Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Plate of Grace

A Plate of Grace

Come this Thanksgiving . . .
there will be no turkey with dressing
there will only be a plate of gratitude
served with God's many blessings.

As a substitute for candied yams,
we are going to feast on His kindness
and taste the sweetness of His favor
as we reflect on His loving guidance.

There will be no rolls and butter,
instead, we'll eat of the Bread of Life
and with gratitude we'll give our thanks
that we no longer live in hopeless strife.

In the place of creamy mashed potatoes,
there will be praise piled just as high
and we will sing to Him our adoration
instead of eating pumpkin pie.

The only beverage we will drink,
will be from the one True Vine
and with sanctification on our lips
Jesus' sacrifice will be as sweet as wine.

Come this Thanksgiving . . .
I'm not making a traditional dinner
I'll only be serving the grace of God . . .
to those I know ~ who are still a sinner!
2 Corinthians 12:9
King James Version

"And he said unto me, My grace is 
sufficient for thee: for my strength is 
made perfect in weakness. Most gladly 
therefore will I rather glory in my 
infirmities, that the power of Christ 
may rest upon me."

Lord, We Give You Thanks..

Lord, We Give You Thanks

Lord, we give You thanks, for the bounty of this land,
As you have touched the earth, with the power of Your hand,
Causing grain to flourish, giving forth our daily bread,
Love's provision for Your children, that we are always fed.

Lord, we give You thanks, for the fruit of the tree,
Whose seed is in itself; a wondrous mystery of Thee...
And for the horn of plenty, overflowing from the fields,
The fatness of the earth, and the harvest that it yields.

Lord, we give You thanks, for the sun that's in the sky,
For the seasons of the moon, and the dew that falls from high.
For the hills watered from Your chambers, as You satisfy the earth, 
Then send forth Your warmth, to nourish its rebirth.

Lord, how great are your works! In wisdom You made all,
To heed Your mighty voice, and hearken to Your call.
We praise You Precious Father, today and every day!
Please bless our time together, as we bow our heads and pray.

Lord, we give You thanks, for our family and our friends,
As we gather in Your Name, please help us comprehend,
That every good and perfect gift, is from Your Throne Above,
That we may see Your glory, and be nourished by Your Love!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Your Voice

Your Voice

A soft whisper I hear 
In the chaos of the night 
Making my mind clear 
Bringing vision to my sight 

So very clear 
It is then to me 
That whenever I fear 
You reveal Your Glory

Utterly dispersed into the air
That which brought me fear 
For I now see that You are here
And no danger can come near 

Your spoken words to me 
Pierce deep into my heart 
I fear nothing instantly 
Fully immersed in Your love

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Praise of Peace, The Peace in Praise

The Praise of Peace, The Peace in Praise

The praise of peace
The peace in praise
Inside the heart is Jesus raised
The ransom paid in love the cost
So that my soul may not be lost
I praise the peace in Him alone
Forgiven sins He did atone
In peace He holds me close to thee
In praise I pray to constant be



Lord, today you showed me,
Just how much you care.
With the answer,
To my prayer.

You reached down,
Gently touched my soul.
Healed this broken vessel,
And once again made me whole.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of just how good You are.
You are my bright shinning,
Morning Star.

All darkness is gone,
Now Your light does shine.
Where fear once was,
Now Your peace is mine.

Lord, today you reminded me,
Of your perfect love.
By showing me to take my eyes,
And focus them on things above.

To see the many things,
You do for me.
You are the living example,
of what I should be.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

What Really Matters

What Really Matters

It matters not if I ever eat
Gourmet foods and fine steak.
It matters not if I ever wear
The finest clothes they make.

It matters not if I ever drive
The best cars that they sell.
What really matters most to me is
With the Lord, is my soul well?

We can just sin away our lives
And waste them down here below,
Or we can accept Jesus as Savior.
In His grace, then we can grow.

There is great peace in knowing
That when this life here is o'er,
I will step into God's presence
On that peaceful, golden shore.