Friday, November 4, 2016

Swan Songs

Swan Songs

There is a touching, ancient fable
Of mute swans who are unable
To make a sound throughout their lives;
Then, at last, as death arrives -
A melody; a haunting cry;
A farewell song; a final sigh.

What a glorious way to die;
To enter the sweet by and by -
Instead of struggling, holding on
They fill their last moments with song;
Giving their all, their very best
Before they finally find rest.

Although this tale is hardly true
A lesson's here for me and you:
Death isn't something we need fear,
But should embrace when it draws near -
Let's pray that when our time has come
We'll sing our swan songs to God's Son.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, November 3, 2016

In Sight

In Sight

God can take the worst of humanity and make them fishers of men,
Yes, the very same ones that we've belittled, time and time again.
Some have been robbers and thieves and hopeless beyond our doubt,
But God sees them differently, as He reaches down to lift them out.

God sees things in people, that to us, are completely out of sight,
For He knows just what they can do once Jesus becomes their Light.
Their potential may only need this special attention to bring it out,
For man to serve with his best, first God needs to remove all doubt.

God sees the good in a person that we have labeled a hopeless case,
For He looks into their heart, when all that we'll see is the face.
We are not at all good at judging, therefore we are told to judge not,
Because we miss so many of those true qualities that a person's got.

God's loving eyes don't see the raged clothes a person's wearing,
Instead He sees saved souls coming from the truths they're sharing.
If we'll put more love in our sight, I believe we'll see more clearly,
Just remember, that we're always in God's sight and He loves us dearly.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Road To Calvary

The Road To Calvary

The Bible is an atlas
and the verses are a map
that shows each person
exactly where they're at.
Don't take a detour,
no telling where they'll lead
for there aren't any detours
on the road to Calvary.

Jesus is the bridge
that connects us to our God
and He walked the trail
that you and I have trod.
He paved the way for us
by dying for our sin.
How we don't have to go
exactly where He's been.

He walked the road to Calvary
and took a trip to hell
and preached to the sinners
that had already fell.
He showed them the scars
that upon His back He bore
and those that came back with Him,
a robe and crown they wore.

Listen very carefully
for now it's time to go.
Jesus loves you more 
than you will ever know.
Follow the map 
that He left for you and me,
for there aren't any detours
on the road to Calvary.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, October 31, 2016



L is for the loyalty you have for Father above
And it stands for the legacy of His amazing love
O is for the only Savior who can make a Saul into a Paul
And it stands for His omnipotence; The Lord over us all
V is for the vindication He gives through Jesus on the cross
And it stands for victory for we all will not be lost
E is for the earthly form in Jesus Christ His son
And it stands for everlasting; the Father's will be done

Put all the letters together to spell love
Sent straight to us from our Father above
Love others as we love ourselves is the greatest command
Just as Jesus loved us as part of the Master's plan
Love is the greatest of faith, hope, love, and charity
Love is the very basis of Christianity

You can't be a Christian with no love to impart
Not when God, the very essence of love, lives right within your heart!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Going Home Will Be So Sweet

Going Home Will Be So Sweet

Each heartache I have along life's way
Makes me long for that wonderful day
When trials and tears will all be o'er,
And I am safe on that golden shore.

I long to see my great Savior's face.
I'll thank Him for His amazing grace.
When in this world, no more I'll roam,
Then I'll be safe in my Heavenly home.

I'll see those friends who've gone before
And loved ones dear on that bright shore.
All of my sorrows and woes will be passed
When I am home with my Savior at last.

I know going home will be so sweet,
For then, Jesus, my Savior, I will meet
Face to face in that wonderful place,
When I have finished life's last race.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless