Friday, March 6, 2020

Love And Grace

Love And Grace

I wake up every day in awe
That God looked down on me and saw
Not just a sinful, selfish mess,
But, someone He could love and bless;
And not just me, but, all the world,
Each man and woman, boy and girl.
No one's so wicked and unclean
that love and grace cannot redeem,
God's love, that sent to earth His son,
God's grace, that's free to everyone;
For all can have eternal life
Through love and grace and Jesus Christ.
So 'til I see Him face to face
I'll praise Him for His love and grace.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

So Much is Held Within a Tear

So Much is Held Within a Tear

So much is held within a tear,
Love, memory, sorrow,
Why does life move so quickly from today to tomorrow?

So much is held within a tear,
A single drop relieves the heart,
But will the burning ache ever truly depart?

So much is held within a tear,
But all will be wiped away,
When we meet Christ in his heavenly realm and join those there to stay.

Only God Can Heal

Only God Can Heal

This world is weighing heavy on our minds,
Cheers if anyone an answer finds.
For Angst beclouds our hopes, and now despair,
Has sunk its claws into us everywhere.

Our young, and that the brightest and the best,
Have given up the ancient noble quest,
For truth was so elusive that they fell,
Into the fire of a relativistic hell.

With nothing now to draw the upward glance,
We spy out one another for the chance,
To quench suspicion's ever growing thirst,
And tell ourselves that others are the worst.

Convinced that we have just this life to live,
We seek our best life now, and do not give
A passing thought to providence, so chance,
Rules the day and calls out every dance.

When will we stand flatfooted at the base,
And realize our need for sovereign grace?
And turn our ear to truth revealed, divine,
Then sitting at the table we shall dine.

How long shall this wretched cancer grow?
How long shall we witness blow for blow?
We’ve shouted to the universe in pain,
But only God can heal and make us sane.

I’ve Known You Forever

I’ve Known You Forever

I’ve known you forever -- before you were made.
Before the foundations of earth had been laid;
before any oceans or lands were defined,
I numbered the beats of your heart I designed.

I made you in secret -- in your mother’s womb;
I formed you in love by the light of the moon.
Before you inhaled the first breath that you took,
I numbered the days of your life in my book.

All nations -- all peoples -- I’ve made every one;
I know every footstep and deed that’s been done.
I want you to want me whoever you are.
Endeavor to find me -- I’m not very far.

You’ve been in my arms since the day of your birth;
I’ll carry you home when you leave from this earth.
I am your creator -- your purpose is mine.
I’ve known you forever and loved you since time.