love
you only need the three of these

Love is like a River
Hope is like a dream
Faith is just believing
with nothing to be seen

So dream of tomorrow
and Love for today
Hope with all your heart
Let Faith show you the way
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

“A man with a grain of faith in God never loses hope because he believes in the ultimate triumph 
of Truth”
Please pray for sister Mary Phillips !

Monday, July 14, 2014

Borrowed Things

Borrowed Things

God chose a Godly lady for Jesus' virgin birth.
He used a righteous man for His dad on earth.
He borrowed a stable in which to lay His head
When He was a babe lying on a manger bed.

Jesus borrowed a lunch from a little lad
To make thousands of hungry people glad.
He borrowed a little donkey on which to ride.
He rode to Jerusalem, and He entered inside.

For our sins, Jesus is our only sacrifice.
He shed His blood to pay our sin price.
In a borrowed tomb, His dead body lay,
But hallelujah! He arose the third day!

Jesus borrowed certain things from men,
But He fully paid for all of our sin.
A gift Jesus offers to you and to me,
The gift of salvation, full and free.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !