Friday, July 8, 2016

When Jesus Appears

When Jesus Appears

In the twitch of an eyelid
And quivering lip,
The pages of history
Will burn in a pit.

For the remnant in waiting,
A reason to cheer
On the day the sky opens
And Jesus appears.

Through the blitzkrieg of lightning
And billowing smoke,
He will ride on a white horse,
His army in tow.

The devil's dominion
Will fizzle with fear
On the day the sky opens
And Jesus appears.

The clock in its dying breaths
Will give up its hands
At the altar of freedom
In God's perfect plan.

The red mist of suffering
Will scatter and clear
On the day the sky opens
And Jesus appears.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Glimpse of Grace

A Glimpse of Grace

North South East and West
He holds the corners in His hand
From each mountain flows a stream
Holy fingers caress the land.

Then, lifts the sun in the sky
As misty valleys touched with dew
Glistening flowers adorn the earth
When God stooped down, He knew.

All that we needed was provided
Stretched endlessly to the sea
The moon and stars direct the tide
Intricately planned for you and me.

Yet, we question and ponder
Ask God what will happen next
As the wonders of the world fade
The human heart remains perplexed.

Always searching for the answer
When four corners He draws near
We stumble and fall a million times
Until we cry out to Him in fear.

But, He stoops down, finds us
Then wipes the tears from every face
When at last we look up to Him
And feel the awe of this place.

Hear the sound of a newborn cry
When startled to run the race
He stoops down to this new life
Instills the first glimpse of grace.

Where unfailing love will abound
Unearned, but still He gives
A Glimpse of Grace revealed in Him
Cries out! "Our Savior lives!"
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless
Psalm 18:35
"You give me Your shield of victory, and Your right hand sustains me; You stoop down to make me great."

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

On Tranquil Seas

On Tranquil Seas

On tranquil seas,
I wish to sail . . .
sans any storm
or gathering gale.

Smoothing sailing,
is all I want
no rough waters
to leave me gaunt.

Just blissful calm,
nothing more
no raging waves
breaking ashore.

Peaceful days,
restful nights
no disturbances
in which to fight.

But, this I know,
Lord can't be true
so I'll just sail . . .
in closer to You!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
John 16:33

"These things I have spoken unto you,
that in me ye might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation:
but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world."

King James Version

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My One and Only Selfie

My One and Only Selfie

The only selfie,
I am going to take
is when I go through
the straight gate.

I can't wait to see,
how I will look
when I see my name
in the Lamb's book.

I know I'll be beaming,
from the light of the Son
as the picture will show
the good race I have won.

It will be a photo,
of glory and rewards
one that I will always
look anxiously towards.

The only selfie,
I will ever take...
is standing with Jesus
at the straight gate!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." King James Version Public Domain

Monday, July 4, 2016

A leading fortress in love and in kind

A leading fortress in love and in kind

Quaked eruptions beginning to fall
Walls tumbling vulnerable to all

Pierced together like self-art token
Pained and tortured ones heart broken

Tearing down moment by moment
Embracing the test each weakened opponent

Disconnecting identity and the ascetic scene
Fallen soul... each remembrance keen

And yet just as the Phoenix rises again
Never oneself despising chagrin

And as Apollo acts the beast of burden
And the Son rises beyond the curtain

Hold the fort stand forever tall
Not fearing the sight available to all

Arise the Soul fearless and clear
Even as broken arrow brings darkness near

Behold the Light majestic and humble
Boldly forward never fearing a stumble

Each mistake owned each error forgiven
Each step brave each motion driven

Stronger each day in heart and in mind
A leading fortress in love and in kind
Jan Bagwell
God Bless