Friday, April 11, 2014

It Is True

It Is True

His clock set on the mantle.
It's chime had faded nigh.
My God decided it was time
though I had wondered why.
Not once had I heard father say,
"My Son, I love you."
I guess I'd always wondered if.
Did he? Was it true?
I saw a paper on his desk.
A quill, upon it, laid
and it had held some words in ink
that soon came to my aid.
It seems he wrote his final thoughts
right there before he died.
His hand had dropped the feathered pen.
His inkwell spilled and dried.

There comes a time when someone else
must take a favorite quill,
the quill that wrote so many words
and these that I hold still.
When all his words had been used up,
the last few left his soul.
His strength had left his body then.
God's clock had taken toll.

But joy survives the darkest night
when Jesus lights the dawn!
And though the dearest poet fades,
his words are never gone.
They're written for the ages and
they're never obsolete.
They're just as true as they were then
and lovingly complete.

I sat upon his wooden chair
that saw some better years
and when I read the words he wrote,
I burst out into tears.
His hand had shaken violently
where smears of ink had dried
and it had pulled tears down my cheeks
for years after he died.

I stared again at his last words
though splattered so with ink
and read each word quite carefully,
then paused a bit to think.
Expressed, he did, his final thoughts
on paper I now cleave.
Because he spilled his life on it,
I really do believe.
His clock set on the mantle.
It's chime had faded nigh.
My joyful tears flow once again.
His words the reason why:
'Dear father, I love you'.
But I love you, my  Son.
Believe me. It is true."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
To  My Sons  David  and Scott Bagwell

Thursday, April 10, 2014

No Man

No Man

No man could quench the crimson flood
That crowned the sacred hill
No man could grasp this picture of
Submission to God's will
As on a dark and cruel cross
He wrought salvation's plan
And paid for the eternal loss
Of vile and hopeless man

No man could feel the anguish there
As Abba turned away
No man could understand His prayer
Or where His purpose lay
As there beneath a crown of thorn
He laid aside His glory
Clothed instead with body torn
To write love's greatest story

No man could understand the power
As He cried, "It is finished"
Or realized here dawned the hour
Where death's defeat diminished
And as the minds of feeble man
Saw death's finality
No man could see love's endless span
Secured at Calvary

No man could bar the Holy Tomb
Where Heaven's Master lay
No man could know a Perfect Groom
Now waits his Wedding Day
No man could know the sacrifice
Of this One Perfect Lamb
Or realize the total price
Paid by the great I AM

But now all men may know He lives
He sets the captive free
In love and mercy He forgives
Our vast iniquity
Who-so-ever will may come
And now all men can know
He waits to welcome sinners home
Redeemed in Calvary's flow
Jan Bagwell
God Bless ! !

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

When I See a Cross

When I See a Cross

On a hill far away
Stood a cross we are told.
It was there my dear Lord
Paid a price for my soul.
And when I see a cross
I see suffering and shame
I see mercy and grace
As He took the blame.

In a hillside nearby
Was a tomb not His own.
It was there where they laid
His still body alone.
And when I see a cross
I see anguish and pain
I see pardon and love
But He died not in vain.

With the stone rolled away
An angelic voice said,
"Take a look there inside,
He is no longer dead."
And when I see a cross
I see one last breath
I see victory and joy
As my Lord conquered death.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

He's Been There

He's Been There

As you travel down life's pathway,
Does your load feel heavier each day?
Does the path ahead grow faint and dim,
Till you almost lose your way?

Do your feet grow tired and weary,
Till you feel you can walk no more?
The shoes you wear are old and worn,
And your feet are bleeding and sore.

Do you trip over unseen objects?
Are there times you even fall,
And no one's near to lend a hand,
Or hear you when you call?

Oh, friend, I know of someone,
Who sees your every move.
He cares so very much for you,
His heart is filled with love.

This man I know is Jesus.
Here's how I know He cares,
You see, the very road you're on,
He's already traveled there.

For He walked down a pathway,
So many years ago.
The cross they made Him carry,
Became a heavy load.

I'm sure that He grew weary,
As He bled from many a sore.
And the blood, it trickled down His face,
Till He could see no more.

Perhaps He even stumbled,
And fell beneath the load.
There were even those who mocked and scorned,
As He traveled down that road.

So when the days grow dreary,
And everything goes wrong,
When it seems all hope has faded,
And the way gets rough and long;

Remember that He's been there.
He cares and understands.
Because He cares, He suffered,
With nails in His feet and hands.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I wrote this for a Brother in Christ  who was down out , He has Cancer , he felt he had lost all his friends ., My friend  you will always  have  2 friends , Jesus and  every person in the Easley  Neighborhood  Church  . Now brothers and sisters in Christ , Please start praying for Stan , if you  know him , calling , visit him .

Monday, April 7, 2014

"I'ts All Because of Love"

"I'ts All Because of Love"

God found fault in mankind
And knew the time had come;
To make an atonement for our sin
He sent His only Son.

God, in His humility,
Gave to us His child;
The world, however, expected a King
Not a Babe so meek and mild!

The Father named Him Jesus,
He was the Son of Man.
They called Him King of Kings
Who is the Great I Am!

He was known as a Carpenter
And with humbleness and grace,
Pursued His Father's Plan
To save the human race!

His time on Earth was limited.
There was so much to tell;
Through miracles and parables
He taught the people well.

But there were unbelievers.
God's Truth was denied.
A decision was made that Christ the Lord
Would be brutally crucified!

Trudging His way to Golgotha
He was tortured, mocked and scorned.
Blood flowed down the Savior's face
Because of a crown of thorns!

Nails pierced His ravaged flesh
And many felt such loss.
For God had sent His only Son
To be slain upon a cross!

Jesus said, "It is finished!"
And died one sorrowful day.
But death had no sting and victory was won.
He rose and the stone rolled away!

God's mission was accomplished.
Please know that it is true;
Our history, the present, and what's to come
Is a gift from God to you!

No event has been more powerful,
On Earth or Heaven above;
For He was, and is, and is to come,
And It's All Because of Love.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless-