Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Light of Sight

The Light of Sight

He opened my eyes so I could see
The power of his light
For once I saw His light so dim
But now it shines so bright.

Now I see what I was once
For He changed me from within
I tried to fight to live my life
But, I found I still had sin.

It's hard to live a sin-free life
But I know that I should try
To do the things He has planned for me
Before the day I die.

I love my Lord unconditionally
For I know what's wrong or right
He changed me into the man I am
A man that now has sight.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I'm Crossing Over

I'm Crossing Over

I'm crossing over,
nothing is going to stop me
not the storm, not the wind
not the waves on the sea.

I'm crossing over,
I'll not go down with the ship
I'm hanging on to the helm
Jesus will keep me in His grip.

I'm crossing over,
soon I will be on safe ground
I'm not going to panic
Jesus won't let me drown.

I'm crossing over,
there's nothing to get in my way
I'm not losing my direction
Jesus is with me night and day.

I'm crossing over,
I won't be tossed all about
there isn't a storm I can't beat
Jesus cures my every doubt.

I'm crossing over,
nothing is going to stop me now
I'll fight the tempest in front of me
and Jesus is going to show me how!
Matthew 14:24
King James Version

"But the ship was now in the midst of the 
sea,tossed with waves: for the wind was 

Monday, September 11, 2017



My troubles seem a mountain high
And there’s no way across.
This mountain’s grown to touch the sky;
But soon will know who’s boss.

Oh, mountain standing tall and proud,
It’s time for you to move.
My God and I feel three’s a crowd
And I have faith to prove.

For faith as small as mustard seed
Will cause a mountain - steep,
To bow before its Lord, indeed!
Hear now my need and leap.

“But who are you”, I heard him say,
“To tell me what to do?
You’ll never move my rock and clay,
You surely know it’s true.”

Yet, what are mountains but a mound
Of dirt and rock and sod?
Can you refuse divinely crowned,
Empowered child of God?

My power doesn’t come from me
And neither does my will.
Before my God Almighty flee,
You itty-bitty hill.