Friday, February 5, 2010

If WE Only Understood

If We Only Understood
Could we but back the curtains
That surround each other’s lives ,
See the naked heart and spirit ,
Know what spur the action gives ;

Often we should find it better ,
Purer than we judge we should ;
We should love each other better ,
If we only understood ,

Could we judge all deeds by motives ,
See the good and bad within ,
Often we should love the sinner
All the while we loathe the sin ;

Could we know the powers working
To overthrow integrity,
We should love each other’s errors
We more patient charity ,

If we knew the cares and trails,
Knew the efforts all in vain ,
And the bitter disappointment ,
Understood the loss and gain –

Would the grim eternal roughness
Seem – I wonder – just the same ?
Should we help where now we blame.

Ah! we judge each other harshly ,
Knowing not life’s hidden force ;
Knowing not the fount of action
Is less turbid at its source-

Seeing not amid the evil
All the golden grain of good ;
And we would love each other better
If we only understood .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Neighbor's Bible

My Neighbor’s Bible

I am my neighbor’s Bible
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home –
Tomorrow on the street .
He may be relative or friend
Or slight acquaintance be ;
He may not even know my name ,
Yet he is reading me .

And pray ,who is this neighbor
Who reads me day by day ,
To learn if I am living right
And walking as I pray ?
O, he is with me always
To criticize or blame ;
So worldy–wise in his own eyes ,
And “sinner” is his name .

Dear Christian friends and brothers ,
If we could only know
How faithfully the world records
Just what we say and do,
O , we would write our record plain
And come in time to see
Our worldly neighbor won to Christ
While reading you and me ,
Jan Bagwell ,
God Bless

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Eye of Faith

The Eye of Faith

I do not ask for earthly store
Beyond a day supply ;
I only covet more and more
The clear and single eye ,
To see my duty face to face ,
And trust the Lord for daily grace .

Whate’er the crosses mine shall be ,
I will not dare to shun ;
I only ask to live for thee ,
And that Thy will be done .
Thy will , oh Lord , be mine each day ,
While passing on my homeward way .

And when at last my labor o’er
I cross the narrow sea ,
Grant, Lord , that on the other shore
My soul may dwell with Thee .
And learn what here I cannot know :
Why Thou has ever loved me so .
Amen and Amen

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nobody Walks Alone

Nobody Walks Alone
Whenever the pathway of life seems rough
And under your burdens you groan ,
Just remember , wherever that path may go ,
Nobody walks alone ,

When all of your friends have let you down
And all of dreams have flown ,
Just keep reminding your heavy heart :
Nobody walks alone .

Then suddenly you’ll feel God’s hand in yours
And His eyes , uplifting your own …
And you’ll hear His gentle , forgiving voice say
“ Nobody walks alone .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Monday, February 1, 2010

Beautiful Lives

Beautiful Lives

Beautiful faces are those that wear ,
It matters little if dark or fair ,
Whole –souled honesty printed there .

Beautiful eyes are those that show ,
Like crystal panes where heart fires glow ,
Beautiful thoughts that burn below .

Beautiful lips are those whose words
Leap from the heart like songs of birds ,
Yet whose utterance prudence girds.

Beautiful hands are those that do
Work both earnest , and brave and true ,
Every moment the long day through.

Beautiful feet are those that go
On kindly ministries to and fro –
Down lowliest ways if God wills it so .

Beautiful shoulders are those that bear
Ceaseless burdens of homely care
With patient grace and daily prayer .

Beautiful lives are those that bless –
Silent rivers of happiness ,
Whose hidden fountains few may guess .

Beautiful twilight , at set of sun ,
Beautiful goal, with race well won ;
Beautiful rest with work well done .

Jan Bagwell
God Bless