Thursday, November 1, 2018

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting

From the trucker on the highway
To the lofty business suite
From a laborer in some byway
To the houses down the street
From conductors in high towers
To the ships way out at sea
There comes a cry to tender ears
A begging, earnest plea

Someone needs your prayers today
Faithful soldier will you pray?
In your service for your Lord
Rich will be your last reward
So halt your labor, lend an ear
He needs us all both far and near
To man or woman, boy or girl
We're having a prayer meeting ALL OVER THE WORLD

From missionaries in the jungle
To the desert wilderness
From your distant German uncle
To your Irish relatives
From down under in New Zealand
To the frigid Northern Pole
We have a common zeal and
We share a common goal

Someone needs our prayers today
Lay your weapons down and pray
Farmer in your dusty field
There among the sheaves you kneel
Invalid upon your bed
There in love you bow your head
Man and woman, boy and girl
We're having a prayer meeting ALL OVER THE WORLD

To His glorious throne in Heaven
From this vast and weary land
A Father ever-loving
Hears a tender chorus grand
From every tribe in every nation
Every tongue, communal plea
All across His great creation
Rise the prayers for one in need

Someone needs Your help today
Hear us Father as we pray
Shine upon him with Your love
Watch him from your throne above
Man and woman, boy and girl
All around this great wide world
Fight the soldiers fight today

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I am A Work in Progress

I am A Work in Progress

I am a work in progress,
you probably are one too
each day Jesus is working
something new inside of you.

His grace is forming us to be,
His warriors and His saints
He is shaping us to live
with principles and restraints.

He is clearing out the trash,
removing the worlds debris
when He is done with that
we'll be one of His draftees.

He is molding our hearts,
to live sober and clean
so the likeness of Him
in our souls we can glean.

He knows all the lumps,
that need to be re-formed
He is shaping us daily
so in Him we'll be transformed.

We have unlimited potential,
He'll never be finished with us
but you and I must believe
that His polishing is always just.

I am a work in progress,
you probably too ~ are one 
every day He is shaping us
into the image of His Son.
Philippians 1:6
King James Version 

"Being confident of this very thing, 
that he which hath begun a good work in 
you will perform it until the day of 
Jesus Christ:"

A Far Better Place

A Far Better Place

We're on our way to a far better place
Where we'll see Jesus Christ face to Face,
Bridegroom and bride, united at last
Will walk hand in hand on streets clear as glass.

Surrounded by walls of transparent gold
We'll behold wonders as yet untold
While thousands 'pon thousands of angels will sing
Praises of joy to the queen and the King.

Heavenward, homeward bound are we
To a place where we will be free
From suffering, toil, heartache and sin;
Meeting again our old friends and kin.

Love and peace and joy will flow,
Over all this God's glory will glow;
Sweet communion between bride and Groom -
Oh, dear Jesus, may that Day come soon!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Heaven's New Breath

Heaven's New Breath

Grace from God in abundant measure!
His Son on a cross and lifted high.
His blood the payment for sin, but why?
Grace from God our glorious treasure!

Mercy from God in abundant flow!
The blood of the Son has covered our sin.
Its glory on us our eternal win!
Mercy from God is heaven’s glow!

Hope from God brings joy out of tears!
But sin, our offence, why does He cover?
His nature, His character above all His endeavor. 
Hope from God conquers our fears!

Love from God gives life after death.
The Spirit in us teaches all we should know
His Word, His truth, our life should it show.
Love from God is heaven’s new breath!