Thursday, June 30, 2016

River of Living Water

River of Living Water

Oh sweet Lord and Savior, Your glory fills this place,
Your Presence is Divine; the reflection of Your grace,
Like a drop of crystal water, to a dry and thirsty soul,
The fullness of Your love, completely makes me whole.

As I quietly sit before You, soaking in Your gentle ways,
I cannot stop the tears of joy, from streaming down my face.
Your mercy brings me to my knees, Your beauty is so pure,
Like pristine sparkling water, that leaves me wanting more.

You are altogether lovely, so gracious, kind, and meek,
Jesus Christ, my dear Beloved, the One whose face I seek,
Your tender mercies soothe my soul, like gentle beads of dew,
That settle in the midst of night, to freshen and renew...

Lord, I lift my hands to heaven; I praise Your Holy Name!
Since You touched my heart, my life is not the same,
Every struggle, every wound, every pain, and every fear,
Was swept away with Love, when You whispered, "I am here."
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

You took away my longing thirst, a spring now flows in me,
From Your Fountain of Living Water, You set my spirit free.
Like a droplet on a peaceful lake, that ripples to the shore,
From the throne of God, and of the Lamb...Let The River Pour!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Acrostic Announcment

Acrostic Announcment

All of His universe, screams for validation;
Bothering it does not, with human speculation

Cautiously pulsing, the fabric of reality did;
Dividing itself across time, multiplying at His whim

Earnestly working, the matter of creation longs;
Following His perfect example, awaiting the banquet song

Galaxy distant explosions, molding the limits of space;
Hold nothing in comparison, to His beautiful face

Infinity stands as dust, seen through the lens of Him;
Justice flows forth, a sinner cleaned from sin

Knocking at a door, and standing upon eternity;
Longing to be with you, His dying made you free

Marvelous rivers of neon righteousness;
Now roar with fury, waiting for completeness

Obsidian stains, of iniquitous enormity;
Pander to my mind, though my sights are set on thee

Quixotically I work, leading to nothing but frustration;
Revealed to me it was, Your death, is my salvation

Saved not by my works, or anything I’ve done;
Through the cross I am saved, by the blood of Your Son

Under grace, not truth, I fall and stand again;
Voraciously I speak to others, of Your return and when

Welcome we shall be, in the arms of A Perfect Architect;
Xenial to a level, unseen by fallen intellect

Yahweh. My King. Author of perpetuity. 
Zenith of existence, all creation longs for Thee.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, June 27, 2016

How Little Love

How Little Love

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Another child molested,
while we live unaware.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Abused and battered mothers -
but leave - they wouldn't dare.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
A mother and her daughter -
now homeless, in despair.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
They've no place with little food
and nothing much to wear.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Then a fellow takes them in -
another plight they share.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Tell yourself that they're okay -
it's not so bad out there.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Go about your business and
convince yourself it's rare.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Faithful always, our routine
with comfort in the air.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
It doesn't really matter.
It's happening elsewhere.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
We'd rather do the talking
from our most favorite chair.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Pray a few more minutes and
convince your God you care.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
Tell God about your troubles -
then see if He's unfair.

Goodnight my Christian brother.
Please say a little prayer.
'Common folk' to billionaire,
how little love we share.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Perfect Masterpiece

Perfect Masterpiece
Peered I, up to the heavens. So stunned, I stood in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and this is what I saw...
A sight exposing every truth, that made me nearly faint.
A sight, that in a million years, no man could ever paint.
A special, brand new masterpiece that God creates each day.
A special, brand new vision that He gives along my way.

I see a vast creation that is pure outside and in
before His work is tarnished by horrendous, evil sin.
He paints His skies so differently. No two are just the same.
He paints the creatures on the earth - the wild and the tame.
The sunsets over mountain peaks are not identical -
and snowflakes falling from the sky - not precisely equal.
The clouds float freely with the breeze while rolling on thin air.
Though no two skies are just alike, they share the canvas there.
And no two meadows look the same as I walk down His path.
I see no trees identical when grown through nature's wrath.
Not equal are the mountain streams or creatures of the wild.
And so unique the sunsets are - as faces of a child.
So patiently, a flower bud waits ready to unfurl.
A swirl of brilliant petals bloom. I see a little girl.
Her whole life laid in front of her that she became forthwith -
another link within the chain this world had yanked her with.
Priorities had dragged her from her work to shopping mall.
And every day, a masterpiece - yet she had missed them all.
Now richly dressed as all the rest who never seemed to care,
she peered inside a cancer ward and saw young children there.
She saw the face of one small boy with cute and chubby cheeks -
and though the tears had dried away she saw the many streaks.
They washed away the happiness in life so short, but giving -
as sin has made the sky to fall on innocent still living.
God waves His hand across the sky, but have I failed to see -
out way beyond my own routine, beyond my vanity?
God paints a perfect masterpiece on each and every child.
I finally saw His masterpiece when that young child smiled.
Peered I, up to the heavens. Through tears, I prayed in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and that is what I saw...
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !