Friday, May 4, 2012

The Land of Beginning Again

The Land of Beginning Again I wish for the Land of Beginning Again Where I could start life all anew; Where confusion and strife That filled this poor life Could not dampen my way like the dew , If I could forget how I’ve stumbled along , How I’ve fumbled and fathered and failed , How I’ve veered each day From the service way , And from duties have halted and quailed . My ear has been dull to the call of the world With its sorrows , and heartaches , and needs; So taken up with self I’ve had time for naught else , No time to cheer others with helpful deeds If I could erase all the dark things of life , If I could make right all the wrongs – Every unkind word spoken , Every good intention broken , It would turn all my sighs into songs . Oh God , to that Land of Beginning Again Let me come thru these penitent tears ; Let me start life anew , Let Thy rich grace endue me for service thru life’s golden years . Jan Bagwell God Bless !! Please come and join us this Sunday , at 9:30 am , At the Easley Cinema The Neighborhood Church , Wining Easley to win the World , Not just a Church , It a experience !!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Quit Supposin'

Don't start your day by supposin' that trouble is just ahead , It's better to stop supposin' and start with a prayer instead , And make it a prayer of thanksgiving for the wonderful things God has wrought , Like the beautiful sunrise and sunset , God's gifts that are free and not bought. For what is the use of supposin' the dire things that could happen to you And worrying about some misfortune that seldom if ever comes true ? For supposin' the worst things will happen only helps to make them come true And you darken the bright , happy moments that the dear Lord has given to you . So if you desire to be happy and get rid of the misery of dread Just give up supposin' the worst things and look for the best things instead . Jan Bagwell God Bless !! Let us be of good cheer , remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come .

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Easier Grows the Way Looking ahead , the hills seem steep and the road rises up to the sky , But as we near them and start to climb , they never seem half as high . And thinking of work and trouble , we worry and hesitate , But just as soon as we tackle the job, the burden becomes less great . So never a hill ,a task , or load , a minute ,an hour ,or load , But as we grow near it and start to climb , easier grows the way . Jan Bagwell God Bless ! A merry heart goes all the day , a sad tires in a mile . This poem is for you my son {David ]

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mover of Mountains Faith is force that is greater Than knowledge or power or skill , And the darkest defeat turns to triumph If we trust in God’s wisdom and will . For faith is a mover of mountains, There’s nothing man cannot achieve If he has the courage to try it And then has the faith to believe . Jan Bagwell Please remember Brother Billy Phillip , mother in prayer . She is in ICU and they have call the family in . Remember in God all things are possible .

Monday, April 30, 2012

Your Life Will Be If You Look For The Best

Your Life Will Be Blessed if You Look for the Best It’s easy to grow downhearted when nothing goes your way , It’s easy to be discouraged when you have a troublesome day , But trouble is only a challenge to spur you on to achieve The best that God has to offer if you have the faith to believe ! Jan Bagwell God Bless! Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeping away until he finishes the job he starts. Jan Bagwell God Bless !!