Friday, February 28, 2014



What does it take to make you happy?
Could it be great fame or wealth,
Or wearing modern styles and fashions,
Or just being in very good health?

Many, unfortunately, try alcohol,
And drugs they seem to treasure.
They're trying to gain joy and peace.
They're seeking happiness and pleasure.

Many are happy for just a season
When they can buy the latest IPOD
Or the latest line of smart phones.
I wonder if they ever talk to God.

Worldly pleasures can bring happiness
For just a short season, I'm sure,
But they fail to bring inner peace.
Through time, this will not endure.

We can find great joy and hapiness
That can satisfy the human soul
By accepting Jesus as our Savior,
And let serving Him be our goal.

We can find the happiness that we seek
As we turn our lives over to God.
We can have great joy and inner peace
As on this road of life we trod.

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
When we do not know what to say.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray for Brother Billy Phillips , he will have a operation  Thursday  .

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

If Today I Met Jesus

If Today I Met Jesus

If today I were to meet Jesus,
and my life here came to an end
I would be so excited
to finally meet my eternal Friend.

I would run up to Him,
and look into His face
I would be so very thankful
for His endless supply of grace.

I would drop down to my knees,
and worship my everlasting King
I would shout hallelujah
and my praises I would sing.

I would leap and jump with joy,
as soon as my feet hit the floor
I would be forever grateful
He opened to me heaven's door.

If today I were to meet Jesus,
and I were to see my eternal Friend
I know that I would be in paradise
and my bliss would never end.
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Who Will Go?

Who Will Go?

Who will go and preach God's Holy Word,
To the many souls who have never heard?

Who will go forth sowing and weeping?
For there will be souls for the reaping.

Who will go to the next door neighbor,
To tell them about Jesus Christ, their Savior?

Who will go to help those in need?
Whether poor or rich, who will plant the seed?

Who will go to the regions beyond you,
To share the Gospel, whether to many or few?

Who will go to a foreign field,
Where souls of the Harvest are ready to yield?

Who will go? God asks the question.
Here am I, send me. Go without hesitation. 
Please pray for my Mother { Hazel Bagwell }
BillyPhillips  Gall Bladder
Greg Thomas
Daivd and Hali Bagwell
Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell
Jan Bagwell 
Judy Pangborn

Monday, February 24, 2014

It Takes A Broken Heart

It Takes A Broken Heart

Sometimes, it takes a broken heart,
that God has to repair and mend
sometimes, it takes one crushed
by a loved one or a friend.

Sometimes, He needs a heart,
that is full of grief and pain
sometimes, it takes one mournful
filled with regret and shame.

Sometimes, He needs a heart,
suffering one blow after blow
sometimes, it takes one sorrowful
so His mercy He can show.

Sometimes, He needs a heart,
shattered and torn
sometimes, it takes one regretful
full of self-contempt and scorn.

Sometimes, God needs your heart,
broken and beaten down
so He may come into your life
and turn your world around.

Sometimes, it takes a broken heart,
that finally seeks His face
sometimes, it takes a broken spirit
to receive the fullness of His grace!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless