Monday, December 22, 2014

My Gift

My Gift

Santa and presents
Decorations galore
Is this what I sent
My only Son for?

Shopping and bargains
Recipes to share
If this is His Birthday
Then why isn't He there?

Gift wrapping, gift giving
Secret Santa exchange
Yet, no one accepting His gift is
...quite strange.

Happy Holidays, Merry X-mas
Keep it short, don't offend
How can you say you love Him
Yet, you compromise such a Friend?

The true meaning of Christmas
Doesn't lie in these things
It lies in Christ Jesus
And the joy that He brings

It lies in knowing
Had it not been for His birth
Could you be redeemed
From your sins on this earth?

So in all of your "festivities"
In all the things you do
Never forget My Son
He was "My Gift" to you!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless