Saturday, March 7, 2015

The One

The One

We simply cannot grasp the loss
Until it becomes our painful cross
Whether we become the one
When at last all is said and done.

There is suffering and heartache
So humbling when we must take
Yet, if there would be but one
Who believes in God, the Son.

Rest and peace will surely come
Even when a body must succumb
Because God asks for us to care
Take the time to love and share.

And only time will truly tell
If we are the one, or the well
For the one who needs the friend
Might become you, in the end.

Life is hard and unpredictable
But God calls on the able
Yet sadly so many fail to give
In their own life they will live.

So hear the words the Savior sends
He says, "I have called you friends"
There is no greater love, cries the Son
When you are called to be the "one"

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Friday, March 6, 2015

Circle Of Love

Circle Of Love

. . . . and bring our love around again in selfless peace that has no end -
as with a circle bright and true, is love of fam'ly, love of friend -
though some may laugh while others grieve, forgiveness we can sure achieve,
through God's vast blessings scattered 'round so those in need can hence receive -
the Son of God who's virgin born - through whip and nails and piercing thorn -
our sacrifice, the ultimate - a perfect Savior, bloody, torn -
because God loved and likewise we, bring certain hope that others see -
these blessings of a risen Lord so that they too could also be
in peace that's pure as snowy dove while singing praise to God above -
and standing faithful hand in hand - in this, our circle filled with love . . . .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Spirit Intercessory Prayer

Pray when sore trials come
And you're burdened with care.
Pray having faith, believing.
Our burdens, He will bear.

Pray when your heart grieves,
And you don't know what to say.
Depend on the Holy Spirit.
He will help us when we pray.

Pray even when words fail you,
And all you can do is cry.
The Holy Spirit helps us pray
When all we can do is sigh.

Pray when the circumstances
Seem to be beyond our control.
The Lord will send us answers,
And peace will fill the soul.

The Spirit makes intercession
When we know not what to pray.
He can help us talk to God
When we do not know what to say. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
Please Pray for Judy Howard , Frankie Patton Wilson and Mary Phillips

Into The Wilderness

Into the Wilderness


Into the wilderness,
we sometimes all have to go
when we start thinking
God’s  blessings  no longer flow.

We find that we're still hungry,
and our thirst isn't satisfied
so we wander off in the world
seeking what it has to provide.

We complain and we moan,
about our wanting state
for His provisions don't come
at a fast or quick enough rate..

We seem just to be surviving,
with the little that we've got
and the graces of our Lord
in our heart's we have forgot.

We can't see the future,
for today looks too bleak
we don't see how small we are
until He makes us feel weak.

Then the Lord sends to us,
His manna from above
and He covers us once again
with His mercy and love.

Into the wilderness,
we all sometimes have to go
but God only keeps us there
so our faith in Him will grow!

Jan Bagwell

God  Bless !

King  James Version

Exodus 16 :14

14 And when the dew that lay was gone up , behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing , as small as the hoar frost on the ground.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Making A Difference For God

Making A Difference For God


Are we making a difference for God
As we serve Him down here below?
Can people see Jesus in our lives?
Does our love for Jesus Christ show?

Some folks get gloriously saved,
But they fail to grow in grace.
They seem to stay babes in Christ.
They seem to stay in the same place.

Let us try to do good unto others,
Having compassion for those in need,
Submitting ourselves to God's will,
And letting the Holy Spirit lead.

Let us make a difference for God.
Let's have great compassion for souls.
Let's make winning souls for Christ
One of our Christian service goals.

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !

Jude 22  “ And some have compassion making a drifference”.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Beyond the deepest darkness

Beyond the deepest darkness

Beyond the deepest darkness there shines a Great Light;
inextinguishably burning, forever bright.
But the servants of darkness united as one
in their hatred against The Brightly Burning One.

They were determined all of His goodness to quell
so they dragged Him into the pit of death and hell.
This world of the dead became the last battle ground
and all of Satan's minions gathered around.

But He stood His ground before this mighty throng
when in death's sepulchre they rushed at Him headlong.
Trying to find one sin as in battle they engaged
and His soul was ravaged as Satan’s forces raged.

His strength was all dried up in His great weariness.
His tongue cleaved to His mouth and yet onward He pressed.
For three long days and nights without respite He fought
with those unearthly foes He wrestled and He wrought.

By His sinless life He destroyed Satan's powers,
winning the fight with death that final foe of ours.
Then bursting from the grave in triumph He arose
with victory and supremacy over His foes.

The Eternal Light and that Uncreated Beam
in which the Glory of God’s greatness can be seen;
that Wholesome and Holy; that Everlasting Light
still rd; and Christ.shines in the face of   Jesus Christ
burning bright. ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
2 Corinthians 4: 6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.