Friday, February 10, 2012

When The Mists Have Rolled Away

When The Mists Have Rolled Away

When the mists have rolled in splendor
From the beauty of the hills .
And the sunlight falls in gladness
On the river and the rills ,
We recall our Father’s promise
In the rainbow of the spray :
We shall know each other better
When the mists have rolled away .

We shall come with joy and gladness ,
We shall gather round the throne ;
Face to face with those that love us ,
We shall know as we are known :
And the song of our redemption
Shall resound through endless day
When the shadows have departed ,
And the mists have rolled away .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Within His Hands

Within His Hands
Whenever I grow weary ,
And miles seen much too long ,
And troubles think I am the one
To whom they all belong .
When things don’t always work out ,
According to my plan ,
It’s hard to drag my cross along ,
When I can barely stand .
And yet it’s times like these that test
The metal of my soul ,
How commonplace the daffodil
If everthing were gold .
We would have naught to hope for ,
If skies were always blue ,
And it is true the sweetest smile
Must hide a tear or two .
And so in spite of everthing ,
I know I’m not alone ,
God never will forget me ,
Though all the world be gone .
With age there comes a wisdom
Youth never understands ,
When each of us can see ourselves ,
…Carved in the Savior’s Hands
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I will have a knee replacement Febuary 17 please remember me in your prayers .Please remember Mary carpenter , she is having Back problems

Flowers Leave Their Fragrance on the Hand That Bestows Them

Flowers Leave Their Fragrance on the Hand That Bestows Them

This old Chinese proverb ,
if practiced each day ,
Would change the whole world
In a wonderful way-
Its truth is so simple ,
It’s so easy to do ,
And it works every time
And sucessfully ,too
For you can’t do a kindness
Without a reward ,
Not in silver nor gold
But in joy from the Lord-
You can’t light a candle
To show others the way
With out feeling the warmth
Of that bright little ray –
And you can’t pluck a rose ,
All fragrant with dew ,
Without part of its fragrance
Remaining with you .
And whose hands bestow
More fragrant bouquets
Than Mother who daily
speaks kind words of praise ,
A mother whose courage
And comfort and cheer
Lights bright little candles
In hearts through the year-
No wonder the hands
Of an unselfish mother
Are symbols of sweetness
Unlike any other .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This Too Will Pass Away

This Too Will Pass Away

If I can endure for this minute
Whatever is happening to me ,
No matter how heavy my heart is
Or how dark the moment may be ,
If I can remain calm and quiet
With all my world crashing about me ,
Secure in the knowledge God loves me ,
When everyone else seems to doubt me ,
If I can keep on believing
What I know in my heart to be true ,
That darkness will fade with the morning
And that this will pass away , too,
Then nothing in life can defeat me ,
For as long as this knowledge remains
I can suffer whatever is happening
For I know God will break all the chains
That are binding me tight in the darkness
And trying to fill me with fear ,
For there is no night without dawning
And I know that my morning is near .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
To reach the port of Heaven we must sail ,
sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it –
but we must sail ,not drift or lie at anchor .

Monday, February 6, 2012

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God

Seek Ye the Kingdom of God
Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain ,
Good things and bad things , pleasure and pain.
We can’t have all sunshine , but it’s certainly true
There is never a cloud the sun doesn’t shine through .
So always remember that whatever betide you
The power of God is always beside you
And if friends disappoint you and plans go astray
And nothing works out in just the right way .
And you feel you have failed in achieving your goal ,
And that life wrongly placed you in an unfitting role ,
Take heart and stand tall and think who you are,
For God is your Father and no one can bar
Or keep you from reaching your desired success ,
Or withhold the joy that is yours to possess ,
For with God on your side it matters not who
Is working to keep life’s good things from you ,
For you need nothing more than God’s guidance and love
To insure you the things that you’re most worthy of .
So trust in His wisdom and follow His ways ,
And be not concerned with the world’s empty praise,
But seek first His kingdom and you will possess
The world’s greatest riches which is true happiness .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Thanks to each and every one , who has played a part by sharing
And caring .And thus preparing joy for another’s heart .

The Neighborhood Church

Great day!! 3 salvations! Great spirit of worship ! Thank you volunteers and friends! Feb. 19th is our next service! Can't wait to see u there!!

Thank you Pastor David Bagwell for very moving service .



