Saturday, March 21, 2009

Second Coming Of Christ

There is an inscription in the dome of our Capitol in Washington which few people know about. It says: "One far-off divine event toward which the whole creation moves." A visitor saw this inscription and asked the guide what it meant. He said: "I think it refers to the second coming of Christ." When the dome of our Capitol was erected, some God-fearing official ordered that inscription to be etched in the dome of our seat of government. Believing that its truth was vital to the concern of our nation.

Friday, March 20, 2009


In the mid-nineteenth century, Charles Deems was a Methodist minister concerned about the unchurched in New York City. He persuaded Commodore Vanderbilt to underwrite the effort. Vanderbilt bought Deems a church building for $50,000. That was a lot of money at that time. Vanderbilt deeded the church to Deems so that no group of trustees could, as Vanderbilt put it, "bedevil" him if he preached too hard on sin. (The Commodore never attended that particular church himself!) Deems called it 'The Church of the Stranger'. Today we think of our churches as places where no one is a stranger -- but Deems was targeting people who thought of themselves as strangers not connected to the rest of society nor to any church. But if one remembers the old song There's a Stranger at the Door one might conclude that any church faces the danger that Christ, Himself might feel out of place there, and in a very different and undesirable way that church become The Church of the Stranger.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Neither the pillar of cloud by day

nor the pillar of fire by night left its place

in front of the people.

Exodus 13:22

My child, you will face danger repeatedly. Obstacles will line your path. Darkness will obscure your view. Terror will stalk you like a lion on the loose. But I am your pillar of fire to guide you through. I will blaze a trail for you that will tunnel through every mountain, burn through every forest, and clear every cloud. Stay close to My side. There, the smoke won’t get in your eyes.

Even when I can’t see a thing in front of me, there You are, Lord, blazing a trail as a pillar of fire. Just as You led the Israelites out of bondage by Your own raging forest fire, You send Your protection out ahead of me. Lord, I can’t go wrong following You.


Some fires give warmth, light, and comfort; others destroy everything in their paths.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Christian Life - Discipleship

Ruth Bell Graham writes of an encounter she had with a young Indian student named Pashi. She spoke with Pashi about Christ, to which he replied, "I would like to believe in Christ, and many in India would like to believe, but we have never seen a Christian who was like Christ."

A friend of Mrs. Graham told her to tell Pashi, "I'm not offering you Christians. I am offering you Christ." Good point. No one will ever be excused for not believing in Christ on the basis of Christians' lack of faithfulness. On the other hand, we should ask ourselves the question, "What does a person look like who says he's a follower of Christ? Should Christians be like Jesus Christ?" Perhaps the most well-known answer to that question is the description given of David: a man after God's own heart, committed to doing all of God's will. Perhaps, then, that's what a Christian should be - a person committed to doing all of God's will. If a government order were issued to arrest everyone who "appears" to be a Christian, would you be incarcerated?

The person after God's heart is the person whose own heart seeks first the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3 Phase Obedience

"Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself'" (Matthew 22:37-39).

From 1994 to 2001, I went through what I call my "Joseph Pit" experience. It was during this time of great adversity and great growth that I wrote TGIF Today God Is First and also birthed many of the things I am doing today. During this season, I discovered a spiritual truth about how most believers experience three distinct phases of their growth toward obedience in their Christian walks.

When we first begin our spiritual journey we often make decisions from convenience. Often, we decide what the outcome is that we want and then make decisions based on the perceived outcome. If it is a positive outcome, then we will make an obedient decision. I call this outcome-based obedience.

However, God desires that each of us live an Obedience-based life. In order to transition us from an outcome-based process to an obedience-based process, he will bring a crisis into our lives. This crisis is designed to create pain which motivates us to seek Him to alleviate the pain. We have all heard of "fox-hole" Christianity. There is place of obedience for everyone! However, this is not where God desires us to remain.

Ultimately, God desires us to live a life of obedience and intimacy rooted in conviction. We obey His commands from a heart of love and devotion. During the crisis phase we discover the personal love of God in our lives which we had never experienced before. Most of us will get to this phase of our walk with God by first living a life of convenience, then we will go through the crisis that will them lead us into an intimate love relationship with God.

The Christian life can be summed up in one word - love. God's desire for each of us is to know Him intimately and to love Him with all of our heart. Have you told your Heavenly Father you love Him today?

Monday, March 16, 2009



“Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.” ~ Mark 6:56 (NKJV)

Tenacity means to cling to a belief without doubting. It is a set kind of faith, a determination that doesn’t waver. It takes a lot of tenacity to believe for a healing touch when we are sick, when our physical bodies suggest hopelessness, when we have waited a long time.

But our Father made divine healing a commodity through Jesus. In the marketplaces the center of business divine healings were common and useful for building people’s faith and winning souls, for setting people free from the bondage of disease, for restoring them to productivity and for the purpose of spreading the good news. Miraculous wonders of healing were evidence that Jesus was who He said He was.

Hebrews 13:8 enlightens us that “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Indeed, He heals today. His power hasn’t changed since He walked through marketplaces full of sick people on earth. Still, all we need is one touch from Him.

Tenacious faith is exhibited profoundly in the testimony of the woman with the issue of blood (Matt. 9:20). The Bible tells us that she was sick for 12 years. We don’t know at what rate blood drained out of her body, but we do know that blood is life. Surely, her faith was tested as she felt the very life drain out of her.

But, according to the Amplified Bible, she kept saying to herself, “If I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to health” (Matt. 9:21). Her declarations of divine truth built her faith and determination above her natural circumstances, which kept her going to the point of receiving complete healing. Touching the hem of Jesus’ garment brings perfect restoration to people (Matt. 14:36). But we must journey forth, reach out and connect.

Jeremiah 29:11-14 tells us that when we seek Him with all of our heart, we will find Him. And in His presence, His hem is available to us.

To be sure, Jesus heals in many ways, and, I believe, in His appointed time. Like salvation, healing is a faith journey extended from the very heart of God’s love, grace and mercy. But do we have the tenacity to see it through? How deep and how far are we willing to journey in our commitment to the kind of faith that brings life and restoration?

Surely, God has called us to tenacious faith. Do we humbly present or “lay” people from our assigned workplaces before Jesus? Do we desperately beseech Him for a healing touch? Do we have a heart for others to be healed, a heart for doing the work of Jesus?

So often, the Lord has shown me that when I step out in faith and pray for the restoration of others, He rewards me by caring for my needs. Tenacity is about selflessness. It is about choosing to believe the truth of God’s divine precepts over natural circumstances. And it’s about taking courage to journey forth with Jesus no matter what.

Regarding divine healing, tenacity allows us to confront and overcome all root causes of diseases, such as unforgiveness and other unconfessed sin. It keeps us going to completion.

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6). Won’t you bring life to someone in your workplace through a tenacious heart for Jesus?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Strengthening God’s Church

1 CORINTHIANS 16:10-14

The church seems to grow weaker each year. False doctrine, apathy, and a lack of discipline work together to diminish the local congregation’s influence in the community and the world. Paul reveals three simple ways to strengthen the church.

Be alert to false doctrine. There is no more effective church-killer than wrong spiritual beliefs. We are living in a cesspool of immorality and iniquity, but some philosophies mix a bit of truth with falsehood. Believers not firmly planted in God’s Word are susceptible to those lies. Standing firm requires that pure Scripture must be preached from the pulpit and studied by individual parishioners.

Appreciate God’s servants. Too often church members criticize their leaders more than encourage them. Certainly ministers and others in authority can make mistakes or fall into sin — they are human. But these Christians have devoted themselves to ensuring that people hear and understand Scripture. The congregation is responsible to show support and love; those who know the Lord most deeply will appreciate the pastor. God will not reveal Himself to those who can’t be bothered with caring for His chosen servant.

Accept one another. Since we are a fellowship of believers, we are to develop a spirit of oneness. Everyone is acceptable. This truth is based not on performance, but on the fact that each of us is God’s child with a unique role in this life.

The church’s great potential lies in its members. Begin today to practice these strength-building exercises.