Thursday, September 26, 2019

Waiting For The Day

Waiting For The Day

Though months or years have come and gone,
Since our loved ones have passed away,
Our love for them never lessens;
That's what gets us through another day.

Their memories are all around us;
We're reminded of when they were here.
Certain sounds, smells, and sweet dreams,
Bring back the times we now hold dear.

God's always there to bring us comfort;
For sorrow has touched all families.
He wants us to comfort each other;
Words that console; put the heart at ease.

We still miss all the hugs and kisses;
The laughter, a smile, his or her voice.
We, who believe, are waiting for the day,
When in Heaven, together we'll rejoice.

The Godless Journey

The Godless Journey

A plane with no pilot, a perilous flight;
The throng of the trusting go into the night;
Considering never their treacherous plight;
And none seem ever the wiser.

With no destination, but a fiery crash;
They tell themselves (and others) this flesh will not ash;
Their lies come to nothing in one blinding flash;
The spendthrift, as well as the miser.

They boarded their passage, the minds unalert;
So happy their feelings would never get hurt.
With no pushy pilot his will to insert;
A paradise of their own making.

The meal so delicious, the seats nice and firm;
Riding the airwaves on their own terms;
No schedule to make the anxious ones squirm;
Autonomous roles for the taking.

Masters of fate, but not masters at all;
Miniature gods, not quite six feet tall;
Yet yielding to gravity still they must fall;
But think not too much of the landing.

Pointless and hapless they set a new trend;
Life is a journey, who cares how it ends;
Eat, drink, and be merry, and tell all your friends;
A transient stage with no standing.

Downward they go to a fiery grave;
With no crafty airmen the cargo to save;
But oh how heroic the plummet they brave;
Their new shoes receiving a polish.

Such are the souls when God is not known;
Their lives lived at ease with themselves on the throne;
Friends for a moment and then all alone;
But truth they can never abolish.