Friday, September 9, 2011

He Lives In Me

He Lives In Me
He lives in me , He does ,
He guides my steps , and through His eyes
I see the beauty of the days ,
The earth , the rivers and the skies .
Throughout the stillness of the night ,
I am at peace because I feel
His presence deep within my soul ,
And never doubt that He is real .

He lives in me … what miracle ,
That made from only humble clay ,
This heart of mine can reach right up
And touch His own , each time I pray .

His ways are wiser than my own ,
And so within His loving hands ,
I place my little hopes and dreams ,
Because He truly understands .

Nor will I fear what lies ahead ,
Before His light all shadows fade ,
In his light all shadows fade ,
In His good time shall come made .
And so I need no tongue to speak ,
No ears to hear , no eyes to see ,
My needs are well provided for ,
….Because I know God lives in me !
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Have a blessed weekend !

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let It Be Said

Let It Be Said
May I go on record as
One whose grateful lips have tasted
Of the sweetest nature has ,
On whose eyes no day was wasted ,
May these humble ears be noted ,
For the melodies they heard ,
Pouring from the golden throated
Robin and the Mocking bird .

In the faded pages of
The musty volume of the years ,
Beneath the chapter labeled Love ,
Inscribe my smiles but not my tears.
List my name among the lowly ,
‘Lest this heart be puffed with pride ,
All that’s good and all that’s holy ,
Will not justly be denied .

These two feet were made to travel ,
Down whatever road He leads
And these two hands to unravel
Tender bloom from bitter weed .
Mine the pen , but His the phrases ,
And whatever these have stirred ,
Be it naught save what upraises
….Each man closer to the Lord .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Please remember in pray , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , my mother Hazel Bagwell , Frankie Wilson , Mary Carpenter , Judy Howard . God answers all prayers big and small .

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



While a man was polishing his new car, his 4-year-old son picked
up stone and scratched lines on the side of the car.

In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times;
not realizing he was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all of his fingers due to multiple fractures.

When the child saw his father... with painful eyes he asked,
"Dad when will my fingers grow back?"

The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and
kicked it a lot of times.

Devastated by his own actions sitting in front of that car he
looked at the scratches; the child had written


Anger and Love have no limits; choose Love to have a beautiful,
lovely life

Things are to be used and people are to be loved,
But the problem in today's world is that,
People are often used and things are loved.

Let's be careful to keep this thought in mind:
Things are to be used, but People are to be loved ...

It was a horrible story. Yet, the
principle was so true.

Do parents hit their kids with wrenches and permanently damage
them? Vicious child abuse definitely happens but there is a
child abuse that is far more frequent and prevalent.

A billboard that was around the city had these words:

"Words Hit As Hard As A Fist!"

...or a wrench.

It is immediately evident the cruelty of hitting a child with a
wrench and permanently damaging them. But what about the cruelty
of words? Words when spoken in rage, frustration or just plain
meanness can permanently damage the self-image of child.

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword but the pen
is simply the extension of the tongue.

Watch your words. They can be more dangerous and devastating
that a sword.

This story was took off of a T.V. news program . {60 minutes ] . It upset me so much , I had to write about it .

God Bless ,
Jan Bagwell
I have been guilt of saying things in anger , God forgive me !
Please remember to pray for , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , my mother Hazel Bagwell , Frankie Wilson , Mary Carpenter , Judy Howard .Praise report...My friend Brad Rogers has had his MRI after chemo treatment and was told he was cancer-free...God is Good all the time

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

He's There

He’s There
The storm of life will gather
and the bitter winds assail ,
Yet beyond the depths of anguish
is a love that cannot fail .

It’s a love that’s always with us
though at times it seems obscure ,
But there never is desertion
in a love so true and pure .

When at times you feel deserted
and you seem to walk alone ,
Try to picture God in glory
seated on the mercy throne .

Try to picture Christ at Calvary
as He hung upon the tree ,
and how lonely ,when He cried out –
“Why has Thou forsaken Me ?”

Yes , our Lord once had the feeling
That He , too ,was all alone ,
Yet , God proved that He was present
sitting on the mercy throne .

Satan often tries to trick us
Into thinking God’s not there ,
But if Calvary’s our example ,
He is closest in despair .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Remember our God care about everything in our life’s .
If you want something , pray in faith. And if it God will you will have it .
Please remember in pray , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , my mother Hazel Bagwell , Frankie Wilson , Mary Carpenter , Judy Howard .

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Road Home

The Road Home
There’s a big road in the city ,
They call the Great White Way
Where the bright lights,
the staring white lights ,
turn the night into day .

But you’re lonely when you walk it
For you want once more to find
In the shadows , in the darkness ,
The old road you left behind .

It’s the old road back to homeland ,
It’s the outcasts only goal
Where the ever cruel white lights
Cast no shadow o’er your soul .

It’s the old road back to homeland ,
It’s the road you want to roam ,
With the hand of God to guide you ….
It’s the road to home sweet home .
God Bless ,
Jan Bagwell
Please remember in pray , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , my mother Hazel Bagwell , Frankie Wilson , Mary Carpenter , Judy Howard . God answers all prays big and small .