Friday, February 1, 2013

It Couldn't be Done

Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But, he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't" but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.

So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, as he did it.

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one we know has done it";
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.

With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.

But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That cannot be done, and you'll do it
Jan Bagwell
Prayer Warriors:: Madilyn's livers levels are still high. We are going to get an ultrasound tomorrow. We are trying to see if we can get this biopsy done locally, but are unsure if they can do it. We are getting labs done again on T
God Bless !

Thursday, January 31, 2013

God Moves in a mysterious way

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs
And works his sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the lord by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purpose will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
the bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain:
God is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Perils To Pearls

Perils To Pearls

With all the turmoil and troubles we experience today,
Thank God we have the privilege to be able to pray;
To our Heavenly Father for guidance to see us through,
He gives us strength and wisdom on what we are to do.
The situation of our country and wickedness within,
Is certainly a result of rebellion against God and sin.
God wants His people to come back to live for Him,
Without repentance, our healing is more than slim.
How can we expect a blessing when from Him we stray,
The Bible states clearly His commands we should obey.
We are to love our brother and love God to the utmost,
First we must have the empowering of the Holy Ghost.
Those who do not have God cannot love and are lost,
Sin against man and country in the end will be the cost,
Christians must be strong for the devil is enraged,
Knowing his time is short and soon he will be caged.
What a glorious day it will be when God says 'no more'!
And Jesus descends in Glory from the Heavenly Shore.
Rest assured God cares and one day He will reward,
The ones who stand for Christ and live by the Sword,
Which is God's Word and infallible until the very end,
The outcome of the future will on man's heart depend.
God will extinguish flaming arrows the enemy hurls,
Bringing us into victory going from perils to pearls!
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless ! Please pray for this !!
Praying someone finds a cure for this disease, my 8 year old granddaughter, Emily Cook, has to have 4 shots a day, but she can still make you laugh, I think she should be a stand up comic, she is hilarious. She is funny, multi-talented in so many ways, can sing, dance, tell some of the funniest things, just off the wall from out of nowhere, I mean make you fall out of your chair laughing, very organized at such a young age, already saves most of her money, she buys things for others instead of for herself, and she never lets this disease get her down. Such an inspiration to anyone that knows her. With all this said, I love you Emily and praying and believing that you can be healed from this too . God can do all things !!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Blessed Homeland

Blessed Homeland
Gliding o'er life's fitful waters, 
Heavy surges sometimes roll; 
And we sigh for yonder haven, 
For the homeland of the soul.
Blessed homeland, ever fair! 
Sin can never enter there; 
But the soul, to life awaking, 
Everlasting bloom shall wear.
Oft we catch a faint reflection, 
Of its bright and vernal hills; 
And, though distant, how we hail it! 
How each heart with rapture thrills!
To our Father, and our Savior, 
To the Spirit, Three in One, 
We shall sing glad songs of triumph 
When our harvest work is done.
'Tis the weary pilgrim's homeland, 
Where each throbbing care shall cease, 
And our longings and our yearnings, 
Like a wave, be hushed to peace.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

What in the World is going On

What in the World Is Going On?
Like any father, I am concerned about the kind of world my children will inherit. I have two boys: and a Grand daughter  Last Father's Day, a colorful issue was blowing in the wind—a rainbow flag. No doubt it will be unfurled again for LGBT Pride Month—the month of June. (LGBT: lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender.) In 2011, the leadership at the Federal Reserve Bank in Richmond, Virginia—the city where—decided to fly the flag of the gay pride movement following the president's endorsement of June as LGBT Pride Month. In that same spirit of celebrating diversity the city council issued a proclamation also designating June as LGBT Pride Month for Richmond. It seems that the colorful rainbow agenda of the LGBT movement is in full bloom. 
Because such unprecedented pro-homosexual statements are increasingly being made in public in the U.S., a Christian response to the contrary should not come as a surprise. But viral video rants against same-sex marriage don't exactly convey a Christian viewpoint. How about a little grace, civility, and reasoned biblical discussion for a change? 
While many are saying that homosexuality should be accepted in the name of Christian love, such a position actually conflicts deeply with a coherent Christian view. When President Obama made history recently by endorsing same-sex marriage, he cited Christian reasons for doing so. Perhaps, in one sense, it's correct to say that Christians are not against those who practice homosexuality. Just as Christians are not anti-liars (we simply affirm that lying is wrong), so we are not against people involved in homosexuality. It is clearly not a Christian virtue to hate anyone who sins. But it is Christian to oppose sin. And on this point, Bible-believers must depart from the president's 'evolved' view.  
Why Do I Care?
Perhaps, my main concern is for those who try to use the Bible and Christianity to justify homosexuality. Christians certainly need to pray, be humble, kind, and serve the less fortunate. But Christians also need to know what the Bible says, accurately interpret it, and be able to explain God's truth to others. 
It's important for Christians to take a biblical stance on the same-sex marriage issue because, according to Jesus Christ (Mark 10:6-9), a person should pursue neither marriage nor sex outside of the sacred bonds of male-female marriage. Whenever I hear someone citing "Christian reasons" for endorsing same-sex marriage, I wonder if the person realizes that such an idea runs completely contrary to the Founder of Christianity Himself. 
Again, this is certainly a divisive and heated issue, but name-calling by either side is counterproductive. As fellow human beings, we ought to uphold and defend each others' right to freedom of speech, including humane disagreement. All people are created equal, but the same cannot be said for all ideas. Some are better than others. Unfortunately, a few professing Christians do a very poor job of representing Christ. Although they seem to get the most media attention, they do not speak for me. Neither do they speak for millions of ordinary Christians who are increasingly being lumped together with the lunatic fringe of Christianity. Bible-believers shouldn't be labeled as ‘hate mongers' for simply being true to the same historic Christian faith that was the driving moral force behind the abolition of slavery (contrary to the one-sided claims of theologians like James Cone).  
A Potentially Time-Saving Disclaimer:
In recent years, it has become unpopular to not go along with the doubtful assumption that some people are irrecoverably and genetically destined to act out same-sex impulses. In other words, we're not supposed to question the LGBT claim, "God made me this way." Such a question is being defined as "hate" by some. (Nevermind this is a fallacious stratagem that undermines fair consideration of the issues.)
In light of the reality of this widely used tactic, I offer the following disclaimer:
If the reader is hidebound by such a dubious assumption and habitually labels as a 'hater' anyone who dares to question the belief that LGBT behavior is unavoidably mandated by one's DNA, I think I should be kind and save you some time. There is a truthful explanation for why people engage in LGBT behavior, but you won't like it. You could continue reading this article, but it may do little good. On the other hand, there are probably more than a few readers who are genuinely interested in understanding why Christians so strongly oppose (or ought to oppose) the rainbow agenda. If this openness to understanding describes you in the slightest, then read to the end and please add to the discussion with your comments. Non-readers, please withhold your comments. Freedom of speech means that you're free to write on your own blog or website. This article is an invitation for readers to take part in a productive conversation. Thank you in advance.
So Then, What Does the Bible Say? (And why should I care?)
Contrary to the abysmal image projected by some professing Christians, homosexuality is not a special sin deserving of special disdain. In fact, if it helps take the edge off of the religious overtones of the word sin, what the Bible calls "sin" may be thought of in common sense terms as destructive behavior that promises fulfillment but doesn't lead to it. Ultimately, sin is any lack of conformity to God's holy requirements in the Bible. Sin begins with a false view of God that breeds disregard for God, which ultimately gives birth to attitudes and actions contrary to God's moral will (1Thessalonians 4:3-7). Not everyone understands or respects the gravity of this, so some attention will be given to explore what it means.
Simply put, Christians believe the Bible when it says: "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" (Proverbs 14:34). In other words, any society that condones destructive behavior (as Scripture defines it), is a society that will weaken and decline. 
To anyone who prefers to live by his or her own rules, Christianity, particularly the Christian view of sex, is highly offensive to begin with. It makes a discussion like this tense enough from the start. When grown adults (Christians included) act or speak in a graceless, mean-spirited way it only makes matters worse. But truthful speech cannot be set aside for the sake of avoiding the healthy exchange of ideas. It's ultimately an act of kindness and compassion to inform people of truth, just as we tend to benefit from the truthful diagnosis of a doctor. 
Some diagnoses come as a shock, and I realize that this may be a shock for some readers, but the faithful, historic interpretation of the Bible calls homosexuality a sinful, self-destructive act. The New Testament lists homosexuality right alongside lying (1 Timothy 1:10), robbing, being greedy, swindling (1 Corinthians 6:9-10), gossiping and committing murder (Romans 1:25-31). Such broad lists like these are meant to convey one thing: we all have sin issues. It's bad news for all of us.
Repeat: we all have sin issues.
The bad news for those who engage in homosexuality does not go away simply by the spurious claim that somehow the Church has "misunderstood" these texts for centuries, only to be corrected by later revisionist scholars in recent decades. These New Testament Scriptures are perfectly clear. They claim binding authority over all people in all time periods, regardless of whether people acknowledge such a claim (Philippians 2:7-11). 
For readers who are for the first time seeing Bible verses that condemn homosexuality, they aren't quoted to be inflammatory. Rather, they are cited to make clear what Scripture actually says. Biblical standards of right and wrong have stood the test of time. You might choose to ignore them, but changing them is not a valid option. 
People who try to use the Bible to argue that accepting homosexuality is how we are to 'love our neighbor,' wrongly omit the first half of what Jesus said in that context. Jesus actually said, "The great and first commandment is 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'" (Matthew 22:36-40). In other words, love for one's neighbor is bounded by one's primary allegiance to God. How can one claim to love God, yet hate what His Word says about homosexuality, or disregard His design for marriage?
Who Gets to Say What the Bible Says?
Those who use the Bible to persuade others actually put themselves in the precarious role of assuming to speak for God as a teacher. According to James 3:1, teachers are subject to stricter judgment both for their character and for how accurately they handle Scripture. Unfortunately, biblical literacy is at an all-time low, even in churches. The naïve give equal weight to every opinion on or about the Bible, apparently unable to discern the many illegitimate would-be teachers who are out there sowing confusion. 
An authorized teacher of the Bible possesses certain observable character qualities clearly spelled out in Scripture. In the books of Titus and 1 Timothy, such teachers are referred to as overseers. They are "…above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach" (1Tim. 3:2). It's noteworthy that one of the characteristics of a true teacher is that he believes in monogamy and upholds male-female marriage. Arguing for same-sex marriage on secular grounds is one thing. Arguing for same-sex marriage in the name of Christianity or the Bible is not only absurd, but the one who does so—whether clergyman, farmer, judge, or president—puts himself personally under God's condemnation.  
In the Bible, God exclusively blesses male-female marriage (Mark 10:6-9Hebrews 13:41Timothy 1:9-10). He is clearly opposed to all sexual activity outside of that sacred relationship. Bear in mind, everything that God forbids He forbids from a loving heart. Sexual activity outside of male-female marriage not only disregards God's will but it also does harm to the participants, regardless of whether it's consensual, and regardless of whether the harm (or the offense toward God) is ever acknowledged.
God is all for sex in the context of a loving, male-female marriage as He designed it. Sex is a powerful, wonderful expression of love that also demonstrates HIs creative genius. God isn't against sex. Christians aren't prejudiced prudes. God is against the wrongful use of sex, ultimately, because He has your best interests at heart. 
Far too many people wrongly assume that God exists simply for our happiness as we choose to define it. If that were true, then opposing the rainbow agenda would be just baseless prejudice. But God isn't a willing recruit for anyone's personal agenda. That's why this discussion can't be simply about who has the most Bible verses to shoot like missiles at the other side.
The Core Issue: What's Your View of God?
At the core of the topic of human sexuality, as with all topics, is either a sound understanding of God or a flawed understanding of God. People may say that morality can't be legislated, but that simply isn't true. Indeed, some view of God (conscious or not) undergirds every political decision and law that gets passed. This is not always apparent, but is especially visible with issues surrounding the rainbow agenda. Unavoidably, someone's view of morality is codified into human law, while contrary views of morality are overturned. 
Rightly understood, the Christian view of sex is just as offensive to unmarried teens and singles at church who are engaging in premarital (heterosexual) sex as it is to a transvestite marching in a parade. So, the issue really can't be compartmentalized and made into just an issue about homosexuality. The rainbow flag flying downtown at Richmond's Federal Reserve building is simply the flashpoint of discussion. 
Shouldn't Christians Be Trying to Pass Laws Against Eating Shellfish Too? (No.)
Something should probably be said here about how the Old Testament fits together with the New Testament. Frequently, you'll see people struggling to make sense of the laws about not eating shellfish and not mixing different kinds of cloth when they also see a law against homosexuality in the same context (Leviticus 18-20). They seem to think that they can discount the prohibition against homosexuality since the other laws have been nullified (Acts 10:9-48). Such Scripture twisting is all too common. The Bible actually is quite clear and consistent, despite those who misinterpret it (2 Peter 3:16).
The basic rule of interpretation is that whenever an Old Testament moral principle is re-stated in the New Testament, it means that moral principle is meant to be interpreted as still binding today. The passages quoted above from Matthew, Mark, 1 Timothy, 1 Corinthians, Romans, and Hebrews are all in the New Testament. They serve as excellent examples of this basic rule.
Because biblical literacy is so abysmal in this age, people don't realize that after the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, the New Testament church age was ushered in, abolishing Israel's ceremonial laws, dietary restrictions, and priesthood (cf. Acts 10, Colossians 2:13-17). The New Testament still upholds the prohibition of homosexuality, but the death penalty no longer applies to those who engage in homosexual acts. Such strict punishment was valid only inside the context of Ancient Israel.
Establishing a Theocracy Is Not the Christian Goal
Establishing a theocracy is not the Christian goal or ideal. Coercive human government—either Christian or secular—is undesirable in the Christian view. An informed biblical worldview actually supports pluralism, democracy, and freedom. Christians neither tolerate coercive secularization of the government, nor do they aim to establish a theocracy. Anyone who presents those two as the only options presents a false dichotomy.
For those who honestly want to know God and understand the Bible, the widely accepted text How to Read the Bible for All It's Worth, by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart is a good resource. Two short articles that may also be useful are "Choosing a Bible Translation" and "Use a Coherent Method of Bible Study."
People may object that the Bible is just a human book or that it's been changed and cannot be trusted.1 But such arguments have been sufficiently answered both in short and at length. Anyone can be set free from the fruitless cul-de-sac of skepticism if they have ears to hear.
What Is Hate Speech?
As people who are limited in knowledge, we need truth from God, whose knowledge is infinite. We may not always like the truth we hear, but we certainly need it. The Bible is the anvil of truth that wears out every hammer in every age. The Richmond City Council, Federal Reserve leadership, and the U.S. president have turned truth upside down. Saying so might mean Christians like me will be wrongly accused of "hate speech." But to refrain from objecting to moral decay is, in the historic Christian view, truly hateful non-speech
Each of us will face God in judgment. And as Hebrews 10:31 says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." And 2 Corinthians 5:11 "Knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade [others]" to "repent and turn to God, performing deeds in keeping with their repentance" (Acts 26:20). 
Christians aren't out to judge others as if we're somehow better in and of ourselves. We simply embrace God's unchanging standard of morality. We unapologetically differ with those who would assault it, change it, or ignore it. We point to salvation in Christ as the solution for broken people who, like us, have gone against God's healthy design for their lives. Yes, Christians have fallen short of God's holy requirements just like everyone else. We're no better than anyone. The solution is not to ignore God's moral standard though. Nor is it helpful to try to change God's standard by misinterpreting the Bible. 
The Christian hope for homosexuals is not heterosexuality, but holiness. We're not trying to make gays straight but take them straight to Jesus, just as we would anyone ensnared by sin. Once they trust Him, He gives them His perfect righteousness, frees them from sin, and transforms their lives from the inside out. 
What About Tolerance?
As for tolerance, well, genuine Christians are all for living at peace with those they disagree with. Many today confuse the word tolerance with "acceptance" or "affirmation." It's assumed that anyone who is not pro-gay is automatically a "hater." No, the historic meaning of tolerance is that we should live peacefully and respectfully together, though we disagree even in outspoken ways.
Christians are called to something more than mere tolerance. We are called to express the truth of the Bible clearly. We are to do so with love, having as our aim the rescue and restoration of sinners just like us. That's what it means to love one's neighbor. A brief article like this may not speak to everyone effectively. And, certainly, no Christian is perfect. Still, we aim for biblicalprinciples to guide us when discussing sensitive subjects with others who differ. One motivation that compels Christians to engage with people is that the truths of Christianity are public and universal, not private and parochial. The historical record of Christ's life, death, and resurrection exists because it's true, not because it's a propped up religious myth. This fact has bearing on every life, acknowledged or not. People aren't just flesh and blood, but eternal souls who will one day stand before their Creator and Judge.
As for so-called "homophobia," Christians don't fear homosexuals, but fear for them, just as we would for anyone enslaved in sin of any type. We know the judgment that awaits all those who will not turn from their sin and turn to Christ. What Jesus accomplished saves sinners: His sinless life, His substitutionary death on the cross, and His rising from the dead. Christ sets free all who are enslaved to sin and removes all fear of judgment and punishment.
Far from being a religion of negativity, Christianity positively declares that knowing Jesus Christ is the greatest thing in the universe. The Christian message not only makes sense of life, it includes the good news that God can restore all that sin has broken. In other words, the world we all want is coming—complete peace, justice, and human flourishing in the manifest presence of God. You can be part of it. Christ forgives those who admit to being sinners and who call out to Him for rescue from sin's control. By trusting Christ, anyone can be transformed into a person who lives in a way that pleases God. 
Bible-believing Christians are concerned for our neighbors who struggle with same-sex attraction, and we seek their good. We affirm the dignity of fellow human beings who also bear the image of God. We all need the light of truth shined into our darkness. Jesus said, "I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness" (John 12:46). He said this knowing that people "love darkness rather than light" (John 3:19).
But instead of meeting God someday in condemnation, you can meet Him now in blessing. Wrong desires can be changed so that you begin to love the things He loves. Although, I have been personally guilty of numerous sins, I am forgiven because Christ died and rose again for sinners like me. Jesus Christ gives a clean slate (1 Corinthians 6:11) and new desires (Titus 2:11-14). The same offer of forgiveness and transformation extends to everyone reading this with a heart to understand.
Uniting Around Common-Sense Morality Does Not Equal Making the U.S. Into a "Christian Nation"
Admittedly, in the U.S., a number of our founders were Christians in name only. Some were merely deists. Still, the historic Christian faith was the worldview that provided the moral underpinnings of this country, and that worldview still has weighty implications for matters of public life. One implication of the Christian outlook is that the improvisational morality of our times is, quite simply, a farce. A shifting moral foundation upholds nations about as well as the Sahara upholds skyscrapers. It goes without saying that condoning homosexuality represents a seismic shift in the moral landscape of the United States.   
The implications of the rainbow agenda go far deeper than most people surmise by taking a superficial view of it.  As Dr. Albert Mohler astutely observed, people must wake up and come to grips with what is at stake: 
"Marriage is first and foremost a public institution. It has always been so. Throughout history, societies have granted special recognition and privileges to marriage because it is the central organizing institution of human culture. Marriage regulates relationships, sexuality, human reproduction, lineage, kinship, and family structure. But marriage has also performed another crucial function—it has regulated morality. Redefining marriage is never simply about marriage. It leads to the redefinition of reproduction and parenthood, produces a legal revolution with vast consequences, replaces an old social order with something completely new, and forces the adoption of a new morality. This last point is especially important. Marriage teaches morality by its very centrality to the culture. With a new concept of marriage comes a new morality, enforced by incredible social pressure and, eventually, legal threats.2
What About Civil Rights?
Martin Luther King, Jr. is a man greatly admired, and deservedly so. It's been well-established that historic Christianity was the moral authority behind not only the abolition of slavery, but also the triumph of the Civil Rights movement. To the dismay of many, however, it has become common to hear LGBT advocates claim that they are "today's oppressed people group," as if people with same-sex attraction are the heirs of the Civil Rights movement. The moms and dads I know in the African American community, as well as many of its courageous and outspoken leaders, are deeply offended at the LGBT movement for hijacking the Civil Rights legacy and using it to impose their agenda.
The Bible clearly affirms the dignity and worth of all people, regardless of skin color. But the Bible condemns homosexuality because it is rebellion against the created order of male-female marriage (Romans 1:18-32). The Civil Rights movement was a welcome corrective to a pernicious evil—one that many professing Christians today are unfortunately still blind to, namely racism. Christianity does not uphold the gay pride movement in the least. 
Again, we are all sinners. We all have temptations that we struggle with. Some people struggle with same-sex attraction. Others struggle with different sins. Honesty and humility about this is the pathway to peace. Trying to get the whole world to celebrate a lie will only serve to prolong cultural conflict.
Tampering with the definition of marriage is like tampering with the atomic structure of hydrogen. The abomination of homosexuality will never be on equal footing with God's created order of male-female marriage. People of conscience will continue to firmly believe so. Some may call same-sex relationships "marriage" but such unions will never fit the Christian definition of marriage. I will never perform one. Most people (not just conservative Christians) reject the notion of same-sex marriage when allowed to think about the matter in the privacy of a voting booth. Polls will probably always report a different story, as evidenced by Gallup recently.  As hard as it is for some people to accept, millions of Americans just don't believe in so-called "marriage equality." A Supreme Court decision forcing them to accept it would have the opposite effect.
LGBT: You Make Up Less Than 2% of the U.S. Population, and Christians Really Do Love You
Genuine concern compels us to rescue people from drowning, not open the floodgates and drench the city. Apparently, the City Council and the leaders of the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank think that opening the floodgates is the right idea. They have made an aggressive move to shape society with their bully pulpits. Regardless of whether it changes anything, I hope the flag is taken down and never raised again. I'm not the only young-ish dad in Virginia who feels that way. 
Truth tends to forge strong convictions. That's why attempts to normalize homosexuality through TV sitcoms like Will & Grace, Glee, and Modern Family don't have the desired effect on every young family. Still, I'm just a dad. And like most American dads, I don't have a clue how to remove myself from the Federal Reserve System. I realize that though the actual number of self-identifying LGBT people is probably less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, there is big political power behind the movement. I'm probably expected to be a good little passive sheep and quietly go along with the program. After all, I don't have a tall building or a presidential office from which to issue history-making public statements. I edit Christian websites. I teach the Bible and lead music at a local church. I don't have a clue where this article might go or whom it might reach.
But I write this because my life has been forever changed for the better by Christ as I learned Himin the historic Christian gospel. I write because people are misrepresenting Christianity to justify wrongheaded ideas about human freedom. I write because people don't seem to fathom the danger of twisting Scripture and defying God.
For me, the growing moral decay all around serves as a daily reminder of  Christ's parting words that He is with His true followers even unto the end. Yes, worse changes may be blowing in the wind for America's children and grandchildren. But there will, yet, come a day of reckoning. There is a long view of human history, and it does not end with fallen man seated sumptuously on a golden throne.
A piece like this might not avoid the typical, vacuous rebuttals like "'Love the sinner, hate the sin' is just a mask for bigotry," "Hate is not a family value," or "Commonsense is the first casualty of ignorance," etc. People have the freedom to state such non sequiturs if they so choose. I defend their right to say as they please (on their own websites). I'm most interested in reaching those who have a heart to understand God and who want to discuss what is genuinely in people's best interest. Those wanting another pointless shouting match, please count me out. 
Christians don't hate LGBT people. In their confusion, they distort the God-ordained beauty of human sexuality and it appears that they cannot rest until everyone affirms their behavior. Why must it be skewed as "hate" to disagree with, yet still have sympathy for such tragic people? Flawed views of God lead them to think that He's either non-existent or He's up in the heavens waving His rainbow banner of approval right along with them. Weighty chains bind their souls to empty promises of fulfillment that do not ultimately deliver. Only the short-sighted Christian cannot bring himself to pity or show kindness to a fellow human being caught in such a deadly web.
Christians: Focus More on the Gospel, Less on Political Action (and angry Facebook comments)
When biblical truth resonates and takes root, people escape sin's entrapment and there can be a reversal of moral decline in a society. That said, saving society is not the Christian's primary calling. Telling people the gospel of salvation is. Instead of over-emphasizing political action, Christians need to understand the cart-and-horse analogy and focus on compassionately proclaiming the gospel. The failed "Moral Majority" experiment of the 1980s in America showed us the result of shrill debates and top-down legislation of Christian virtues--these things just don't effect lasting change in the hearts of people.
This is not to say that it's unimportant for Christians to participate in the political process. As citizens, we can and should call for biblical morality to be reflected in our laws. As mentioned before, someone's version of morality is going to be reflected there. Bible-believing Christians can be good citizens as well as faithful proclaimers of the good news of salvation in Christ. The Holy Spirit uses no other means besides the gospel to ‘turn the switch on' in people's hearts and illumine the truth, beauty, and love of Christ. As we proclaim Him, we leave the work of changing other people's hearts in His hands.
So, enough with the angry blog posts, Facebook comments, and viral video rants. Christians are to be people of both truth and grace. This is not a call to be soft on the Bible, or make the gospel palatable to the masses. The gospel pointedly confronts blindness in those who are deluded that they can see.
That's an offense we will never avoid.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
So long story short , Boy Scouts is for training , teaching young boys how to be christians and enjoy the outdoor.