Friday, June 27, 2014

The Turf Shall Be My Fragrant Shrine

The turf shall be my fragrant shrine;
My temple, LORD! that Arch of thine;
My censer's breath the mountain airs,
And silent thoughts my only prayers.

My choir shall be the moonlight waves,
When murmuring homeward to their caves,
Or when the stillness of the sea,
Even more than music dreams of Thee!

I'll seek, by day, some glade unknown,
All light and silence, like thy Throne;
And the pale stars shall be, at night,
The only eyes that watch my rite.

Thy Heaven, on which 'tis bliss to look,
Shall be my pure and shining book,
Where I shall read, in words of flame,
The glories of thy wondrous name.

I'll read thy anger in the rack
That clouds awhile the day-beam's track;
Thy mercy in the azure hue
Of sunny brightness, breaking thro'.

There's nothing bright, above, below,
From flowers that bloom to stars that glow,
But in its light my soul can see
Some feature of thy Deity:

There's nothing dark, below, above,
But in its gloom I trace thy Love,
And meekly wait that moment, when
Thy touch shall turn all bright again!
       .Jan bagwell
God Bless !
Happy  4th    of July

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Independence Day

Independence Day

As our country celebrates Independence Day
With stripes and stars and bands that play;
Do we think about the march against the fray?
Do we really appreciate Independence Day?

Patriots fought the brutal tyrant's raid
They raised the stripes that will not fade
Their blood was part of that cost paid
So we can celebrate Independence Day.

Standing steadfast for their liberty
Insisting freedom to worship as they pleased,
Resisting a kingdom's bridle, striving to be free
They fought persistently for their Independence Day.

They established a nation under God
Determined to keep controlling tyrants abroad
Devoted to flourish on American sod
They finally had an Independence Day.

Our men have fought and our men have died
They have fought to save our nation's pride
Some have benefited the whole world wide
So they too can have their own Independence Day.

Our warriors have and will continue to fight
To keep our freedom and our rights
Simply knowing we are safe at night
Is worth remembering Independence Day.

Remember always the sacrifice liberty brings
Let our voices of independence boldly ring
Freedom as an eagle's ascended wings
Thank God in heaven as we pray and sing~
Thank You for our Independence Day!

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

End Of Construction

End Of Construction

In a grave in North Carolina
Lies the body of a lady so dear.
She lived her life for the Lord
As she served Him year after year.

Her name was Ruth Bell Graham.
Billy is her husband's name.
Yes, he is the great evangelist
Who has acquired world fame.

Ruth was very humble and meek
As she lived daily for God.
She wrote books and helped Billy
As on this earth she trod.

Ruth eyed a construction sign
That caught her attention one day.
"End of construction--Thank you
For your patience," it did say.

"I'm under construction," she said.
"God just keeps working on me.
End of construction! That's it!
I want that on my tombstone, you see."

One day God called Ruth home
To live with her Savior up there.
She no longer needed construction
In her Heavenly home so fair.

You can see Ruth Graham's tombstone
If you ever visit the Graham place.
It has, "End of construction--Thank you
For your patience," engraved on its face.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Circle Of Love

Circle Of Love

. . . . and bring our love around again in selfless peace that has no end -
as with a circle bright and true, is love of fam'ly, love of friend -
though some may laugh while others grieve, forgiveness we can sure achieve,
through God's vast blessings scattered 'round so those in need can hence receive -
the Son of God who's virgin born - through whip and nails and piercing thorn -
our sacrifice, the ultimate - a perfect Savior, bloody, torn -
because God loved and likewise we, bring certain hope that others see -
these blessings of a risen Lord so that they too could also be
in peace that's pure as snowy dove while singing praise to God above -
and standing faithful hand in hand - in this, our circle filled with love . . . . 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Monday, June 23, 2014

How Can I Be Happy

How Can I Be Happy

Do I need a big black car
To make me feel content?
Do I need that diamond ring
Would that be money well spent?

Do I need a house on a hill
To bring joy to my life?
Do I need that perfect pet
Will that quench this world's strife?

What is it that makes me happy?
What puts a smile on my face?
What gets me out of bed each day?
Sadness you ask, not a trace!

My life is not my own anymore
Joy grew as I gave up reigns
As Holy Spirit guides my steps
From anger and hate I refrain

I dropped the pain and resentment
It's in my heart He lives
Real bliss comes from inside of me
And all my sins he forgives
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !