Friday, February 18, 2011

Divine Provision

Divine Provision

How can I climb this mountain?
I can merely speak and the mountain has to move
but can I make the connection?

Can I bring forth liberation
after such a long time in hibernation?

Oh My God!

What appeared to be such a problem
was my training for elevation.

I see the signs and wonders
as I go forth to eliminate the obstacles with my obedience.

Oh My God!

I am really destined for success.

What in the world happened?
Thank God it wasn’t quitting time in my school of opposition.
It was merely recess.
Recess, preparing me for success
Even during the times of duress
God was stamping His approval on my access.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Dillon Lollis is the 12 year old with serious vision issues.
Billy Bolton is in his late 40s with blood clots in his heart and lungs. He under went emergency surgery last night – they said it went as well as could be expected, but he is in God’s hands now. It was a massive blood clot and they could not get all of it.
Thanks for your prayers.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pick Three Me Up

Pick Thee Me Up

Pick Thee Me Up

That's another one of Josees' expressions.

Josees is my two-year-old son.

He doesn't have perfect syntax. Even that simple statement
requires an ear trained in babyonics to understand.

Pick thee me up!

He says it as he stands in front of me with his outstretched
arms and a pleading in his eyes and voice.

Pick thee me up!
Pick thee me up!
Pick thee me up!

Over and over he pleads until sooner or later he's picked up,
giving both of us relief.

He is smart enough to recognize the father.
He is smart enough to know that the father can lift him out of
his situation.
He is smart enough to keep pleading until his plea is heard.

Whenever he is frustrated, whenever he is afraid, whenever he
feels alone, whenever he needs rest, whenever he needs,
he asks the father to "Pick thee me up."

It is a lesson that we all would do well to learn,
for we all have a heavenly father.

We all, sooner or later need to call upon him.

We all need to say. . .

Pick thee me up!

Josees was named after Joses, the brother of Jesus.

There were times when Jesus had to call on his father, and say,
"Pick thee me up."

So will you.

(1 Cor 6:14) And God hath both raised up the Lord,
and will also raise up us by his own power.

Pick Thee Me Up

Thank you , Donna Durham for this Letter
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please pray For Dillon Lollis is the 12 year old with serious vision issues.
Billy Bolton is in his late 40s with blood clots in his heart and lungs. He under went emergency surgery last night – they said it went as well as could be expected, but he is in God’s hands now. It was a massive blood clot and they could not get all of it.Please pray for Betty , Mary Carpenter sister ,and Mary for strength to be able to go through this with her sister .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Springtime in Your Heart

Springtime in Your Heart

Keep Springtime in your heart
With its healing beams of gold .
Let the fire of Autumn
Warm you through the Winter’s cold .

All through the winds that blow,
When birds away have flown ,
Picture rays of sunshine
Through Summers you have known .

Feel the warmth of Springtime ,
Let Nature’s lovely sounds
Be heard again in spirit
Through all of Winter’s rounds .

And when it’s cold and dark
And dreary seems the day
Bask in the warmth of God’s great love
That can never pass away .

Keep Springtime in your heart
Though it may seem long ago
Through falling snow and icy winds
Its warmth in you will glow .

Spring’s lovely flowers , its azure sky ,
Kept fast in your mind’s eye ,
Will show God’s love , keep hope alive
Til Winter passes by .
Jan bagwell
God Bless
Please remember Liza Henson in prayer

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

As I grow old


As I grow old it seems that I
Grow old as grows the western sky
When day is coming to its close :
For life takes on a tint of rose
I had not known in life’s hot noon .
I see new stars I had not seen ,
A surer faith ,a peace serene ,
As I grow old .

As I grow old , like men at even ,
I turn my eyes again to heaven ,
That were so busy with the earth :
And there I find the things of worth ,
The things most beautiful of all .
Upon the world a fairer light ,
A golden glean ,a beacon bright ,
As I grow old .

As I grow old the winds of life
Die down ,the hate ,the hurt ,the strife .
The waters calm ,the waves are still .
I want no triumph, wish no ill
To any man . now from my heart
The ancient angers all depart .
New friends I know ,news songs are sung ,
New joys are mine – yes ,I grow young
As I grow old
Jan Bagwell
God Bless and kept you

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Best You Can

The Best You Can
When others get ahead of you
in everything you try to do ,
Don’t give up trying ,don’t feel blue…
Just do the best you can .

When those you trusted let you down
And greet your smile with scowl and
and frown ,
Don’t turn and run right out of town …
Just do the best you can .

Though other people criticize
The things you say , your work despise ;
Just straighten up and raise your eyes …
And do the best you can .

When sorrow strikes with crushing blow ,
When day by day you lonelier grow
Remember , there is One who’ll know …
So do the best you can .

He’ll never let you down , be sure ,
Although His purpose seems obscure
Just trust in Him , keep your heart pure
And do the best you can .

So when the course of Life is run ,
Though fame and wealth you have
not won ,
He’ll say “ That was a job well done”…
So do the best you can do .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Lesson learned this past week , If you feel a friend let you down , you have to forgive them . It does not matter, who right . Everytime I started to pray , I was reminded . Thank you , My Lord , for dealing with me . { And the Anchor Holds , though life wind blow me around , God is there in the mist of the storm ].Praise God ! Praise God !