Thursday, February 28, 2019



All reason tells me I should be downtrodden with despair
But look at me and you will see I’m floating on the air

Lifted high above the things that try to weigh me down
As hard as he is trying… Satan will not take my crown

I’ve got my life invested in a beneficial plan
And it is one that supersedes the subsidies of man

There’s nothing here can bind me for my Master holds the key
Of chains or from the pit of hell… He’ll run to set me free

My heart sings out a joyful song through what may ere transpire
 If I should sink… right in a blink… He just lifts me up higher…
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, 
and He shall lift you up.
James 4:10

A Life Changing Journey

A Life Changing Journey

Life changing is all part of God's plan,
Something we cannot do, only He can.
Light moves in and darkness will fade,
Sins forgiven, the price has been paid.

It can happen at any time, at any place,
As for one who met Jesus, face to face.
The Name he'd blasphemed in the past,
Making a change in life, totally contrast.

It was Saul til name changing took place,
Then it's Paul with the challenges to face.
From then on, He taught in Jesus Name,
Telling Who He was and why He'd came.

A soul winner for Jesus in the days ahead,
As life with Him leaves nothing to dread.
Doing so and enduring hardship and pain,
For he said, to live was Jesus, to die is gain.

God controlled the journey from the start,
After Saul met Jesus, Who sought his heart.
Now if life changes come to you lost friend,
Then enjoy peace that only Jesus can send.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

From the Womb, I Speak

From the Womb, I Speak

I am a living soul from day one;
I will be a daughter or a son.
My life begins at conception;
I don't need the world's affirmation.

When, one day, I was made in secret,
God saw my substance, though unperfect:
Not being developed all the way,
He wrote my members in a book that day.

Though no one hears the beat of my heart,
God knows I'm there from the very start.
He has a purpose for me some day;
A wrong decision could take it away.

Isn't it murder in the first degree,
To snuff the life right out of me?
I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Is there anyone who'll come to my aide?

A pea, a bean, a peanut: all sizes;
My growth comes in many disguises.
At full term, I'm ready to appear;
To see Mom and Dad hold me near.

Listen to me, I have a voice;
My life or death is not a choice.
I'm God's heritage: a girl or boy;
So, let me be your bundle of joy.
But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.

2 Timothy 2:20-21(NKJV)

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10(NIV)

My Lord's Provisions

My Lord's Provisions

Lord, I don't want a wardrobe of richness;
You have clothed me with a robe of righteousness.

Lord, I don't want to wear designer shoes;
You have shod my feet with peace, the Good News.

Lord, I don't want to own a hat of velvet;
You have put on me a salvation helmet.

Lord, I don't want to scrounge for money, to buy;
You promise all my needs, You will supply.

Lord, I don't want expensive food to eat;
You have prepared a table, that can't be beat.

Lord, I don't want the latest book to read;
Your inspired Word, the Bible, is all I need.

Lord, I don't want to guess which way is right;
You show me paths to walk with Your shining Light.

Lord, I don't want to wonder what I should do;
You'll give me wisdom, when I ask it of You.

Lord, thank you for provisions You've given me:
Physical, spiritual needs You've supplied freely.

Sunday, February 24, 2019



You're so busy 
And you're tired
Things seem crazy 
And all haywire 

Take a moment 
To breathe and relax
Do not torment 
Your life like that 

Turn your focus 
Unto the Lord 
Trust in Jesus 
And not the world 

He will guide you 
If you ask Him 
He will show you 
When you seek Him
I will see Jesus