Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Thunderbolt of Fear

The Thunderbolt of Fear

The thunderbolt of fear,
frightens and horrifies
until panic sets in
and the soul it terrifies.

It moves ever quickly,
through our worried minds
then it settles in
when our weakness, it finds.

Fears jolting boom,
is felt deep in the heart
then the resounding dread
in our soul beings to start.

It freezes and it seizes,
our feet to the floor
as soon as we hear
it's rumbling, cracking roar.

But fear can be conquered,
when at first you hear it's clap
take your worries to the Lord
and lay your trust in His lap!
Psalm 56:3
King James Version

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."

Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

Within each of us,
the Holy Spirit lives
and His awesome power
in our life's He wants to give.

But, we must feel the fire,
the burning of desire
to call upon His strength
so His might we'll acquire.

Once we have received,
this supernatural gift
our souls will belong to Him
and we'll no longer drift.

For, He'll anchor us in His love,
in all things, we'll have peace
and His unexplainable joy
in our life's will never cease.

We'll have patience for everyone,
to others we'll be kind
His gentleness and goodness
will fill our hearts and minds.

People will see that our faith,
is kind and full of justice
for our meekness will shine
as they learn to trust us.

Within each of us,
the Holy Spirit lives
and all of His fruits . . .
the Holy Spirit wants to give!
Galatians 5:22-23
King James Version

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace,long-suffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law."

Jan Bagwell
God Bless!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Soldier Comes Home

A Soldier Comes Home

He listens carefully to every sound.
He learns to keep an ear to the ground.
He does his duty in all kinds of weather,
And war and sleep do not go together.

Of battlefields, the soldier grows weary.
Oft times the outlook is very dreary,
But then his mind begins to roam
To happy scenes and thoughts of home.

With life so fragile from day to day,
The soldier doth all his priorities weigh.
Though terrors of war may take their toll,
Going home is the number one goal.

The plane lands at an American base.
A soldier departs with a smile on his face.
He exits the plane with a leap and a bound.
Then he kneels down and kisses the ground.

A Christian soldier stays on the alert.
He serves his Savior and does not desert.
He serves through trials, sorrows, and woe.
Victory comes through Christ who loves us so.

Battling temptations from day to day,
That soldier gets weary along the way.
Then happy thoughts of home may loom,
And victory seems to swallow the gloom.

He knows it will be worth it all
When before his Savior he will fall,
Because that soldier was saved by grace,
He'll go home to see Jesus face to face.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

America Confesses

America Confesses

Our father, bring us to the remembrance of Thy people. Tine ancient and time-honored promise: “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
We ----This country  of Thy people assembled -----would begin now to meet the conditions that will enable Thee to fulfill Thy promise.
May all of America come to understand that right-living alone exalteth a nation, that only in Thy will can power and joy be found. But Lord, this land cannot be righteous unless her people are righteous, and we, here gathered, are part of America . We know that the world cannot be changed until the hearts of men are hanged. Our hearts need to be changed.
We therefore confess to Thee that:
Wrong ideas and sinful living have put us off from Thee
We have been greedy.
We have sought to hide behind barricades of selfishness; shackles have imprisoned the great heart of America .
We have tried to isolate ourselves from the bleeding wounds of a blundering world of our self-sufficiency we have not sought Thy help.
We have held conferences and ignored Thee completely
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Monday, May 30, 2016

The other side Grace

This isn’t death, it’s glory!
It isn’t dark, it’s light;
It isn’t stumbling, groping
Or even faith, ---- it’s sight!

This isn’t grief, it’s having.
My last tear wiped away.
It’s sunrise, it’s the morning
Of my eternal day!

This isn’t even praying,
It’s speaking face to face;
It’s listening, and it’s glimpsing
The wonders of His grace.

This is the end of pleading
For strength to bear the pain;
Not even pain’s dark memory
Will ever live again.

How did I bear the earth life
Before I came up higher,
Before my soul was granted
It’s every deep desire.

Before I knew this rapture
Of meeting face to face
The One who sought me, saved me,
And kept me by His grace!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !