Saturday, August 8, 2020

Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

 Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there; I did not die.


Out With the Old, In With the New


Out With the Old, In With the New

From the very beginning, God knew in advance
who would worship his son and conform.
The predestined have chosen -- though all have that chance;
of their brothers, they chose the firstborn.

As we look on his Son, we can see God's intent
and his purpose in all that he's made.
Christ was made in God's image one thousand percent
and the firstborn of all that's displayed.

So have we, in the image of God, been designed
to rule over the land, sky and sea;
don the likeness of God, leave your old self behind
​and be righteous and holy as he.

Seize this new way of life -- one renewed from inside,
and await for what God has in store!
Let the Lord's Spirit work to make you sanctified,
so his glory reflects even more.

Because this is the secret: that Christ lives in you;
every part of your old life must go.
So, its out with the old and its in with the new
for the greatest thrill you'll ever know.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Happy Birthday to me.
Today begins the first day of another age.
For me, I want to taste life like it is new.
Let the sun remind me of how beautiful life is
May the rainbow bring colors of laughter to me
So years from now I will grow like a baby.
Happy birthday to me.

. If today was a fabric
Then it will have all the colours of happiness
For I was born on such a day to smile
To be happy for the gift of life.
For the blessings that guide me
So I echo through history anew.

Today comes with a new feeling
Maybe it’s because a star sparkled today.
Yes, I sparkled in the sky of life.
May this birthday always remind me that life inspires
And lift me to heights of joy, laughter and love.
Happy birthday to me.

4. How do I not wake today with such ease?
When of course I was born on such a day
A day filled with the sun looking like me
As I shine through a new page.
On this day I feel like a new seed again
To grow into life like a baby
So I enjoy every bit of it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A Perfect Day

             A Perfect Day

God stretches out His loving hand
         His blessings to bestow ,
And guides us in our daily lives
         Because He loves us so .

He fills our hearts with joy and peace
        We’re always in His care ,
He knows our every need and want
        And answers every prayer ,

He heals all pain and solves all ills
      Which often come our way ,
His grace shines down upon us all
      To create a perfect day .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !             



  Search into the garden
Of  your soul and you will find
   A gem of priceless beauty
Like a jewel that’s most divine .

    Meditate in silence
And with each breath release
A faith that’s filled with magic
And a magic filled with peace …

For in your quiet moment
  You will surely visualize
That in this rest of peacefulness
   God will unveil a prize .

A prize that’s been unnoticed
Like a jewel that has been lost
  But now in silent meditation
You can hear His faint response .

Like a choir of angels singing
For we mortals here below
If we take the time to listen
His miraculous touch will flow .

Flow free from every corner
     The invitation’s clear
If you take the time to listen
Then God’s music you will hear .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13

Though I speak in the language of angels above,
Or each nation and race in their tongue;
Though my head knows the words -- yet my heart has no love,
I am noise -- like a cymbal or gong.

Though I forecast the future and fathom the past,
And all riddles, by me, are laid bare;
Though my faith is a faith that moves mountains -- alas,
Without love, I have nothing to share.

Though I give all I have to the hungry and poor,
And my body is burned in the flame;
Though I give everything and can give nothing more,
Without love, I have nothing to claim.

For it's patient and gentle -- love strives to abide,
It's not jealous, malicious, or rude.
And it boasts not and brags not -- is empty of pride,
It's not petty, offensive or crude.

And it does not keep records of wrongs -- or of rights,
Love is trusting and kind and is good.
And it can't be provoked into quarrels or fights
But rejoices when truth's understood.

Love endures all, and bears all, believes all it hears,
And it hopes all -- and ever will last.
But if prophecies rise -- they shall all disappear;
And if knowledge or tongues -- they shall pass.

What we know of the whole is a very small piece,
And we prophesy only a part.
When perfection is come imperfection will cease --
Only then will our true knowledge start.

As a child I had reasoned like most children do,
And I spoke with a childish mind;
Now that I'm an adult, I'm mature and I'm through
With that conduct I've left far behind.

Now we see but a glimpse, in a shadowy light,
Of our mirrored reflection -- a trace;
But in time that will change -- just like day versus night --
Then we'll see like we stand face to face.

Now I just know in part -- but then all will be plain,
And I'll know as I've always been known.
Now the trio of faith, hope, and love yet remain,
But the love is the greatest, alone.
Col 3:2

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Free Indeed

Free Indeed

True love has eluded me
I thought it was not to be
Living life like I was free
No responsibility

And so, I let freedom rule
Thinking that it made me cool
But it simply made me cruel
Freedom made me quite the fool

Fools are many among us
There is not one you can trust
Conformity is a must
Emphasis on self a plus

Even so love I pursued
My attempts were sadly crude
Mortal love is often lewd
The ways of flesh do delude

'til by chance or by design
My Creator I did find
No longer were my eyes blind
His son Jesus I enshrined

Jesus now abides in me
Love unequivocally
Jesus changed my destiny
At last I am truly free

God's love I did once ignore
Now my spirit pines for more
I found that which I adore
The true love that I longed for