Saturday, July 25, 2020

Time Enough

Time Enough

Three years and so much to convey
To persuade a people gone astray
'Twas sin that made them lose their way
Now pending soon was judgement day

Under the rule of Pharisees
Jesus preaching was heresy
Rebuking what He had to say
Jesus was one they had to slay

He was causing too much turmoil
All their rules He began to foil
Many miracles He did do
And His words scripturally true

Scripture they could not comprehend
Prophesy that foretold of Him
So, without just cause to condemn
They decided to apprehend

Conceiving a fabrication
Acting in collaboration
With no further hesitation
He was charged with instigation

Swiftly convened, the trial began
Matters quickly got out of hand
He forfeits His life, they demand
For calling Himself Son of Man

For blasphemy He has to die
The crowd called out, crucify
Hang from the cross for such a lie
Jesus stood and gave no reply

On bloodied back with cross to bear
Passing by those who jeer and stare
How fits the thorny crown you wear?
King of Jews, how shameful your dare

By hands and feet, they nailed Him fast
Just as prophecy had forecast
It is finished was His last gasp
The Son of Man had breathed His last

Dear Joseph, took Him to a tomb
There was reason for all to gloom
The Rose of Sharon ceased to bloom
To the apostles it was doom

Roman soldiers assigned to post
To prevent that which they feared most
The return of the Lord of Hosts
I will arise was not a boast

In three days entered three Marys
To do what was necessary
Embalm Jesus, cannot tarry
Lest the body smell contrary

But before them to their distress
Stood an angel who did profess
He has risen, I must attest
Hasten now, you must tell the rest

No defeat could be so greater
As conceived by our Creator
Praise the Great Adjudicator
Death has met its Terminator

Jesus accomplished all He said
Banished demons and raised the dead
He deftly crushed the serpent's head
Jesus and His Church are now wed

Praise this Savior, glory on high
He who voluntarily died
So, at God's side He will abide
And His Church will with Him reside
Romans 8:39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


I left this world, I left your side
It was time I went back home.
But I need you to know just a few little things,
I’m here!  You’re not alone.
I want you to know that I see your life–
I see the way you live.
I hear your voice and I hear your thoughts,
OH!  What I wouldn’t give

To have you know without a doubt
That I’m very much right here.
I’m proud, I’m honored, and love you so.
I did not disappear.
I know right now I am not seen
You may not feel me so,
But close your eyes and take a breath,
I want to help you know.
With eyes closed tight, mind at rest,
Another few deep breaths,
My love for you lives on and on
Can’t you feel it in your chest?
Right there inside your heart of hearts
Lies the memories that we made.
The good, the bad, the in-between;
So please don’t be afraid.
Please don’t cry, please don’t be sad
There’s no need to be scared.
For right inside your quiet mind
You’ll find everything we shared.
I can talk to you, I can send you signs
To show you I’m right here.
My voice is just a whisper now,
But, please trust that you can hear.
Just take a look around you,
See the beauty of this space,
‘Cause that is where you’ll find me too,
Heaven’s all around this place!
Heaven’s not up-it’s nowhere far.
It’s here and now, you see.
It’s you and me together,
Right where we’ll always be.
So I hope you find some comfort,
Some solace and some hope
That even though life has changed
You’re strong and you CAN cope.
And when you miss me oh so much
When you’re feeling all alone.
Just close your eyes and call my name,
And we’ll both feel right at home.
I love you more than you will know
I just want the best for you.
So stand up tall, head held high,
Find the joy in all you do.
When you smile and laugh and live your life,
As happy as can be,
I TOO feel joy, I TOO feel blessed,
I benefit too, you see.
So keep me close, keep me near
I’m here-not up above.
I’ll live life too, with you, THROUGH you,
So, fill your life with LOVE.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Halo's Glow

The Halo's Glow

Who really cares?  Who understands
the rusty spikes through feet and hands?
His feet wore dust that turned to mud
when mixed with his own sweat and blood.

And then, of course, some thorns were found
and weaved into an ugly crown.
A painful mocking, gross insult
(but we know now the end result).

He was so sore and in such pain,
yet love for us would somehow gain.
He gave us life and gave us breath!
He saved us from eternal death!

Yes, we are just as bad as those
who we have judged His greatest foes.
Let's praise His work, His will, His way.
Let's bow and give Him thanks today.

But we pray for expedience
while He seeks our obedience.
Remember His beatitudes!
Let's change our selfish attitudes.

I tell you world, I can't compete
with such a love that's so complete.
There is no greater love than His
and that is what the greatest is.

From greatest love, for greatest foe,
can we not see from here below?
From greatest love, for greatest foe,
can we not see the halo's glow?

Ode to the Church Meeting

Ode to the Church Meeting

A joy to join the church again
As covid seems to reach an end
The songs and prayers and voices blend
While we this isolation rend

The gathered church can't be compared
To video - zoom meeting chaired
No toothbrush, hairbrush, clothing spared
For church on Sunday, we're prepared

I've never readied with such haste
To see my friends and get a taste
Of fellowship and sweetest grace
Received in worship face to face

And don't you think it's swell of God
To make us miss those we find odd
Who used to get a passing nod
We talk to now without a prod

Those empty halls again will ring
With every precious promised thing
To pray and preach, to give and sing
For us these days means everything

And could it be in this our joy
That tender hearts would now employ
Their love for those they would annoy?
The unforgiving thought destroy?

Lord, may it be that we not tire
In this our earnest heart's desire
No apathy to quench the fire
But Jesus Christ the Lord raised higher

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Homesick for Heaven

Homesick for Heaven

I'm getting homesick for heaven
it's on my mind night and day
I'm looking forward to that city
where with Jesus I'll forever stay.

I do not know the day or hour
when I'll run my final race
but this one thing I know for sure
I'm going to a better place.

Yes, He's preparing for me a mansion
far beyond the starry sky
one day I'll see my loved ones
and we'll never, ever die.

Because I chose to simply believe
in Jesus death on the cross for me
I know my faith will become sight
and in Heaven my dear Savior I'll see.

Just a Man

Just a Man

It always starts with tender hearts,
And foes cannot withstand,
The pow'r in those that God controls
If even just a man.

A time or two for quite a few
Performing God's own plan.
Who will resign to God's design?
Behold, it's just a man.

In countless ways the Lord displays
The glories of His Hand.
It must amuse that He would use
The likes of just a man.

From castle walls to hallowed halls
From age to age the span.
From east to west sometimes the best
Has ended up a man.

A fiend subdued; a plan construed,
All flashes in the pan.
A spec of gold that God can mold
'Tis God with just a man.

In darkest night subdued in fright
A child will and can,
Endure the fear when he draws near
A father, just a man.

In humbleness we pass the test
God sets to make us grand.
As we decline, we're sure to find
God make of us a man.

God can bless the awkward mess
That without Him won't stand.
And when He does, look out, because
That mess that's blessed is man.