Friday, July 6, 2012

Five minutes After I die Lost :

Five minutes After I die Lost :

Loved ones will weep o’er my silent face ;
Dear ones will clasp me in sad embrace ;
Shadows and darkness will fill the place  ,
Five minutes after I die .
Faces that sorrow I will not see ;
Voices that murmur will not reach me ;
But where ,oh,where will my spirit be ,
Five minutes after I die .

Here ,I have rested ,and roved , and ranged ;
Here , I have cherished ,and grown estranged .
There ,and then, it will all be changed ,
Five minutes after I die .
Naught to repair the good I lack ;
Fixed to  the goal of my chosen track;
No room to repent – no turning back ,
Five minutes after I die !

Now ,I can strife convictions stirred ;
Now ,I can silence the voice oft heard ;
Then ,the fulfillment of God’s sure Word,
Fives minutes  after I die .
Mated for aye with my chosen throng ;
Long is eternity ,oh so long !
Then woe is me if my soul is wrong ,
Five minutes after I die .

Oh ,what a fool ! Hard the word , but true ,
Passing the Saviour , with hell in view ,
Doing a thing I can ne’er undo ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Since I am flinging a fortune away ;
Since I am wasting salvation’s day ,
“just is my sentence,” my soul shall say ,
Fives minutes after I die .
Jan Bagwell   
God Bless !
Think about it !

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Three Things

   Three Things

I know three things must ever be ,
To keep a nation strong and free:
One is a hearthstone bright and dear
With busy , happy loved ones near ;
One is a ready heart and hand
To love and serve and keep the land ;
One is a worn and beaten way
To where the people go to pray .
So long as these are kept alive ,
Nation and people  will survive  .
God keep them , always ,everywhere ,
The hearth , the flag ,the place of prayer .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Have a blessed and safe 4th of July

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teach America To Pray

Teach America To Pray
Lord ,we would bow in need of Thee
Throughout this land from sea to sea ,
From where Atlantic’s breakers roar
To blue Pacific’s golden shore ,
Oh , may we all in longing say ,
Lord ,teach America to pray !

May we our sins to Thee confess ,
Pleading in faith Thy righteousness ,
May we again come to Thy throne ,
Returning that which is Thine own .
Our broken hearts before Thee lay .
Lord , teach America to pray !

May our good land be true and just ,
Her motto e’er “In God We Trust .”
May she be guided by Thy Word .
Thy wisdom in her walls be heard .
May all who love her plead today ,
Lord , teach America to pray !

And as her flag unfurls on high
Its starry splendor to the sky ,
May we , in grateful thanks to Thee
Who gave to us this land so free ,
Preserve her freedom in Thy way
Lord , teach America to pray!

To pray that cruel wars may cease ,
That to the world may come Thy peace ,
That ever , always , at Thy feet ,
We may attain communion sweet ,
In loving trust to Thee we say ,
Lord , teach America to pray
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in Pray for J.D Holiday and family