Friday, April 27, 2012

Morning's Song

Morning’s Song In the stillness of the morning I can hear the songbirds sing Warbling joyously in chorus Praises to their Maker bring . So delightful is their music , Makes me want to sing along ; Offering God my love and praises I , too join in Morning Song . Won’t you join the morning choir ? Come with thankful heart and song ; God is worthy of our worship , Joy and praise to Him belong . Jan Bagwell God Bless !

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Silver My Mother Gave Me

The Silver My Mother Gave Me I chose a a certain pattern , Something old but ever new , Because somehow it just reminds me Of the love I have for you . You always cared for lovely things , But yours were only few , Because you always passed them on To some one dear to you. It was not wordly goods you owned, Because that soon departs , But you had that kind and noble look That shone right from your heart , That made you do ,”The same As you’d have done to you ,” “Give the cup of water in His name “ As oft’ I’ve seen you do . The silver like my love for you Grows lovelier through the years , I find this to be oh , so true , When I kneel to say my prayers , To thank Thee ,Father, and no other , For giving me such a wonderful mother . Jan Bagwell God Bless ! I am truly blessed , God has gave me the best family , [ Mother , Dad , Sister and brother . I have 2 children , both are boys { David and Scott and they have brought me joy and pride in them all their lives . David is marry to Hali and Scott is marry to Elizabeth and they gave birth to most beautiful Grand Daughter, Emily . Their wives are just like my daughters . When we have family reunion , my extended family , My brother children and sisters children they just best . My mothers has 4 sisters and 5 brothers , my dad had 4 brothers 4 sisters . When we have a family reunion we have a big ones . I say all this to say, they all are born again !!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WHAT THEN ? When all the great plants of our cities Have turned out their last finished work ; When our merchant have made the last bargain And dismissed the last tired clerk ; When our banks raked in the last dollar , And paid out the last dividend ; When the Judge of the Earth says, “ Close for the night !” and asks for a balance – WHAT THEN ? When the choir has sung its last anthem , And the preacher has said his last prayer ; When the people have heard their last sermon, And the sound has died out on the air ; When the Bible lies closed on the pulpit , And the pews are all empty of men ; When each one stands facing his record , And the Great Book is opened- WHAT THEN ? When actors have play their last drama , And the mimic has made his last fun ; When the movies have flashed the last picture , And billboard displayed its last run ; When the crowds seeking pleasure have vanished , And have gone into darkness again ; And the world that rejected its Saviour Is asked for a reason – WHAT THEN ? When the bugle’s last call sinks in silence , And the long marching columns stand still ;when the captain has giv’n his last order , And they’ve captured the last fort and hill ; When the flag has been hauled from the masthead , And the wounded a field have checked in; When the trumpet of ages is sounded , And we stand up before Him – WHAT THEN ? Jan Bagwell God Bless !

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Steppingstone to God

An aching heart is but a steppingstone To greater joy than you’ve ever known , For things that cause the heart to ached Until you feel that it must break Become strength by which we climb To higher heights that are sublime . So when you’re overwhelmed with fears And all your hopes are drenched in tears , Think not that life has been unfair And given you too much to bear , For God has chosen you because With all your weaknesses and flaws He feels that you are worthy of The greatness of His wondrous love . So welcome every stumbling block And every thorn and jagged rock For each one is a steppingstone To God, who wants you for His own , And on the steppingstone of strife You reach at last eternal life . Jan bagwell God Bless!

Monday, April 23, 2012



What I am is God’s gift, what I become is my gift to God tells us that our own body and the life that breath in our body is God’s precious gift to us but what this body can become and what sense or impact of our being as a person to others and to God is our gift to the Almighty. Our own body and life is our own gift from God on the day of our creation from womb till we joined this world to become what we want to mirror in this journey of life. God has given us all the provisions to live and all the faculties we need to grow as a person. He gave us a body strong enough to withstand trials of life like illness, sorrows and pains to keep us not so much fragile to anything that we can paint our own journey in this life. No doubt the life we breath is indeed God’s most precious gift to all of us. Precious than anything like glittering gold or diamonds. Our life is really beyond compare being the ultimate reasons God had created this world and the very reason why He gave his only begotten Son to secure and protect such gift to all of us. Truly, our own life is our gift from God but what we become as a person is our gift in return to God.

What we wanted to become in the eyes of men and God is our gift in return to such noble and precious gift of life we had from God. Our body is the temple of God’s Kingdom when we let our soul glitter like diamond upon the eyes of God if sense of righteousness lives within every breath we take as we deal with other people and so with God. It is how we used this body as an instrument to fulfill our own mission in this life through our own vocation, work or services we take is our gift to God. Everything we do in this life in the service to other people and to God is our own gift to the Almighty. Everything we do to the temple of God’s Kingdom, our body, determines the impact of our sense of being as a person in the eyes of God and men. Truly, if we wanted to be looked upon as a glittering diamond in the yes of God and men, we must live in righteousness upholding all the fundamental truth and wisdom of God as we relate with other people and as we serve with prudence sharing our life and services to others.

Our own sense of being, purpose or mission through our various ways, vocations or services is the way how we return our gratitude and appreciation to our gift of life from God. The way how we share our own life to give life and light to others is our gift to God. Make this life then shine for others and to God for it is our own little way of returning the favor of God’s grace and love to us.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

The Neighborhood Church , Wining Easley to win the World , People getting Saves , Baptism , Not just Church , It a experience !!
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