Saturday, September 12, 2015



 As I grow old it seems that I
Grow old as grows the western sky
When day is coming to its close :
For life takes on a tint of rose
I had not known in life’s hot noon .
I see new stars I had not seen ,
A surer faith ,a peace serene ,
As I grow old .

As I grow old , like men at even ,
I turn my eyes again to heaven ,
That were so busy with the earth :
And there I find the things of worth ,
The things most beautiful of all .
Upon the world a fairer light ,
A golden glean ,a beacon bright ,
As I grow old .

As I grow old the winds of life
Die down ,the hate ,the hurt ,the strife .
The waters calm ,the waves are still .
I want no triumph, wish no ill
To any man . now from my heart
The ancient angers all depart .
New friends I know ,news songs are sung ,
New joys are mine – yes ,I grow young
As I grow old
Jan Bagwell

Friday, September 11, 2015

O That I May Please Thee

O That I May Please Thee

O that my soul would love Thee more!
My mind embrace Thy Word.
My very being thrill always to soar
With the Holy Presence of my Lord!

O that my goal would be Thy Throne,
My life reflect Thy grace;
That my thoughts be as Thine own--
My true focus linger on Thy Face.

O that my feet would walk with Thee,
My steps seek out Thy Way;
My conscious motives will to be
Yeilded--Thy commandments to obey!

O that my faith would soar to praise
The One speaking to me;
My very soul be on its knees
As my spirit presses unto Thee!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Psa 84:2 My soul longeth,yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

We Have A Choice

We Have A Choice

My friends and I just hung around
in places one might find profound
on maples, oaks and other trees
because, you see, we were mere leaves.

The autumn winds, oh how they blew.
They made us dance and wiggle too.
Deception's lie rode in the wind
had made us 'want' and we had sinned.

The bees were buzzing in their hive.
It wasn't fair they were alive.
It wasn't fair that we weren't free
for we were stuck on this ol' tree.

But then my friends had found, one day,
just how to ride a special way.
They laughed and giggled by and by
upon the wind. How they could fly!

So gaily and so selfishly,
they joked around so carelessly.
Exciting times, it seemed they had.
They thought it funny they were bad.

My friends had left me one by one,
but wicked winds are never done.
"Come join the party we will throw."
They taunted me and screamed, "Let go!"

The windy, frigid swirling air
had tortured me. It didn't care.
Except for me, the tree was bare
and I was so alone up there.

Oh yes, temptation had its grip -
but I held on despite the whip
of winds that howled around the limbs.
For I had faith and gospel hymns.

I prayed and prayed to God above,
for He had shown me so much love.
My friends had fallen, didn't know
they now were buried under snow.

The moral of the story here?
Don't be deceived by friend or peer.
Just listen to God's still, small voice.
He gave His Son. We have a choice.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Beyond the Pain

Beyond the Pain

God has a reason,
for this, I know . . .
He has a plan
for these tears,I sow.

God has something,
for me to learn
He has a truth
for me to discern.

God has a purpose,
for all of this pain
He has a new insight
for me to gain.

God has a point,
for me to find
He has a revelation
to fill my mind.

God has a reason,
for this, I know . . .
He has a design
for my joy to grow!
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !
Psalm 16:11

“Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
in thy presence is fulness of joy;
at thy right hand there are pleasures
for evermore.”

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Circle Of Love

Circle Of Love

. . . . and bring our love around again in selfless peace that has no end -
as with a circle bright and true, is love of fam'ly, love of friend -
though some may laugh while others grieve, forgiveness we can sure achieve,
through God's vast blessings scattered 'round so those in need can hence receive -
the Son of God who's virgin born - through whip and nails and piercing thorn -
our sacrifice, the ultimate - a perfect Savior, bloody, torn -
because God loved and likewise we, bring certain hope that others see -
these blessings of a risen Lord so that they too could also be
in peace that's pure as snowy dove while singing praise to God above -
and standing faithful hand in hand - in this, our circle filled with love . . . .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, September 7, 2015

A City God's Children Long to See

A City God's Children Long to See

God's children long to see God's New Jerusalem,
a wonderful, glorious, and beautiful city.
They're going to this city,
where they will never experience any pain, sickness, death, or pity.

A promised city that was foretold in God's word,
that has shining streets of pure gold,
and they in this city will forever live.
A city with many wonderful breath taking sights,
that to them, Jesus will freely give.

They will live with Jesus in this beautiful city,
a city where no one ever grows old.
A city that they will learn much more about,
for the greatest stories of this city have yet to be told.

They believe the story in God's word about the New Jerusalem,
in how John saw it coming down.
They believe it, because they believe in all of God's word,
and they in this city, will one day be found.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!