Thursday, September 17, 2015

The four anchors during the storms of life

The four anchors during the storms of life

Sometimes sad things happen during our life
they flare up suddenly causing us strife.
No stars or sun shine during night or day
so four anchors we drop to hold our stay.

The first anchor is the Teaching of the Lord
for we all believe and trust in His Word
knowing that He is aware of our plight
and that we are never out of His sight.

In Fellowship we link our shields of faith
braving the storm together we feel safe.
Love for each other is an anchor sweet
and united we seek the storms’ defeat.

Then Prayer’s anchor we lower away
for we know that Jesus likes us to pray
and feel that He is with us in the boat
and that He’s able to keep us afloat.

After Breaking Bread we then share the Cup
remembering that Jesus never gave up.
Anchored in the One who rose from the grave
knowing He is mighty and strong to save.

Then the storm subsides and the sorrows cease
as He gives to us His heavenly peace
and the healing balm that Jesus can bring
reaches the depths of our inmost being.

We feel Him lift us out of our despair
and rest in the calm of His presence there.
Then gazing into His wonderful face
deep soothing within our spirit takes place.

As His arms enfold us in love we sense
the preciousness of His wondrous presence,
and while resting in His loving embrace,
once more the world’s challenges we can face.
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !
Acts 27:29 - Then, fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern, and prayed for day to come.Acts 2:42 - And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of brea

Who Is This Man?

Who Is This Man?

Who is this man that some revere,
While many wish Him hate?
His name it shakes the pits of hell
For even there He's great.
There is no other like Him,
No other soul so pure
The one who was, and is to come,
On that we can be sure.
His voice like many waters,
And hair as white as snow,
His eyes like flames of fire,
With their mesmerizing glow.
The Alpha and Omega,
The Beginning and the End.
The first before creation,
And the last to bring us in.
His countenance no eyes can hold,
It shines just like the sun,
The good that flowed from His great works,
Could never be undone.
That's why some of us call Him King,
And why we feel secure.
The lion of Judah has our back,
And nothing could be truer.
The Son of God has been revealed,
The mystery now done,
Crowns of gold sit on His head,
Yet He loves us every one.
Joined forever, grafted in
The Gentiles now like Jews.
Our hearts are one and spirits too,
With One King who can't lose.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
He'll surely bring us home.
To worship at His feet of brass,
No deserts left to roam.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves

In full autumn splendour the trees display
proclaiming the glory of God each passing day.
For The Divine Artist every year paints each tree
so that all people on earth His glory can see.

And when He has finished painting each one
He brings out their colour with the blazing sun
and uses the wind to dislodge each leaf
to form a carpet on the ground beneath.

He has given us eyes so that we can see
His glory and majesty in every tree
and like an artist He uses His creation
to show all of us the way of salvation.

For as each leaf fell to the ground and died
so Christ gave His life when crucified.
His blood flows red like autumn leaves
and cleanses all who His love receives.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dark Shadows Fall in the Lives of us All :

Dark Shadows Fall in the Lives of us All :

Sickness and sorrow
come to us all ,
But through it we grow
and learn to stand tall ,
Far trouble is part and parcel of life
and  no man can grow
without struggle and strife ,
And the more we endure
with patience and grace
 The stronger we grow
and the more we can face ,
And the more we can face ,
the greater our love ,
And with love in our hearts
we are more conscious of
The pain and the sorrow
in lives everywhere ,
So it is through trouble
that we learn how to share .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

God asks no man whether he will accept life .That is not the choice . You must take it . The only choice is how .

Monday, September 14, 2015

This Tiny Cross of Pain

This Tiny Cross of Pain

Though prayers for healing
 seemed in vain ,
God helped me learn
 to live with pain ;
To use the very
 thing I dread
For closer walk
 with Him  instead ;

And how to lend
 a listening ear

To those who hurt\

 and shed a tear

of symapathy,

or press their hand –

worth more because

I understand .


Dear God ,if that’s

the only way

You’d have me serve

from day to day ,

please use this

tiny cross of pain

 for others

 and for Heavens’s gain !

Jan Bagwell

God  Bless

Jan Bagwell