Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Christmas Spirit

Put up a splash of Christmas spirit
Put in a dash of love
Stir up the sounds ‘till you can hear it
Sing out to those you love

Christmas, Christmas, you can fill me
Up with Christmas cheer
Christmas, Christmas, you fulfill my
Spirit every year

Toss up a mash of extra magic
Toss in a batch of love
Let up the lights with random logic
Look out for sleighs above

Santa, Santa, can I have it
Please I’ve been so good
Santa, Santa, please I beg you
Please oh if you would

Get up a clash of Christmas color
Get in a catch of love
Set up and show the shiny decor
Shout out with Christmas love

Listen, listen, you can see it
Spirit everywhere
Listen, listen, you can do it
Spread it out and share

Put up a splash of Christmas spirit
Put in a dash of love
Stir up the sounds ‘till you can hear it
Sing out to those you love

Christmas, Christmas, you can fill me
Up with Christmas cheer
Christmas, Christmas, you fulfill my
Spirit every year
Jan Bagwell
God Bless  

Thursday, December 13, 2012



They had a set of dishes
Given them when they wed ,
With luck and happiness and wishes
By loved ones ,who to them said
They wished they’d always be happy
As the moment when,”I will,”
Was said with so much rapture
That their hearts were standing still.

The dishes tell a lovely story
Of the lives they were to live _
How they shone in all their glory
When the very first forgive
Was whispered, and I love you truly ,
Which made things right again ,
For it was just as surely said ,
As sun comes after rain

Time as long since passed ,
Since they were first together ,
When he’d sit and ask her
If she loved him as no other –
And she was just content
With the answer in her heart ,
For she knew that it was meant
That they should never part ..

Although their lives had many scars
Like cracks upon the china ,
Their love outshone the mars ,
For it was only minor ,
If the one who’d done the wrong
Down in his heart had sorrow ,
For they never let the sun go down
Without a ,” Bright Tomorrow ,”

She’s an old lady now ,
And he is seventy-two ,
The cups and saucers wonder
What the other one will do ,
Until they both are able ,
To sit at God’s own perfect table ,
Be fed by His own hand
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I wrote this poem about twenty years ago , I had just lost my dad . My mother was morning herself to dealt . My family was at it lowest . I sat at my computer ,an begin praying for answers . This poem was the answer that was given to me . This help my mother get through it . My mother  is 94 years old . A few years ago my brother died ,and again I cry out to My Lord . That when I start writing this blog . This has been God answer to me . It has been a blessing to me . So many times people email me or met me in person and has told me , that they were about to take their own life .And something I wrote change their minds . I guess what I trying to say is . That I pray before I write these poems ,or short stories not on my own but I believe God is giving them to me . He is saying to each and everyone of us ,I LOVE YOU and I know what you are going through .I am not a smart man or a great writer. I just love God with all my heart . If anyone need me just feel free to call on me . I went to a wedding  yesterday , it was my best friends , Billy and Mary Phillips. I hope this short story bring you happiness.I wish for you a life time of joy and Happiness !

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Light a Candle

Lighting a candle for someone you loved and lost, shines out light out to them, and warms you near.

Light A Candle

Light a candle,
see it glow,
watch it dance,
when you feel low,
think of me,
think of light,
I'll always be here,
day or night,
a candle flickers,
out of sight,
but in your heart,
I still burn bright,
think not of sadness,
that I'm not near,
think of gladness,
and joyous cheer,
I have not left,
I am not gone,
I'm here to stay
my little one,
so when you light a candle
and you see it glow
and you watch it dance
in your heart you'll know
that I would never leave you
even when you feel so blue
I'm sitting up here with the Lord
and now watching over you
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I miss you Brother , Larry Bagwell Oct, 2007  , Nobody could ever have a better brother and 
friend . Enjoy this Christmas with love ones .Who know, this might be last time , you see them 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Now and Them

A  memory of Christmas past and Mama and Daddy

Christmas Now And Then

Well it is December and Christmas is almost here
Another happy Christmas for family and good cheer
There will be tables loaded with turkeys, hams and sweets
We know there will be more than we could ever eat

There will be a big tree shining so bright
With beautiful decorations and pretty shiny lights
Under that tree there will be present galore
So many you would wonder how there could be anything left in the store

Christmas now is really so much fun
But gosh there is just too much for everyone
My thoughts go back to a cold Christmas long ago
To a family not blessed with riches and gold

Our little tree was kind of skimpy, with some ribbons and a few shiny balls
But to us it stood magnificent, the greatest of them all
Under that tree was a present for Larry, a present for Nadine and a present for me
And we could hardly wait as we would open them with glee

There was not a lot of fancy food on that table, times were kind of tough
But we were all happy and for us it was enough
We were so thankful as we thanked the Lord above
We knew what we had was paid for with Mamas and Daddy's hard work and love

I'm thankful that we now have so much and our blessings are many
And it is good to live in this great land of plenty
But I would gladly give every material thing that I own
To have one more Christmas with Mama and Daddy and my brother and sister at home .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Come Christmas our house will be blessed again with my children and my grandchild [Emily] and my brother and sister's children and their children . My Dad and Brother are past on . Oh how I wish they were here . I an blessed to have a wonderful sister and mother still with me . God has blessed me with so much , I hope that this Christmas , each one of you  will make great memories for yourself and your family. And remember keep Christ in Christmas !!

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Joy Of Savation

The Joy OF Salvation

"Who can bring any charge against those whom God has chose"?
That's why Christ came, died and arose.
There is no condemnation for those who bear His name,
And when we have the Savior our lives are never the same.
"Perfect love cast out all fear" and we have peace within,
We are co-heirs with Christ and cleansed from all sin.
We are to love our fellowman and show God's revealing self,
It's not to be taken lightly or put on the shelf.
We must share in the gifts He's given us to use,
We'll miss many blessings if we disobey and refuse.
God wants us to worship where Grace and Love is preached,
Where the joy of our salvation, in fullness, will be reached.
For the joy of the Lord is our strength to withstand,
And His love will carry us over into the Promised Land.
He wants His perfect love to be revealed so we can share,
And if we share in His sufferings then His Glory we can wear.
We are sanctified by the Spirit, justified by His Grace,
His Grace is sufficient until we see His face.
Christ power is made perfect in the things that we are weak,
He gives strength in our lives when His face we seek.
Jesus is Living Waters to all who come athirst,
Pouring out many blessings to those who seek Him first.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !