Saturday, August 1, 2020


Words, they move in a certain way
Neutral they're never, they always convey
Words they build, words they slay
Words give life, words bring death
In death words bring condemnation
Causing wars in many a generation
Spoken in life they are a God-given collection
Used by the power of the Spirits direction
If words convey beauty and are given with pleasure
They are received with love and held as treasure
Words conveying pain are tossed aside
But never before the pain has died
Words which edify and minister God's grace
Make us a burning light in a dark place
Words are not made from what is without
We speak how we live, they come from the heart
Our words must be loving and gentle and kind
Just like our Saviour in whom we abide

Like a Brook

Like a Brook

Like a Brook
Life is time of changing courses ,
Changing moods and altered wills –
Like a brook that changes pathways
Through the woodlands , fields and hills;
It is time of changing values –
From beginning to its end –
Where we choose ,with growing wisdoms ,
Newer courses ; better friends.

There are years of rushing splendors ,
Reckless thrills and lustful fonds;
Times of tears that flood and threaten
Loves of life and human bonds;
Years of struggle – trail and error –
When we reach for higher goals ,
Searching life for truths and comforts
That are balm for heart and soul .

Then there come the years of ebbing ,
In the quiet pool of life ,
Where there are no rushing waters-
No demands of youth or strife ;
Graceful years that hold no changes
For our courses , wills and ways –
Where the Lords makes calm the waters
That precede our Judgment Day .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Homesick for Heaven

Homesick for Heaven

I'm getting homesick for heaven
it's on my mind night and day
I'm looking forward to that city
where with Jesus I'll forever stay.

I do not know the day or hour
when I'll run my final race
but this one thing I know for sure
I'm going to a better place.

Yes, He's preparing for me a mansion
far beyond the starry sky
one day I'll see my loved ones
and we'll never, ever die.

Because I chose to simply believe
in Jesus death on the cross for me
I know my faith will become sight
and in Heaven my dear Savior I'll see.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


God is Just

Cry for help, but will anyone answer?
To which saint will you turn to in vain?
For resentment will kill fools like cancer;
and from envy the simple are slain.

I have seen a fool's progress ascending,
then, abruptly his house has been cursed.
All his children -- in court -- need defending,
but none help get their ruling reversed.

Those who hunger consume what he's planted,
although guarded with brambles and stealth.
While the thirsty have endlessly panted
and have coveted after his wealth.

For affliction springs not from the soil;
from the earth, neither trouble nor pain.
Yet we're born to a lifetime of toil
just as surely as sparks from the flame.

As for me, I'd appeal to God's wonder
and I'd place my concerns in his hand;
see his marvelous deeds without number,
and his greatness we can't understand.

He brings rain to the world's four corners,
and sends water down into the field.
He uplifts the disgraced and the mourners;
provides solace for those who need healed.​

He so frustrates the plots of the scheming,
and defeats all the works of their hands.
He entraps those thought wise in their dreaming;
​sweeps away their most cunning of plans.

Every day will be dark and they'll stagger,
like they're groping at night -- but at noon.
But he rescues the poor from the dagger:
all the slander the mighty impugn.

There is hope for the poor and neglected;
when the jaws of injustice are barred.
Oh, how Blessed are those God has corrected;
so endeavor when life becomes hard.

For he wounds, still his arms can surround you;
and he strikes, yet his hands make you whole.
Six disasters, but none will confound you;
even seven, he'll safeguard your soul.

In a famine, he'll keep you from dying;
and in war, from the tip of the spear.
You'll be hidden from tongues that are lying;
face destruction without any fear.

You will laugh at all drought and disaster;
of wild beasts, you will not be afraid.
You'll commune with the stones in the pasture;
with its animals, peace will be made.

You will find that your home's sure and steady;
your possessions will be safe and sound.
And your offspring -- you know will be many;
your descendants, like grass on the ground.

You will come to your graveside full-seasoned,
just as ripe as the harvested sheave.
We've determined these things are well-reasoned.
​Simply listen to me and believe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Courage To Live

Courage To Live :

To those who have tried and seemingly have failed ,
Reach out ,dear Lord , and comfort them today ;
For those whose hope has dimmed ,whose faith has paled,
Lift up some lighted heavenly torch , I pray .
They are so frightened ,Lord ;reach out a hand .
They are so hurt and helpless ; be their friend .
Baffled and blind ,they do not understand –
They think this dark and tangled road the end .

Oh ,touch to flame their hope that has burned low ,
And strike with fire faith,s ashes that are dead .
Let them walk proudly once again ,and go
Seeking the sure and steadfast light ahead .
Help them to move among their fellow men
With courage to live ,courage to try again .
Jan Bagwell